First Day Filming (Part 2)

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When we walked in a lady, probably in her mid-30's was sitting at a little desk in the middle of the room. "Welcome to Studio 3. How can I help you?"

We approached the desk. "Hi, I'm Demi Lovato, I play Emily in Freeze and this is Bryanne Fulton, she plays Anne."

"Oh, yes. Well, Mr. Wade said he wanted all actors to go to makeup as soon as they got here. So go down this hall, take a left and it's the first door on your right. The sign on the door says makeup."

"Okay, thank you." Demi started walking the way she told us.

"Yeah, thanks." I smiled and followed Demi.

We found the door and walked in. Everyone but MIranda was in various stages of getting their makeup done. We sat in the chairs with our names on them. Mine was in between Niall and Angelina. Demi's was in between Nick and Josh.

"Good morning Bryanne. My name is Tori and I'll be your makeup artist." A very pretty, short blonde girl said. She was probably about 22.

"Hey Tori. It's nice to meet you."

"You too. So, did you put any makeup on this morning?"

"Yeah, some foundation."

"Did you bring it with you?"

"Yeah." I reached into my purse and pulled out my foundation. "I brought eye liner and concealer too." I said grabbing those as well.

"Alright." She took my makeup, set the concealer and eyeliner on the table and opened the foundation. "Relax your muscles."

I did and felt the makeup slowly being applied. It was kind of soothing.

After awhile Tori spoke again. "Done. You can go to your dressing room and put your costume on and wait until they need you on set."

"Okay. Where's my dressing room?"

"If you keep walking down this hall you'll see your name on the door."

"Okay. See you later." I grabbed my stuff and left, walking down the hall until I found the door with my name on it.

I walked inside and plopped my stuff down on the couch in the middle of the room. I saw a rack with clothes hanging on it.

There was a note on it. "These are your outfits for shooting today. Each piece has a number. Start with one. If something doesn't fit or you have questions or something, come to Wardrobe and ask for Ella."

I started looking through the clothes. They were a mix tomboyish and girly, exactly what I had thought Anne would wear. The first outfit was a white shirt with light-dark gray flowers with hot pink centers, a pair of dark-wash jeans, a blue-plaid flannel and a pair of Sneaky Cat Taylor Swift KEDS. I quickly put the outfit on and then hung out on the couch. After texting my mom that we were on-set and sending a picture of my shoes to Taylor and Ally I started scrolling through Twitter. A couple minutes into that, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I called.

"Demi." The voice called back.

"Come in."

Demi walking in wearing a hot pink lace shirt with a blue floral skirt, a leather jacket, and a pair of silver heels.

"I love your outfit." I said.

"I love yours too. It's funny this is exactly what I pictured Emily and Anne wearing." She sat down next to me.

"Me too."

"Are you ready to film?"

"More then I was. It still wasn't real until I put the costume on."

"I know what you mean. The character suddenly becomes real when you get your makeup done and put on the costume."

"Mmmhmm. Do you know what we're filming first?"

"No idea. It's a surprise."

We talked for awhile longer before there was another knock on the door. "Come in." I called.

Niall walked in. "Hey Bryanne. Hey Demi, glad to see your feeling better."

"Yeah, much. I don't know what was up, but I'm all good now." Demi lied smoothly.

"That's odd, but sometimes jetlag'll do that to ya. Happened to me couple times."

"Yeah, well, I should probably be going. I need to talk to the wardrobe people. I'll see you two later." Demi said, sneaking a wink at me as she walked out of the room.

"So." Niall awkwardly sat where Demi had been.

"So." I mimicked.

"So, the only thing I know about you is that you're from Texas and play Anne. Tell me some stuff about you." Niall smiled.

"Only if you tell me stuff about you."

"But you probably a know more about me than I do." Niall (Jimmy) protested.

"How? We just met."

"Mmhmm. Riiiiight. By the way you reacted when you noticed me, I'd say you're a directioner."

I blushed. "I kinda am." I couldn't meet his eyes.

"Don't be embarrassed. I like fans."

"I don't know that much about you."

"Okay, fine. First question: how old are you?"

"I'm 15. What do you do for fun?"

"Play Fifa and other video games, hang out and goof around. Any pets?"

"Nope. What's your favorite animal?"

"Koala. Yours?"

"Either sea turtle or giraffe."

There was a sharp knock. A booming voice called, "Bryanne Fulton! You're needed on set in 5."

"Okay!" I yelled back. "It's been fun. Want to continue this later?"

"Yeah. I should probably get ready anyway. Good luck Anne!" Niall winked.

"You too Chris." I winked back as I left.

I found my way to set. Demi was sitting in the middle of what was probably her bed in her "room".

"Bryanne!" Dez called happily as he walked over to me. "Okay, so, we're filming the opening scene. Anne is in her room." Dez pointed at the other side of the stage where a different room was set up. "You're going to ask Emily if she wants to watch a movie with you. She's going to say no. It's very emotional. Okay?"

"Okay." I gave him a thumbs-up and walked over to my bed.


"Hey Em! Do you want to watch a movie with me?" I call to Demi.

"No." Came her response.

"But it's your favorite, The Hungry Game."

"I said no."

I sigh. "Fine, whatever."

"Thank you. Now stop bugging me."

I stare forlornly at the wall that separates us as they call cut.

After a lot of re-takes and more scenes and lunch and costume changes and makeup touchups we were done for the day. After making sure I had everything, I said goodbye to my co-stars and left with Demi.


OMG! GUYS I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like forever! I've been sooooooooooo freaking busy. On Saturday my marching band marched at the Horseshoe/Ohio Stadium and qualified for States! It was so FREAKING amazing! Then Out Of The Woods came out. (Which I've had on repeat since it came out) IT IS THE BEST! I LOVE IT TO PIECES!!!!!! HER VOCALS AND VERSES AND IT'S ALL JUST PERRR-FECT!

So anyway, Vote and Comment! I love you all!



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