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Zayn's P.O.V.

Pain. Pain is the stabbing feeling deep inside your heart, inside your whole body. Pain is often associated with death or even with something as small as a scrape on your knee. It hurts none the less but, nothing is as painful as loosing a child. Wether it be to death or even abduction.

Pain is all I felt as I sat on my knees in my baby's bedroom, sobbing into my hands. It felt as if someone had dropped an anvil that weighed two tons on my chest. I couldn't think, I could barely even breathe. I was hurt when the same thing had happened when Harry was snatched but I could tell Louis was hurting much more than I was then. It's not to say I don't love Harry, because I do. I do with my whole heart, I love him to the moon and back along with the rest of the boys and Louis. I wasn't as hurt when Harry was taken because I wasn't as close to him as Louis. Louis knew Harry like the back of his hand. He could tell exactly what he was thinking and feeling with just one look, he knew his pet peeves, his favorites, he knew everything and it was the same way with Liam and I.

I knew Liam, though he was the oldest, liked to be babied too. I knew he loved soccer because it wasn't only something he was good at but it was something he could shine for, something he could get extra attention for. He always felt behind in school with the boys, as if he wasn't as smart and I tried, believe me I tried to reassure him was just as intelligent as his brothers were. I tried but he still doubted it. I know that Liam loves cheese crisps and that his favorite color is purple. I know that he doesn't like the dark, he want afraid but he still didn't like it. He also didn't like storms, he would always curl up in my lap when storms hit. I'd hold him close and sing and within in minutes his shaking would stop. It's all these little things that make that connection so strong.

"Shhh, aw Zayn. It'll be okay, we are going to get him back I promise." Louis soothed me or at least tried. I leaned into my boyfriends arms and sobbed all the water in my body out along with my frustration, anger, regret and just plain sadness. I just wanted to hold my Bubba in my arms. To hear his laugh and see his gorgeous smile. Hear him call me 'Daddy', play soccer with him, I just wanted him here so badly.

"It's all my fault Lou, I should've convinced him to stay with us in our room. It's my fault." I cried.

"No, no it isn't. It isn't your fault Zayn, nobody could've predicted this or even prevented it. What's happened has happened, we just need to focus on getting Liam home safely." He argues. I sigh, the last of my tears dribbling out. I nod sadly and lay my head on his shoulder. Louis presses a kiss to my temple.

"I miss him." I breathe.

"I know you do sweetheart, I miss him too." He replies sympathetically.

"I'm so sorry boys!" James rushes into the room. "I just got the call, I am so sorry, we will find him though, I promise." He states determinedly.

"Thank you James, as Louis said; It's nobody's fault. All that matters is that Liam comes home to us." I recite sniffling, it was time to be strong. I was the man of the family and I needed to start acting like it. Somebody had to be strong along with Louis. He couldn't do it alone for all of us. Louis helped me up and we wrapped each other in a side embrace.

"You guys are strong, something I've always admired about you all since I've met you. We will bring Liam home, I'll be sure of it. Now come on, we need to discuss what we are going to do so he does come home." he directs his attention towards the other officers. "I want a few to go over to Dominic's previous residence, I doubt he'd I back there but it's worth a shot to look. I want some of you to investigate the yard, see if you can find tracks. The rest of you come with me. We are going to up the security in the house in case he comes back." He instructs different sections and people to do the listed things and all the men go where they're told, some leaving, some not.

"Mama? Daddy? Where's LiLi?" Harry asked, Niall behind him just as curious an confused. I sigh, fighting the building tears at the back of my eyes at the mention of Bubba. I felt a pang in my heart hearing his name.

"Liam's, he's gone. But he's coming home soon, I promise. He'll be back." Louis struggles, he didn't want to upset me and I appreciated that. Harry and Niall glance back and forth between the two of us before both boys come crashing into our arms, crying.

"It's all my fault Daddy, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Harry cried. My lip quivers hearing Harry blame himself as he cried into my chest. I run his back trying to calm him down, the same way I would to comfort Liam. I grimace at the thought, too soon.

"Harry, listen to Daddy. It isn't your fault. Not at all, that man; He's a very bad man, but your brother, Liam, he's strong just like you. He will make it through and he will come home to us. I know he will, you need to believe that, ok? For Daddy and Mama? Can you do that?" I refused to believe it was Harry's fault because it wasn't. I knew he blamed himself because he thinks he brought Dominic back, when he didn't. Harry nods sniffling.

"Come on boys, we gotta go talk to Uncle Jim and the other officers. You boys go play, ok?" I instruct, both boys go their separate ways from us and we all head to the kitchen, weary and worn down.

Liam P.O.V.

I woke up with a blaring headache, but I couldn't see anything. It almost pitch black. The only light was a small circle around me, a lightbulb hanging above my head. I was tied to a chair, my legs to the lea of the chair and my hands behind my back. I whimpered, I couldn't see anything far from the circle of light around me. In the scary movies, the horrible monsters always lurk in the dark, much like in a scene like this. I wasn't gagged thankfully, I began to scream and shout.

"Help! Help! Please, anybody! Daddy?! Mama?! Somebody! Please, help." I holler, my voice getting quieter at the end as I start to cry. I just wanted my Daddy, I wanted him to sing to me and lay in his arms again. I look up as I see the large metal door creak open and a tall masculine man make his way down the steps slowly, a smirk on his face.

"Aw poor baby." He coos, he slaps me backhandedly across my face. I wince in pain, was this what Harry went through? "Nobody can hear you!" He roared.

"P-please, let me go. I just want my Daddy." I beg, tears cascading down my face. My heart pounding against my chest, my breath quick and in short spurts. I was scared, terrified. I just wanted to go home. I was cold, I had no shirt on and was only in my pajama shorts. The exact thing I wore to bed hours before. I just wanted to be home with my family. I didn't understand what he wanted from me.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, try not to scream. Half my hearing is already gone from last time, your brother is quite the screamer." He says before lashing my back. I let out a mix between a groan and hiss as the leather whip scrapes the front of my chest twice, creating an 'X'. He drops the weapon before untying me and then chaining me up again, only this time I'm standing up. I hiss as he cracks the weapon on my back now, I wondered just how much pain he had put Harry through before I was taken and now I knew. I just hoped I'd be lucky enough to return home. I hoped I would be. It wasn't long before I passed out. I just wanted to go home. I just wanted Daddy. I just wanted my family and to be home. I missed then so much, I promised myself before I went totally out; I'd come home, I would see my family again. I was going to be strong just like Harry was. I would see them again, I knew they were looking for me. All I could do is wait patiently and be strong.

Please come soon, I miss you guys.

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