Chapter One; What to do?

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WARNING: May be inappropriate language and actions. A/N: it might not be exactly British because I don't know how they phrase things there so it will be more American than British.

Louis' P.O.V
"Boys, come on we're gonna be late to our interview!" I called for the three youngest members of the band, Liam, Niall and Harry. Zayn and I were already dressed and ready to go. After a few minutes I hear two pairs of feet coming down the maple red steps of our shared flat. A moment later Liam and Niall walked into our large kitchen, Niall grabbing a banana for the ten minute ride, normal Niall. I knew Harry was gonna be difficult, he has been all week, being rude and arrogant; thinking he was better than everyone because he was "Harry Styles for gods sake!" Finally after a while I get agitated and yell up to Harry.

"Harry, let's go!" I shout.

"I'm coming, calm down fag." He says walking down the stairs, his week old smirk on. I let out a low growl of annoyance, that only Zayn who was next to me could hear. He just rolled his eyes and grabbed Niall's banana when he was about to take a bite out of biting into it himself.

"Hey!" Niall cried. Harry glared at him to shut up and he did, with tears in his eyes from the rudeness.

"Harry, you need to knock off this attitude we have an interview and we'd all like it if you at least somewhat decent." I warned him. Everyone was sick and tired of him acting like this, Simon was close to kicking him out of the band and none of us wanted that. He was our best mate and brother, it wouldn't be one direction without him. I decided we'd better have a band meeting later.

"Go ahead to the car guys, I gotta make a quick phone call." I say. They all walk out to our Range Rover and as soon as I hear the door close, I pull out my phone. I open up my contacts, looking for Harry's mom, Anne. If anyone knew how to get him in control it was her. I pressed 'dial' and listen to it ring. After about the second ring she picked up.

"Hello?" She answered. I felt a lump form in my throat, I cleared it and spoke up. I had to get our Harry back.

"Hey Anne, it's Louis. I need some advice." I tell her. Maybe she had some idea, any idea would help at this point.

"Oh, hi Louis. What do you need? Is everything alright? She asks.

"Um, not really. You see, uh Harry's been having some behavioral issues that none of us can get rid of and Simon's about ready to kick him out of one direction. I just wanted to ask you, is there anyway that you know of to get through to him?" I question.

"Tell me what's going on, exactly." She requests.

"Well, he's been acting very arrogant and disrespectful. The boys and I are just getting very annoyed with it. I inform her. "Actually, you can kind of say he's been acting like a brat."

"Well Louis, you really want my advice?" She questions.

"Yes, you're his mother and you know what they say; "A mother knows best"." I joke nervously.

"Alright, but brace yourself." She warns. " Louis you need to spank him."

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