Taking A Risk

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A/N: Before I even begin I'd like to say thank you for all the comments and support and I'd like to welcome all my new readers. To my silent ones; I love you and I'd like to hear what you think. Also, I'm very sorry if this is horrible. I am currently sick and I feel like crap so, I'm really sorry if it sucks. Here we go!

Zayn's P.O.V.

It had now been almost a week since Liam's been gone and everyday would get harder for me and Louis. Oh, how I miss my Bubba. It's gotta to the point where if offered, I'd take his place. Just to know he's safe, I'd give anything. James and his men had been working 24/7 trying to find clues or just anything really. They even brought in sniffing dogs and asked for something of Liam's, hoping that the dogs could pick up his scent and lead us in some direction. The dogs led them all the way to the neighbors behind us and that's where they lost the scent, they concluded that's where he had probably been taken and put into a vehicle.

We were now just sitting at the table which was now our 'conference room', talking aimlessly. We were basically at a dead end. James wasn't giving up and that meant the world to us. Luckily none of this has gotten out to the media and we hoped to keep it that way. Harry and Niall were worried sick and not to mention terrified, they barely ever left the house, not that we let them. Basically, we were all a wreck. It seemed like none of us were able to function without Liam. I knew I barely could.

Just as we were conferencing about possibilities, the cordless house phone rang, it was an unknown caller. We all glance around at each other wondering the same thing; Is it him?

"Put it on speaker." James instructed. I hit the green telephone button and heard static from the other end at first.

"Hello?" I ask nervously. There was no reply, only a muffled 'CRACK!' A cry from an unmistakable voice right after.

"Daddy!" Liam. My pulse starts racing and I see red.

"Let him go, you bastard!" I yelled angrily, the vein in my neck probably poking out.

"My, my, quite harsh, are we? The boy will pay for your actions." He mocks.

"I swear I'll kill you myself-." I start.

"I'll be waiting for it." And with that he hangs up, my fists clenched. I throw a right hook to the wall, leaving a hole. I pull my hand from the wall and it's only when I realize how angered I was when I heard two whimpers from behind me, Harry and Niall. I unclench my hand and look at everyone, their mouths agape at my actions. My bottom lip quivers.

"I'm sorry, I-I gotta go." My voice wobbles, I grab my car keys and run out the door. I just drive not even caring where I'm going. My thoughts everywhere until I'm pulled out of them when my phone rings, I look at the caller ID. 'Unknown', it reads. I bite my lip before answering.

"What?" I spit.

"A bit rude, considering I'm going to make you a deal." His evil voice drifts through the speaker. My jaw clenches, I was too angered to even think before I ask.


"Meet me at the abandoned supermarket on the other side of town. I'll let him go in return for you." He orders.

"I'll be there."

"Good." I hang up and speed my way over to where he set our rendezvous. I didn't have to think, as long as Liam made it home. He was legal to drive now, he could make it home. I'd go in his spot and Dominic would leave my boys alone. I saw no faults in the plan. I got to the abandoned building in record time but he still beat me there. He had the exact same looks except for a buzz cut, he was leaning on the car casually, as if he weren't a villainous abductor. I put the car in park before getting out and slamming the door shut, keys left in it.

"Where is he?" My voice strong and firm surprisingly, I thought I would've been hysterical.

"In the back, go ahead." He gestures to the door and if I'd been smart I would've noticed the hammer sticking out of his pocket, instead all I saw was darkness after he struck me.

A/N; SURPRISE!!!! Sorry if this sucks, I feel like I've been hit with a hammer myself ;), see what I did there? No? Ok, I'm just gonna go hide now.

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