Chapter Four: Rules and Punishment

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A/N: Woo! I'm on a roll, next chapter hopefully you guys are liking it. Comment to let me know what you think!

Louis' P.O.V.

"Boys, come down here!" Harry had come home a little while ago, it was about seven o'clock, and I was ready to announce the rules and deal out his punishment. Soon, I heard three pairs of feet coming down the stairs and they all slumped down on the couch, except for Harry. He pushed Niall out of his seat and sat down. He just added on another twenty spanks for that. Niall just rolled his eyes fed up at his monstrous behavior and switched seats.

"Okay, obviously some of us have been a little out of control lately and me and Zayn as the oldest have come up with some rules for you boys to follow." At the word 'rules' Harry rolled his eyes but stayed silent.

"1. No fighting physical or verbal.

2 No talking back or having an attitude

3. No cussing

4. No drugs, alcohol, etc.

5. No being rude to fans

If you break a rule there will be punishments such as, timeouts, mouth washing and spanking." I finish. Then it was anarchy.

"You can't fucking spank me" Harry screamed.

"I can and will. I called you mother Harry; about your behavior and she actually told me to spank you." I inform him calmly. His face pales, realizing how much of a brat he's been and what was going to happen, and he probably hadn't been spanked in a long time.

"Liam, Niall, go upstairs please." I ordered. Zayn left along with them to make sure there was no trouble from them.

"Alright, come on Harry let's get this over with." I say sitting on the ground gesturing towards my knee.

"N-no Louis, please don't! I won't do it again, I promise!" He pleads, face red with embarrassment.

"No Harry, this is to make sure you don't do it again. Now do you want extra for giving me a hard time?" I ask.

"N-no." He says laying himself over my lap. I check making sure he's in a good and comfortable position and decided to leave his garments up to spare his dignity and because he hasn't been spanked in so long. I take a deep breath, deciding on forty. I raise my large hand up and bring it down with a loud smack! making Harry cry out. I stop for a moment, wondering if I went too hard but decide against going softer. I raise my hand up again and then smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack. At only ten Harry's silently crying begging;

"Please Lou-Lou stop, I won't do it again. I'm sorry! He repeats.

I land another ten spanks to his bottom and he begins to cry loudly.

"It hurts, please! I'm sorry!" He pleads.

"Shh, it's okay Kitten." I comfort. "Last twenty, just stay still." I feel him nod and clutch onto my leg. I deliver a series of ten more swats and he goes limp, sobbing. I quickly spank him the last ten and lift him onto my lap, careful of his bum and whisper calming words into his ear.

"Shh, Kitten. It's okay, I got ya. Louis right here and I love you so much." He stops his waterworks after a few minutes and lifts his head from the crook of my neck and looks up at me sniffling.

"I'm sorry for being so rude to you, Lou-Lou. Please don't hate me." At that last sentence he begins to cry even harder. I shush him and lift his chin, to make him look at me. His pine green eyes glistening with new tears.

"Kitten, why would I be mad? I could never be mad at you. I love you, you know that, right?" I softly ask. He just shrugs.

"I don't know, I just feel bad for treating you guys like that." He chokes out.

"It's alright Haz, why don't we go upstairs and lay down?" I suggest. He smiles and nods. I pat his leg signaling for him to get up to go upstairs but he just whimpers and says;

"Carry me?" with those eyes, I just couldn't say no, I picked him up just like you would with a baby and carried him upstairs only to find he'd fallen asleep halfway up the steps. I chuckle softly and lay down beside him, planting a kiss to his chocolate brown curly hair.

"Good night, Kitten." I coo and then close my eyes falling asleep.

A/N: Please comment and heart to let me know how I'm doing. Also, I think I'll accept some prompts but nothing inappropriate(sex or one shots). Sorry, I don't do things like that, at least not in this story. Thank you! Hope you're enjoying, comment and heart please! <3

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