Going to Taylor's House

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Once we were seated and buckled into Taylor's convertible she turned on the radio. A voice, I think it was Justin Bieber's, was singing.

Taylor groaned. "He's kinda nice but dang, he really can't sing."

"I know! One of my best friends absolutely loves him. I just don't get it."

Taylor was just about to change the station when the song ended. "And that was Justin Beiber's song Beauty and a Beat. Up next we have a blast from the past, 'Call Me Maybe' by Carly Rae Jepson, but first, listen up Lovatics! Demi has announced that she will be starting to film a new movie tomorrow! Details are being kept secret but we know Demi is playing a lead role and that the girl Demi has been seen with, Bryanne Felton, is also playing a lead in the movie. That's all we know, but we'll keep you updated."  Almost immediately, Call Me Maybe started playing.

"That's it. The media knows about you now." Taylor sighed. "You'll deal with paps almost everywhere you go from now on."

I gulped. I didn't want to deal with them. I hated being in crowds. "How do you deal with them?"

"Honestly, I just put in my earbuds and listen to Backseat Freestyle by Kendrick Lamar with the volume all the way up."      

"I'll have to try that." is all I say.

A minute or two passes before Taylor speaks again. "They scare you, don't they?" She asks quietly. 

I think about not answering. I don't want to seem like a scaredy cat.

"Bry? They do, don't they?"

Finally I decide to just nod.

"They scare me too. Especially here." Taylor admits as she pulls into a Starbucks. "Now, let's grab some Starbucks!" She yells as she jumps out of the car.

I followed her into the shop. It wasn't very crowded. A few men in there early 30s scattered around vigerously typing away on laptops and 2 girls talking quietly at a table in the back corner. Taylor walked up to the counter. "Do you know what you want?" She asked.

"Yeah, an iced vanilla latte."

"Okay." She says as a barista smiles at us.

"Hi, what can I get you?" She asks.

"Hi, 2 bente iced vanilla lattes please." Taylor orders.

"Names?" She grabs a Sharpie.

"Taylor and Bryanne."

I watched as she started to write Taylor, but stopped. "Taylor...as in, Taylor Swift?" She whispers, shocked.

"Yup." Taylor confirms.

"I'm a huge fan. I love your music! Can't wait for 1989. I already pre-ordered it." She says excitedly.

"Aw thanks! I love hearing that. You know, I was so scared nobody would want me to go pop."

"Those people aren't real Swifties. Real Swifties would love your music as long as it is from your heart Taylor." She smiles the most genunine smile I've seen yet.

"That means so much. Thank you."

"You're welcome." The girl said. She started making our coffees. A few minutes later she handed them to us.

"Stay here or go to my house?" Taylor asked 

"Go to your house, but you should go surprise those girls over there. The one's been crying." I pointed to the table with the two girls.

"Alright. Here, take my coffee." She handed me her coffee and walked over to the table. I saw her get there attention and the one who'd been crying started freaking out. Taylor sat down and the girls started talking - probably explaining what had happened. A few minutes went by, I sat at an empty table and played Candy Crush on my phone, before I heard the scrape of chairs and saw Taylor give them both hugs and take a selfie with them. She gave the girl who'd been crying another hug, then came back over to where I was. She looked like she was about to cry as she took her coffee and we left.

Once we had been driving for around 10 minutes I broke the silence. "Do you want to talk about it? You look like your about to cry." I asked.

"I would, but I can't. I was sworn to secrecy." Taylor smiled as she pulled up to a wrought-iron gated community.

"Welcome back, Ms. Swift." A female voice said as the gate opened.

"Thanks Carrie. And please, call me Taylor. You're making me feel old." She laughed as she pulled through.

 A couple turns later, Taylor pulled into the driveway of a big house. "Here we are." Taylor said as she pulled into the garage and shut off the car.


Sup guys!!!! Sorry this took FOREVER!!!!!! I've been super busy with school and band and basketball and church and stuff. If you liked this please comment and vote!!!



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