Home Sweet Home

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Louis' POV
Today is it. The day Zayn, Liam and Susie would come home... I fiddled with my sweater nervously as I checked my appearance in the mirror one last time. Niall had recently gotten his license and he offered to pick them up so I could prepare. They'd be home any minute now.

I trotted down the stairs just as I heard the click of the front door. I froze and watched as my handsome boyfriend, our son and our newest addition walked through the door. Harry and Niall sprinted to their father.

"Daddy!" They chanted, jumping into his embrace. I watch with a warm heart.

"My boys, daddy missed you so much. Did you behave for Mama?" He held our two youngest boys close, smiling with love and adoration in his warm brown eyes. Harry and Niall bobbed their head in response and he kissed their heads, his gaze set upon me next. I bit my lip nervously as he approached me.

"Come on LiLi, let's play." Harry and Niall whine, pulling at his hands. Liam looked to Zayn with wide eyes with nervousness. Zayn gave him an encouraging and loving smile. A smile that had an obvious meaning behind it

"Go on and play Bubba. Harry, Niall, be careful please." Liam bit his lip but nodded as Harry and Niall pulled him to the living room. Zayn directed his attention back to me.

"Honey, I'm home." He smiled cheekily and I rolled my eyes, pecking his stubble covered cheek.

"Welcome home love. I think it's time to show our new addition her room, don't you?" I commented loud enough for the wide eyes child to hear. She couldn't stop marveling at the large foyer's extravagant look.

"My room?" She squeaked.

"Yes darling. You didn't think we'd have you sleeping under the stairs did you?" I joked with kind smile. She shook her head sheepishly. Zayn and I offered our hands to the little girl and she shyly accepted. The action was small but it spoke to me. She would come around, it would take time. Zayn and I only wanted the best for her.

We lead her up the stairs and through the halls finally stopping, just two doors down from our own bedroom. I placed my free hand on the doorknob and turned to the quietly excited child.

"This is it, are you ready?" I asked with a grin. Susie nodded and gave Zayn's hand a noticeable squeeze. I turn the knob and allowed the white door to drift open. I led her into room and he mouth dropped in surprise. I wasn't sure if it was good or not.

"Do you like it? We can change it if you want..." I question nervously as she examines every nook and crevice of the room.

"I-I love it... Thank you so much" She smiles, my shoulders release the nervous tension and I return her grin.

"I'm glad love because it's all yours now. We can add or get rid of anything you want." I tell her. She nods, staring longingly at the decent sized bookshelf full of novels and fairytale books. I knew she'd like that best.

"Before we allow you to get unpacked and settled, Zayn and I want to talk to you." I say.

"Am I in trouble?" Little Susie asks and Zayn chuckles.

"No sweets, Louis and I just want to explain to you our rules and expectations. Why don't we sit down?" He explains, grimacing. He's not used to being on his feet for so long and I feel my heart ache slightly. Susie and I sit on her queen sized bed and Zayn takes her rolling desk chair from its place and sits.

"We just want you to know that we are so happy that you're here. We have no intentions of replacing your mommy sweetheart. We just want you to be happy and to have a family to support and love you." Zayn begins softly, his hand on her knee. Her little hand curls around Zayn's as she bites her lip at the sore subject, she nods in understanding and I tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

"I'm sure you had rules in your house as we do so we just wanted to inform you of ours, it's nothing too strict. Surely the boys have told you some of them but we wanted to go over them so we know you understand." I continue and she nods again.

"In our household we do not allow fighting or teasing of any kind. We certainly do not allow bad words or tantrums. If we instruct you to do something we expect you listen without talking back or sassing us. Depending on your offense, your punishment will vary." I explain, leaving out certain rules she probably won't need to know until she's older like drinking, etc. She's nine, she's still innocent.

"What kind of punishment?" She asks curiously.

"Well, it depends. It could be a timeout, a privilege taken away or a grounding. I'm not sure if you've ever been spanked but we do believe in spanking..." I answer slowly.

"I've never been spanked." She admits softly.

"As long as you listen and don't talk back, you should be without a spanking sweets." Zayn tells her. I smile at the pet name he's already given her. It's obvious she likes it too because her eyes light up every time he says it. He truly is an amazing father...

"Okay..." Susie yawns.

"Excuse me, I'm just gonna check on the boys." I stand and leave the room. It was obvious she was more comfortable with Zayn, he could easily persuade Susie to sleep. I head downstairs and watch the boys play with Liam happily and watch Liam as he gets reacquainted with his brothers, his life before what happened.

Zayn's POV
I watch as the little girl yawns and rubs at her eyes, tiredness evident.

"Why don't you rest for a little while, sweets? You can unpack later." I suggest and she nods reluctantly. I unzip her bag and hand her a pair of pajamas.

"Go on and change in the restroom, want me to read you a story?" I ask, she takes the pajamas from my hands and looks up at me, biting her plump pink lip.

"Would you please?" She asks softly.

"It'd be my honor Miss Susie." I smile, she returns the smile and closes the door to the bathroom. I stride to the bookcase and examine the spines of the books looking for a good story. I grasp a classic and pull it out, 'Cinderella'. A perfect choice for a little kid, I suppose. She comes out and I show her the book.

"I love that story..." She says getting under her covers. I sit and wait as she gets situated before beginning. I read and show her the pictures, watching as her beautiful eyes grow droopy and soon close as her breathing slows slightly. I close the book and put it away and hesitate before leaving. Should I...?

I walk to her bedside and tuck the covers around her small body and press a soft kiss to her temple. I start to leave before I hear her little voice.


"Yes sweets?"

"Thanks... For everything." She says before falling into her slumber. I smile, turning out her light.

"No... thank you sweets." I respond more to myself before closing her door softly. I think this arrangement will work out nice. Very nice.

A/N; I hope that didn't suck. I'm so sorry my dear readers. High school sucks, school sucks in general but high school is just ugh. So much homework. Anyways, I hope you liked the way it turned out. Thank you for understanding my situation, I love y'all so much. Welcome any new readers I have and hello to my usual people. I missed youuuu. I'll try and update once more before break is over, yeah? If not my next one is about three weeks out. Dedication to ZouisBrat because she's amazing and I love her and she pushed me to write this when I'm a lazy bag of bones. So thank her and hope you guys enjoyed. Who thought the nickname Zayn gave Susie was adorable? I did... Comment what you think, vote, the usual. I love you and hope I can update soon. Bear with me, I love you.

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