Back To School

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I woke up at 6:30 am Monday morning. I rolled out of bed and put on a pair of black leggings, a creme colored 3/4 length sleeve top with Tinkerbell on it, and a frayed light-denim sleeveless jacket. I brushed my hair and teeth then went downstairs. I glanced at the clock. It was almost 7. I grabbed an apple to eat as I walked to school. Picking up my bookbag I grabbed my lunch, phone, and iPod. It was 7 o'clock when I left the house.

Ten minutes later I found myself in a herd of kids heading for the front doors of Northridgeton High School.

I had no choice but to follow the steady stream of bodies. I made my way into the school and went to the office. It was just like I remembered, back when I was here in September. It's the beginning of January now, it feels like such a long time ago I was getting forms and permission slips and ID codes and transfer slips and everything in order to prepare to go film. I walk through the fake wood door into the eerily quiet office. There are already a couple of older kids sitting in the standard office waiting room-type chairs by a door that I assume leads to the Principal's office.

I walk up to the secretary and she smiles. I return the gesture and hand her a packet of forms. "Welcome back, Bryanne. Did you have a good time?" she asks.

"Yeah, I met and worked with some fantastic people." I can't help but smile at the thought of Demi, Niall, and Nick.

"I'm glad to hear that. Now here's your schedule, and I don't think you need a map, do you?"

"No, I think I can find my way around."

"Okay, come back of you need anything."

"I will." I walked out of the office.

Checking my schedule, I headed to my first class World History with Mr. Wentz.

I got there and handed Mr. Wentz my admit slip he signed it and said, "We just started African Imperialism. You haven't learned about that yet, have you?"


"Good." The bell rang. "Everyone take a seat and start copying today's notes."

We did and 40 minutes later the bell rang. I put away my stuff and checked my schedule. Choir with Mrs. McDevett was next. I quickly headed to the choir room.

When I got there, Mrs. McDevett greeted me, "Glad you're back Bryanne. How was filming?"

"Great." I smiled.

"Good. I saw the video of you singing with Taylor Swift."

"Y-y-you did?" Mrs. McDevett may be my favorite teacher but there are some things you don't really want them to see.

"Yeah. It was fantastic. You were pitch-perfect."

"Thanks. That means a lot coming from you."

"You're welcome. Now, we are preparing for our Spring Break Concert and I need a soloist for one of the songs. Would you be interested?"

"Depends. What song?" I asked nervously.

"Um, either Skyscraper by Demi Lovato or a Taylor Swift song, off her new album. I'm very excited for that to come out. I'll let you know."

"Okay, yeah, I'd definitely be interested."

"Okay." She smiles at me.

The bell rings and everyone goes and stands on the risers. "Here is some music we may sing for the annual Spring Break Concert." Mrs. McDevett starts passing out the music.

We sang through several possible pieces for the Spring Break Concert before the bell rang.

I checked my schedule again and headed for Geometry.

I walked into the room and Mr. Smith came over immediately. "The little star is back, is she?" He smirked. "Be honest, how much geometry did you do at 'school' on set?" He put air quotes around the word school.

"Everything you sent," I smiled. "But you should know that, I sent it all to you about a week ago."

"Yes, I received that yesterday. I"

The bell rang. We went through the class, Mr. Smith getting off-topic several times in the process and then the bell rang.

I headed to Spanish. Profe Hogrefe was mucho feliz (A/N: Mucho feliz means very happy in Spanish. I didn't even have to look it up! LOL! :D) to see me back.

After Spanish I went to lunch. I scanned the room and saw some choir kids sitting at a table. I went over to them. "Hey guys. Mind if I sit here?"

"Sure, pop a squat Bryanne." Nicolette smiled.

"Hey Bryanne! Glad you're back!" Colin, Nicolette's boyfriend, said.

"Yeah, choir was so boring without you!" Leah said.

"And, because you weren't at the Christmas Concert I had to announce it." Kaylee lamented.

"And I bet you did fabulous." I said.

"Yeah, but that's beside the point."

We all ate and after lunch I went to study hall. After study hall was American Literature with Mrs. Hotchkiss. Then, lastly, was Biology with Ms. Thomas. After all my classes, it was time to go home. I followed the crowd out to the buses. I found mine and got on. I sat in an empty seat in the back with the rest of the high schoolers.

To my surprise, Megan got on the bus. She sat down next to me. "How was your first day back?" She asked.

"Fine." I said.

"Good. Nobody treated you any differently then?"

"No, why?"

"When the school found out that you were coming back we had an assembly about how to treat you. It was really lame."

"That's weird. I'm pretty sure nobody would be mobbing me at my locker anyway." I laughed.

Megan laughed too. "Yeah, I dunno what the teachers were thinking."

"Who knows, they're teachers." I shrugged.

Pretty soon, the bus reached my stop and I got off and went home.


Thanks for reading guys! Sorry this took forever, I've been super busy!

I made my school's quiz bowl team, which freshman rarely do! And I'm about to get ready to go on my first date! I'm going to go to the movies! I'm really nervous though...

Anyway, I love you all!



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