Cylinder Of Evil

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Liam P.O.V.

"I'll be by to pick you two up in about an hour." Mama says. Harry and I mumble an ok before walking off into the park. We told Mama we wanted to get some exercise by running around and maybe a game of soccer. Reality? Harry and I were curious as to why Daddy smoked, so we borrowed his stuff. It's one time, what could be the harm?

Louis' P.O.V.

"Have you seen my cigarettes?" Zayn asks. I knew Zayn was smoking, he promised he'd stop and I was trying to help him. I knew it wasn't going to be an overnight thing. We were only about three days into it, so it was understandable.

"No." I answer simply.

"Louis, I left them in our room in my bedside table. They couldn't have walked off. Where are they?" He spat angrily. I took a deep breath, he thought I had them. I knew it would hurt when he got to this stage and I promised myself that I wouldn't get upset or angry with Zayn and his actions. That didn't stop the tears fighting at the back of my eyes. I went to open my mouth to tell him I didn't know where they went when I realized.

"Zayn, the boys. Liam, Harry." I choked out.

"What about them? They're at the park." Zayn says totally clueless until he understands what I'm saying.

"Oh they are so dead. Let's go." Zayn growled, grabbing his car keys. I stood there in shock, until Zayn yanked my arm and I started moving again. I couldn't believe it, my Harry. Smoking?

We got in the car and made the five minute drive to the park where we saw our boys, stood underneath a tree, both had that cylinder of death between their precious lips.

Before getting out of the car, Zayn stopped me.


"Louis, I don't think I can punish then for this. It's too hard and it's hypocritical of me." He says.

"I understand, love. I'll do it." I peck him on the cheek before we get out of the car. Zayn had asked me to be official with him just the week before on our fourth date, we were taking it slow and it was still a secret. Management didn't know yet. We stormed over to the boys and Liam dropped the cigarette in fear when he saw us.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, his back facing us. Liam simply pointed to us and Harry turned around, mimicking Liam by dropping his smoke too.

"I-I can explain." Liam stuttered.

"No explanations needed Liam James, get up. We are so disappointed in you two." I order. Both boys stood up and Zayn holds his hand out. Liam reaches into his pocket and pulls the pack out and hands it to him. Zayn flips the flap open and we see, there's only about four left. We both knew it was almost full yesterday. Zayn grabs Liam by his hand and starts pulling him to the car. Liam dragging his feet fearfully, tears rolling down his pale cheeks. I follow pursuit with Harry, he doesn't drag his feet. He knew better and when Zayn stopped and landed a sharp swat to Liam's butt, he and I weren't surprised. Liam picked up his pace after that. We reached the car and both boys sat in the backseat, the most comfortable they'd be for awhile. Zayn had been silent the whole way to the car. I was a bit scared myself, Zayn normally would've been giving an earful by now. He would've been giving them an earful when we found them... but, he didn't and that worried and confused me. Why wasn't he speaking?

Zayn P.O.V.

My heart clenched when we saw our boys, my baby smoking. I couldn't believe he would do such a thing, it was only a little bit ago when I had made him promise never to do it. It was evil and once you started it, it's incredibly hard to stop it.

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