Zayn's Baby

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Zayn's P.O.V.

It was about two in the afternoon and lunch had just been finished when Liam came up to me with brown puppy eyes. I was a sucker for those eyes, he knew it too. I felt a tug at my shirt sleeve as I dried my hands up from washing the dishes.

"Daddy?" Liam whined.

"Yes?" I imitated

"Will you play with me?" He begged, we had all gone to the store yesterday and Liam begged for this new video game. Louis had said no, saying it was 'too violent' but, when I saw his pout and puppy eyes. I couldn't help but buy the game myself. It was just too cute and the smile he had when I gave it to him, priceless. Sure, I had gotten a lecture from Louis but hey, Liam's happy.

"Of course Bubba, go set it up. I've just gotta unload the dishes from the washer." I smiled. Liam lit up and ran into the living room. We had bought a new TV a few days ago, it was even better than our old one. I finished unloading the dishes and sat in the recliner next to Liam, accepting a controller. Liam went through all the necessary setups and we started playing. It was a war type game, kind of like Call Of Duty or Halo. I glanced over to Liam a few times as we played online. He was so adorable, his lip between his teeth as his brows furrowed in concentration. This was fun, just me and him hanging out. Liam was a good kid, the only time he really acted out was when he didn't get much attention. Besides the usual mistakes of a young kid. I turned my head and continued playing.


We had been playing now for about two hours. Louis enters the room, a basket of clean, unfolded clothes in hand. He usually folded out here. Things were getting pretty heated in our game as we battled online, we were playing a war version of 'Capture The Flag', Liam and I guarding. I turned my virtual person to the left and an ambush of five people charged at me, from the opposite side.

"Liam ambush!" I gave him a heads up, he tried to help me but I was killed.

"Stay alive Li!" I encouraged. He lasted quite awhile until someone snuck up and sliced his player in half with a sword.

"Fucking hell!" He yelled in frustration. He was so close! Louis stopped folding.

"What did you say Liam James? Do you want a spanking?" He asks.

"Louis, it's just a game. You would've said worse." I interject, Liam's eyes widened, the kid may act tough but he was soft at heart, he could be quite sensitive.

"This isn't about me and just for that you can deal with him. Or would you rather I do and belt him for that language." He says angrily. I began to sweat a little. Liam didn't need to be spanked for this. I didn't want to spank him but I didn't want Louis to punish him harshly. I got up with a sigh of defeat, no point in arguing with him. He would belt Liam, no doubt. I pulled out the armless chair from the desk in the corner and moved it to the middle of the room. I sat down, poor Liam was shaking.

"C'mere Bubba, I'm only going to give you twenty on your jeans." I request. Liam, my angel, walks over with no fight and lays over my left knee, his cute bum perched in the air. I felt his arms snake around my leg. He didn't deserve this, Louis was being unreasonable but I began anyways. Better I do it than Louis with his belt. My larger hand smacks down into his bottom with a 'Smack', enough to smart but not enough to hurt him too bad. I waste no time, I just want it to be over. As I go on with the spanking I feel his arms tighten around my leg and hear him cry. I finish with a spank to the middle of his bottom and lift him on my thigh in a sitting position.

"It's okay Bubba, it's over. I'm not mad at you, just don't speak like that, ok?" I coo. He nods, sniffling. I reach over to the end table, grabbing a tissue. I wipe my baby's nose before it can run anymore. I hold him close as he calms down, rocking back and forth.

"I'm sorry Bubba, that I had to do that." I apologize quietly, rubbing his side, my face against his shoulder.

"It's okay Daddy, I shouldn't have said that. I know the rules." He says. He was such an angel. I couldn't help but feel bad.

"How about we split a sudae and watch the Toy Story trilogy?" I suggest with a smile, tickling the boy's sides.

"Ok!" He agrees excitedly. He runs off up the stairs, I had bought him a cowboy hat like Woody's and I bought him a Toy Story blanket. I grinned as my angel comes back down and helps me put toppings on our treat and that night, we fell asleep in the recliner. Liam on my left side as he sat on my lap, turned on his side and his head in the crook of my neck, a fist full of my shirt in his hand. And me, I had my arm around his body and the ice cream bowl on my lap as we both fell asleep, a smile on both our faces.

A/N: This was such a cute and great prompt from 1DirectionsBabyGirl, I swear she reads my mind. Hope she and you all like it. Should I put in a normal chapter in between prompts or should I finish them first? Also, you guys can give me ideas for the non-spanking chapters if you have any Hope you enjoy and I love ya guys!

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