Valentine's Day (Part 1)

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Four days had passed since Niall had revealed our relationship to the world. Everything was pretty much the same except school. Going to school the next day had been interesting to say the least. People I'd never even met were coming up to me and congratulating me. Girls I barely talked to were suddenly my best friends. Everyone wanted to know what Niall was like in real life. Everyone wanted to know all the 'deets' of our relationship. By the end of the first day I wanted to scream and punch someone whenever anyone said anything about my and Niall's relationship. Things had died down considerably since then thankfully. Now it was just the occasional 'you aren't pretty enough to be with him' notes and comments.

Niall was coming to pick me up for our date at 11. It was 9:30. I had already eaten some toast with plenty of nutella on it and got in the shower. After my shower (and jam sesh to 1989) I brushed and blow dried my hair. Then I went to find something to wear. I finally decided on a white tank top with a bolt of lightning on the front, a pink plaid flannel and some skinny jeans. I put on my treble clef necklace, my Olaf rubber bracelet, and some pretzel earrings. I pulled on my signature black converse and went back to the bathroom to do my makeup.

I pulled out all the makeup I owned, foundation, blush, concealer, mascara, eyeliner, lots of eye shadow, lip gloss, lip liner, lipsticks, the works. I stared at it and sighed. I wish Demi or Taylor or Selena were here to help me apply this crap. I applied the basic concealer, foundation and blush while trying to figure out what else to use. I finally decided on some sparkly light pink eye shadow, black mascara and eyeliner, and some light pink lipstick.

I looked at myself in the mirror after I was done. I looked good. I smiled and went back to my room. I checked the time. It was 10:45. Only 15 minutes until Niall was coming. I found my small white faux leather purse and stuck some mints and 20 dollars in it. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. On the way down I got a text from Niall "I'm about 15 minutes away."

I smiled but didn't text him back. He was driving and you shouldn't text and drive. I sat on the couch and played Trivia Crack (A/N:I love that game. @katie_1989 if anybody wants to play me) until the doorbell rang. I jumped off the couch as my mom came running from the kitchen. "He's here! He's here! Lemme at him!"

Before I could protest my mom is yanking the door open and shaking hands with Niall. I slowly walked up to stand beside my mom. "Hello, Mrs. Fulton. My name is Niall Horan."

"Hello Niall. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you."

"Oh really?" He smirked, looking at me.

"Tons." She smiled. I heard a loud beep come from the kitchen. "That's the oven. I need to go get the Chex Mix out. You two have a good time. Don't stay out too late. Text me if you're running late." My mom instructed, practically running to the kitchen.

"Shall we?" Niall asked, grabbing my hand.

"We shall." I smiled.

We walked to his car and Niall started driving. "So where are we going?"


"I know places." I rolled my eyes.

"We can hide."


"Uh...there's a's by Taylor Swift. I Know Places. I figured you knew it."

"I do. I wasn't even thinking about that. It confused me."

He laughed. "You confuse me so it's okay."

"So what place are we going Mr. Smartass?

"A fun place. You'll like it. I promise."

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