Sneak Peek ;)

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Here it is, a sneak peek of the new book :)

Zayn POV

I walk hand in hand with my husband of three years now as we approach the adoption building on the sidewalk. Louis plays with my fingers nervously as we walk, I drop his hand temporarily to open the heavy glass door for my husband. He enters in front of me biting his lip and I follow him inside.

"Are you the Tomlinson's?" The brunette at the desk asks when she sees us stop in front of her desk.

"Yes we are." I answer with a small smile. She returns the gesture and stands.

"We're glad to have you, I'm Heather. The children are here through this door. Don't be afraid to approach them, they're all lovely." She introduces and walks us to the dark wooden door. I squeeze Louis' hand reassuringly, we were ready for this. Heather looks to me asking if we were ready and I give her a nod. She opens the door and we walk in slowly. Children are all sprawled across the room, laughing, playing and chatting... They pause when they notice a new presence in the room and stare at us for a moment before going back to their activities.

"Let's walk around separately, if we notice one we like call each other?" I suggest and Louis nods silently, biting his lip still. The lips I was so infatuated with since I first got to press my own against them. God, did I love that man. He was just too beautiful for his own good.

I watch my husband stray from my side as he approaches a small girl with blond pigtails who was playing with her dolls. He smiles at her and sits with her, beginning to play and try to get to know her. I look around the room with maybe twenty five kids, trying to decide which to approach first but that's when I see him. A small boy, no older than possibly three or four years old laying on the cushion of the bay window, his back facing the outside. His body shook slightly and his lips moved as he murmured to himself as he slept it seemed. I was about to point him out to Heather but the little boy woke with a loud scream and instantly began sobbing. The children all paused and looked as the little one cried.

"Oh my..." Heather sighs, she sits on the edge and starts whispering to the little boy and tries to pick him up but he shuffled away as far as he could. Worried, I approach the window and kneel down. I reach out to rub the boy's back. He jumps and tries to get farther away again.

"No... I'm sorry." He whispers terrified, trying to back away. He seemed to be in a daze still.

"Hey Bub... Hey, you're alright. It was just a dream." I speak softly, I pull the fighting boy toward my body and wrap him in a bear hug as his cries reach full volume. I rub his back gently and rock him back and forth as he cries into my neck. He pulls back after he's calmed down some and realizes his position in my arms. He looks up at me nervously. He was precious with his with his mix of blond and brown hair and doe eyes.

"Say, what's your name Bubba?" I ask with a friendly grin. The boy rubs at his eyes before replying.

"M'Leeyum." He lisps. My smile grows wider in fondness as he stressed the last part of his name. Liam... I liked that.

"Well, it's nice to meet'cha Liam, my name's Zayn." I introduce myself.

"Zen?" He mispronounces and I chuckle.

"No Bub, Zayn." I pronounce it carefully and he repeats it back to me with a small grin, he was adorable.

"Hey, you like Toy Story?" I question, noting his too small pajamas. Liam nods shyly, his fingers in his mouth.

"Well I happen to have all three movies at my house... How would you like to come home with my husband and I? He's very nice." I offer, Liam takes his hand out of his mouth and bites his lip.

"Otay..." He agrees with a nod. He allows me to pick him up and I grab Louis' attention.

"Why, who's this little cutie?" He coos, reaching to tickle Liam. The small boy hides in my chest shyly and Louis shrinks back.

"He's a bit shy, love. Liam, this my husband Louis. Louis, this is Liam. He likes Toy Story and I was just telling him about how we have the movies at home." I introduce the two and give Louis a pointed look. He grins catching on.

"We do and we'd love if you'd come home with us to watch them, Zayn says I make some pretty good cookies..." He trails off.

"Cookies?! For LiLi?" He exclaims excitedly.

"Well of course but we only share our cookies with people who live in our house..." He tells him, frowning.

That's all you get for now! :)
Sorry if it's not that good, I'll probably change some of it when I write the actual chapter. Hope you liked and are excited. Comment what you think!

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