Zayn's Wrath

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A/N; Warning, this is a little triggering. I know the bringht is probably dying right now because I updated ;), she is new to the story so everyone welcome her and follow her, she's awesome like all my readers. I promise I'll get to your prompt soon. I have news, I'm thinking of starting another book. I'm not going to quit this one but I'm thinking about starting another soon. So please watch for it. Enjoy.

Zayn's P.O.V.

It had been about a week in the hospital with Harry. His cuts had mostly healed but some still weren't. The doctor had decided that today Harry could come home. Every night, when Harry had nightmares and Louis would wake up to comfort him, thinking the rest of us were asleep; I wasn't. I'd secretly watch from the open slits of my eyes as Harry bawled and mumbled about the demon in his dreams, his abductor.

I'd wait for about twenty minutes and the pair would fall back asleep. I would sneak into the hallway or bathroom and just cry. It hurt me so bad to see him like that. It was as if he were a bambi in the road, seeing a car headed towards him. I wish it weren't like that, I wish it wasn't Harry that had to go through the pain. I wish it were me, I would do anything to take his pain away. But I can't and that makes me see red, to know that, that bastard took away so much from him. He took away his innocence, his thought of 'the world is full of peace, love and unicorns'... Okay, maybe not unicorns but you get the point. His abductor had already been thrown in jail but not after he was treated for his bullet wound. I would've let him suffer and die from the pain. The pain that Harry has to face all the time, in reality and in his dreams.

Louis and I had already signed Harry's discharge papers and were now at home. I had shut myself in the bedroom and layed down on my bed. Just thinking. My thinking was interrupted when my phone began to ring. I snatched it from my bedside table and hit 'Answer'


"Zayn." My mother's sad voice drifted through the reciever.

"Mum, what's wrong? Is everything alright?" I question.

"Your father, he's not doing well."

"What's wrong?"

"Zayn, he has cancer and it's terminal. He has only 3 months." My heart stopped at this news. How could this be? How could the world be so cruel to do such a thing first, to Harry and now to my father and family. Forget about me. What about everyone else?

"Zayn darling, are you still there?" Mom sniffled.

"Yeah, I'm here."

"I just wanted you to know. Please don't leave right now. Your father doesn't want you to leave Harry and the boys."

"Mom, what about him?" I argue

"He's fine right now. He does want to see you soon. Just not yet. He wants you to promise you'll stay where you are."

"I promise, can I talk to him?"

"He's resting right now. You should come see him in a few weeks at least." She says.

"Alright, I'll stay. Only because he wanted me to. I have to go Mom."

"I understand sweetie, please stay with the boys for now. I love you."

"I love you too and I will." We bid our goodbyes and hung up. I slammed my body back down onto my bed and held a pillow tightly over my face and screamed into it. I took it off to get air and then heard the sound of glass breaking. Curious and still angry and fed up, I stalked downstairs to inspect the commotion.

Harry P.O.V.

He was right. I couldn't do anything right. I only wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I was reaching into the cupboard for the jelly and it slipped out of my hand and the glass jar shattered at my feet. I stood frozen, as I heard footsteps. I thought I had heard screaming from upstairs and I knew it was Zayn because it was only us two at home. Mama and the boys had gone up to the store real quick for supplies for dinner, something about wanting to make me a special dinner. Mama was making my favorite dinner, tacos. Anyways, I was trying to get the ingredients to make me and Daddy a sandwich. I figured he'd appreciate it, I think he was upset about something. He does a lot for our little family and I just wanted to make him feel better. He stalked into the room and glared at the mess and me.

"D-daddy, I'm sorry. I-I can explain, y-you see-" I began but was interrupted as he picked me up from the middle of the mess and bent me over the counter, pulling my sweats and underwear down. I heard the clink of his belt being undone. I quickly realized what was going on and fear spread through me. Worse than what it felt like when I was taken.

"D-daddy! Please I'm sorry, it was an accident! I'll clean it up!" I begged as I began to cry. He pushed me against the counter further so I couldn't escape and it was only a second later when I felt the sharp 'thwack!' Of the belt hitting my bare flesh. Right in the middle of my bum. Pain surged through my bottom at that single blow, it heated the pale skin almost to the temperature of the water he used to burn my wounds with.

I begged and pleaded as the belt bit into me. My pleas went into deaf ears as the man I trusted and a week ago begged for turned into him before my very eyes. I could see his sinister smile and the crinkles by his eyes as he maliciously grinned at my pain. Instead of hearing the slap of the belt against my flesh, I heard the crack of the whip that haunted my dreams each night, the one that scarred my body and mind. I saw the dark cellar and the glow of the fire that was heating the next form of punishment in the cellar. I screamed as loud as I could and begged for it all to end.


Zayn POV

I just dealt out another lash of the belt, who knows how many, when Harry had lost it. I stopped and listen as he yelled. I realized, he thought I was turning into him.

Louis suddenly walked through the door into the kitchen with the other boys, his eyes landed on Harry. His legs had given out from underneath him and he was sat on the floor, laying on his side, not sobbing but bawling like a baby. Bawling because of me. I stare at the weapon in my hands and see little dots of crimson, blood. Harry's blood.

I am a monster. I hit him hard enough to draw blood when what he did was only an accident. I was supposed to be the one he trusted and I was the one who was supposed to protect him, to love him and to care for him. I was now the one he feared most. Louis cradled the broken, scared boy to his chest, trying to calm him.

"L-louis, I don't- didn't, mean to. I j-just-" I tried as tears also began to fall from my face.

"How could you?! After he asked for you in the hospital, after all he's been through. How could you do this?! Get out, now!" He boomed. I dropped the belt I was holding and looked to my other boys, kneeling behind Louis, tears dripping down their cheeks as they witnessed Louis yelling for the first time. As they witnessed us fighting. I tried to move forward to Harry to apologize but Louis glared and glared hard. Like a grizzly protecting their cub. I stood and stared with horror at myself, at what I did to Harry. I turned in my heel and ran out of the house and to my car. I needed to leave, Louis wanted me gone and Harry probably did too. I just hoped it wouldn't be forever. I never meant to hurt him.

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