Preparing For The New Addition

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Louis P.O.V.

"Actually guys, could you put it over there?" I ask shyly, Niall and Harry groan but do as asked. We were remodeling one of the guest bedrooms for Susie and I could not decide where I wanted her desk. Under the window or against the red wall. I finally settled for the side without the window. Right above the desk was her name fancily scrawled as black wooden letters contrasting against the wall, the wall itself was a medium red. Nothing too bright or dark.

Poor Niall and Harry, I had been pestering them all day as Susie was away spending time with Zayn and Liam as they recovered, her mother's funereal would be tomorrow. The boys were unsure if we should accompany her. We decided to play it by ear and go from there.

"Thanks boys, go ahead and take a break." I smile and they roll their eyes, as they walk off. Hopefully to take a shower, it was hot and stuffy as our AC still needed to be fixed just yet and as growing boys they sweat a lot.

I walk over to her queen size bed and smooth out her light grey covers that had little swirls on them. I wasn't sure what she'd like exactly so I went with the color scheme the room had to begin with, she was more than welcome to request it be different. I take a look over our new family member's sanctuary. I thought it was nice, medium brown wood floors with a large tan rug sprawled out. A suitable sized white desk to contrast in the room, a walk in wardrobe. We did a pretty good job, I hoped she liked it.

Zayn and I agreed that we'd take guardianship over her first as a trial run before we rush into the possibility of legally adopting the child. I worried for her, she was average size for a nine year old girl and she had a strong and sassy attitude, much like mine surprisingly. I was mostly worried because she'd be living in a household with five men, what I she came across... woman problems? I want her to be comfortable here but what if something happens female wise and she feels too uncomfortable to speak to one of us? I was a ball of nerves for sure.

Not just because of our new family member but tomorrow was the day that everybody came home officially, I wanted everything to be perfect for them all. Especially since Zayn had confessed something very huge for our relationship. He had confessed that he loves me, which is a good thing, a very good thing. I obviously return the feelings but now that it's out there that brings one question to my mind; marriage. Will we come out as a couple to the public eventually? Will we get married? Will we break up at some point because we decide it isn't working? I want to be with Zayn, for the rest of my life and I know the feeling is mutual to him but people change their mind, what if he does? What if he changes his mind and we break up? It could hurt the boys, the band, everything. My thought were halted from a voice at the white door.

"Mama, I'm hungry." Niall whined holding his stomach. I checked my watch, 5:45 it read. Wow, had we really been working that long?

"I know Ni, I'm going to get started on dinner right now." I stood and went into the kitchen to examine the fridge and cupboards inventory, trying to concoct a meal. I decided simply on pasta, none of the boys were picky but I tried to at least make an effort. I definitely was not a five star gourmet chef but I was pretty good, I thought so at least. Twenty minutes later, everything was cooked and the table was set, plates lined in their right spots and drinks sat on the table.

"Dinner!" I called. Seconds later I heard two pairs of obnoxious feet stampede down the stairs and two hungry boys sat in their seats. I spooned out their food and we all began to eat.

"I'm excited for Daddy and Liam to come home." Harry commented quietly, his head down as he shoveled the noodles and sauce into his mouth.

"Me too. Just remember, don't be too crazy and rambunctious. Daddy and Liam are still a bit skittish." I remind. The pair nod and go back to consuming the meal on their plates.

After dinner, I quickly rinse our dishes off and place them in the dishwasher before tucking Niall and Harry in bed and falling into my half empty one. The bed had been cold without Zayn. He was like a personal heater or something. I would bear the coldness of the sheets for one last night, tomorrow my beloved boyfriend would come home... along with Liam of course. Couldn't forget about him. I drift off with thoughts of Liam and Zayn, they'd be home soon enough.


A/N: I know, it's only a filler. But, hopefully it can hold you out for a little bit. I'll try and update again tomorrow. I'm starting school very soon, four days now I think. So all of my focus is there and will remain there. Speaking of school, it is very important to me so when it does start I may not update as frequently and I know you guys understand because we're all probably going back to school sadly, am I right? ;) Anyways, once school begins my updates will more than likely be every weekend possibly every second(if I'm busy) or if I am able to on Fridays. So I hope you guys understand. Best of luck to all of you returning to school. I love ya and enjoy. Comment. Vote. The usual :)

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