True Evil

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Louis' P.O.V.

Tonight was the first night of the stake out and my nerves couldn't have been any crazier. Currently, all five of us were laying on Zayn and I's king size bed, we had gotten a new bed since we were dating, we hadn't gotten intimate though. Anyways, it all started when I told the boys it was lights out, I told them all to go to their separate rooms and I'd come in, in a bit to tuck them in. But, they refused to sleep alone which I didn't mind sharing the bed with them, it made me feel better knowing they were with me. So there it was, Niall to my right with my arm slung around him, Harry laying on my chest with my other arm across his body and Liam on Zayn's masculine chest, Zayn holding him close and rubbing his back as he sang a lullaby, a lullaby that was Liam's specifically but since the other two were there it was a duet between me and him. We sang the tune and about halfway through Liam and Niall fell asleep, Harry looked drowsy and yet too frightened and nervous to go to sleep.

"Close your eyes and go to sleep, Kitten. I've got you, you're safe with me." I coo quietly. Harry's eyes flutter closed and he drifts off. Zayn and I switch off sleeping, I'd stay up for about three hours and then he would, it seemed ridiculous considering we had cops at the house but, it gave more piece of mind, we felt secure with the officers but it helped knowing that one of us was awake and alert just in case. We switched on and off until the morning when the boys woke up.

"Good morning, Bubba. Sleep well?" Zayn asked, Liam was first to wake surprisingly. Him and Zayn slept like bears hibernating. Next was Niall, Niall didn't really like to speak much when he woke up, he got up with a grunt and went to the bathroom before falling on the bed again. Right at the impact Harry's eyes snapped open and he was shaking like a leaf.

"Hey, hey, it's okay Haz. It was just NiNi. You're ok." I coo, I knew what he was thinking. Well, we all did. We tried to act as if it wasn't happening but, it was still there. I couldn't stop thinking about all the 'what if's' and a lot of them scare me but at the same time, some anger me. He was never gonna take my world from me, nor Harry. As I thought about Dominic Porter, I couldn't help but think he was more a sickness or disease than a person, he certainly didn't act like a human being. I couldn't help but be so enraged at what he had done to Harry before and wonder just what he wanted from my Harry now. He's made the poor boy suffer more than enough, what more could he want?

"Why don't you boys get dressed and I'll go start on breakfast, omelets sound good?" I suggest. The boys respond with a half hearted sure and I head downstairs and begin making extra omelets along with eggs, meat and toast of us and the officers that were awake and checking the house frequently. I'd give the others lunch later since they'd probably be up by then because they had late night/early morning shift. I call for everyone once the food is done and we all pile in the kitchen and start I consume the delicious food.

"Daddy?" Liam asks shyly.

"Yes Bubba." He smiles, Zayn always had a soft spot for Liam. I grin at the thought. He and Liam were two peas in a pod, those two.

"Could you and I maybe go outside today and play soccer? I could use some practice." I purse my lips, we were allowed to go outside, a officer would come with us of course but Liam knew it made the two of us nervous being out in the open. Zayn looked at me and I shrugged.

"Sure, why not? We could do a family game." He suggested. He had been trying to keep the kids busy, it actually sounded like a good idea.

"We can go out after lunch, ok?" I ask, the boys nod and we all disperse. I going to do the dishes while the other four went to play some video games together. After I was done with washing the plates, I thought I'd tidy up a bit around the house. So I went around dusting and such until it was lunch time. It was spring now so I decided on some cold sandwiches since it was getting warmer outside everyday except for the colder evenings that would get hotter once summer blew in. I put a variety of meats on the sandwiches and set the condiments on the table. I also pulled out a few bags of chips. It was a little after four, it was like linner. Lunch-Dinner, clever right? I could still make something in case the boys got hungry again. Everyone sat at the table quietly eating and munching on their crisps.

"We were going to have a few rounds of soccer, would you come out with us?" I asked Bryan, he was a partner of James and we had to ask before going outside, I felt like I was a kid again asking if I could go outside and play.

"Sure, I'll go with you." He replies, I dispose of the paper plates we used and put away the condiments before following the boys outside. Everything was calm. We split into teams, Zayn and Liam, Harry, Niall and I. Liam was probably as good as two players out together so it was still technically fair. We played three intense matches before Zayn and I took a seat on the grass, trying to catch our breath.

"Hey guys." Bryan caught our attention, gesturing inside. He had his phone up to his ear. We nodded in acknowledgement before he excused himself. Zayn and I watch the boys continue to mess about and play until the sun began to set. It was fun to see them smiling and goofing off, just as I began to feel the nip of the crisp spring air I turn to Zayn. I knew it was getting close to their bedtime.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Time for you to get a watch." He joked, he looked at his watch before replying again correctly this time.

"It's 8 o'clock." He informed. Thirty minutes past their usual bedtime but given the circumstances I let it go. I stood up and helped Zayn before calling the boys inside.

"Alright ducklings, to Mama and Daddy's room. It's bedtime!" I chant as we all pound up the steps, Liam turns around at the top.

"Actually, I was thinking I'd sleep in my room tonight." Liam informed. I wasn't exactly fond of the idea but agreed to it. Niall and Harry decided to stay with us one more night. So the four of us went our bedroom, drifting off quickly.

Liam P.O.V.

I lay awake for a solid two hours in my stuffy and hot bedroom. We weren't supposed to open any windows or anything. But as I lay miserably in the heat, cursing the fact that our AC had quit, I got up and cracked the window open about an inch or two. The cool spring breeze leaking through, I crawled back into bed and fell asleep.

Until, I was yanked up and awake, a hand over my mouth. I whimper, thinking the worst and it's confirmed when I feel the hot breath fanning my neck and hear him whisper;

"Don't worry, I've got you." I thrashed and tried to make noise but I was gagged. It was no use, he put a cloth over my mouth and nose and before I went out, I was pulled out of my bedroom window and expertly dragged to the neighbors front yard, the ones that lived behind us and I was thrown into the back of the white van. My last thoughts of my family and then I was unconscious.

Louis P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning with a strange feeling but shook it off, going downstairs to do the usual; make breakfast. Once I was finished I called the family down. I see three come down and begin to dig into their food. I frown, we're missing someone.

"Did you guys wake Liam?" I ask, with a look. Niall, Harry and Zayn shake their head. Zayn and I glance at each other before bolting up the wooden stairs and throwing Liam's bedroom door open, desperate and hoping to see our third boy in there but found nothing. Nothing but his favorite Toy Story blanket on the ground along with a folded note on top. Zayn stumbled forward to the note and unfolded it. He dropped to his knees, the note floating to the floor as he dropped it as he sobbed into his hands. I kneel down and comfort him or at least try, I pick the note up and read.

I told you, I'd be come for one your angels. Shouldn't have left the window open, I warned you and now you pay the consequences.


Smoking was bad, but this right here, was True Evil.

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