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Louis' P.O.V.

Something is really wrong. Not with the boys, it's me. I think my feelings towards Zayn may have changed. We've always been best mates but I think I've begun to see him as more and I think it's been this way for a while and I'm now realizing it. I just adore the way he is with the other boys, how caring, gentle and fun he is in general and to them. I adore just how selfless he is, he's always put the boys first before himself. I like how kind and warm his eyes are. I like when he has that slight stubble on his luscious cheeks and his chin. My thoughts were interrupted by his soft yet deep voice.

"You ready?" I nod, my cheeks tinting a light shade of pink. If he only knew what's been going on in my head. I walk the boys out to the car and make sure they're buckled. We were going to the outlet mall. It was one of those ones where you would walk along a complex of sort and it had different stores. We all settle in the car quietly. I can't help but admire the way Zayn drives, he always drives one handed and his other hand on the back of the passenger seat. Some would say you'd have little control driving this way but he was actually a good driver. I realize I'm staring and quickly look away and gaze out the window. As I watch us pass other vehicles, I can't help but wonder if he thinks about me the same way.


After about an hour of driving in beautiful silence, we arrive. The paradise didn't last long because they all argued about which store to go to first. I sigh.

"Alright! We are going to that one first." I dictate, pointing to the one that Liam suggested and we start walking the short distance to the boutique.


After three hours of walking there's only one or two stores we haven't gone to, which we were going to hit right now. It was between Niall and Harry's store of choice and we decided we'd go to Harry's on our way out. I glance back to make sure my ducklings are following, but I'm missing one.

"Guys, where's Harry?!" I ask frantic. He was here with us moments ago!

"Uh, I'm not sure. He was right behind me." Liam replies timidly. I'm officially scared right now! Where could he have gone?! Sensing my panic, Zayn pulls me into his beautiful tanned, tattooed arms, hoping to ease my nerves.

"Hey, hey, look at me." He instructs, taking my tear filled face between his large, soft hands. He thumbs away my tears.

"I'm sure he's fine, we did pass by that store he wanted to go to. Here's what we're gonna do, ok?" I nod.

"I'm going to go to that store and look for him, if I can't find him I'll get some help. You take Niall and Liam to Niall's place and I'll call you when we find him. He's fine." He assures, all I can do is nod and go with the plan. I just hope Zayn finds him.


Zayn's P.O.V.

My fingers tingle as I walk away in search for Harry. I would dwell on my own feelings but, I need to find him for Louis. I hate seeing him upset. His gorgeous blue eyes leaking tears. I had to admit it was quite cute when his little nose would turn red when he'd cry. Or how kissable his lips seemed when wet and pouty. I shake my head as I enter the store. I search left and right until I see the head of unruly curls, anger pumps through my veins. I storm up to the young boy and give him a hard swat to his bum.

"How could you run off, Harry Edward?" I hiss, he let's out a whimper. He knows he's in trouble.

"I'm sorry, I-" He tries.

"Sorry doesn't cut it right now, little boy. Do you know how worried me and your mother were." I lecture, little drops cascade down his pale skin. I pull out myself and hit Louis' contact, he answers immediately.

"Did you find him?!"

"Yes, we are heading your way." I answer calmly. I end the call when I spot them sitting on the bench. I drag Harry by his wrist over to the rest of the family. Louis immediately stands, hugging him to death.

Louis P.O.V.

Relief, is the only feeling I have at the moment as I embrace Harry. I was so afraid, so worried. Beyond worried if possible. I quickly snap out of the relief stage.

"What were you thinking?!" I scold. I pull Harry into the men's room along with Zayn, I immediately deliver ten hard spanks to his bottom, his body jumping at each one.

"Ow! I'm sorry, I was just looking! I was going to be back!" He cries as I continue.

"Ah, Mama please! Please don't spank me here!" He begs.

"Hush, you earned this. You are so lucky I'm not going to ask for Daddy's belt!" I chastise. I was well over twenty by now and his bare bum was now a strawberry red, I decide to quit at forty. I finish with a loud a loud thunderous clap to his bottom before I pull him into my arms. Or at least try to, he fights out of my grasp and shoves me away. I feel a sharp jab, right in the middle of my chest.

"God dammit! Stop babying me! I hate you!" He yells. Before I can even react, I see Zayn storm over, slipping off his leather belt and doubling it over. I stood frozen as I hear the thwack as it lands on Harry's back side, hard. Zayn lecture in between licks.

"You. Do. Not. Speak. Like. That. To. Your. Mother. Ever. Understand?!" He yells, raising the belt high in the air before snapping it down onto the flushed flesh of his bum.

"Y-yes! I- I unde-rstand!" He screams between sobs. Zayn finally stops and we steer Harry and the boys out to the parking lot to our car. Harry walking blindly because he's too stubborn to accept any help. He's crying hard and his sight is probably blurry. Which is probably why he tripped over the curb.

"O-ow!" He cries, laying on the ground. He sits upright and I can see the slight damage. His right knew scraped raw and his elbow too. I stop and turn, watching as Liam offers a hand to help my baby up. He shakes his head wailing.

"M-mama! I want M-ma-ma!" He hiccups. I almost grin and yell for joy but contain myself as I walk- ok, maybe jogged the small two feet to my baby.

"It's okay, you're okay Kitten. Just a little fall and a few scrapes. It's okay, you're okay." I coo as he cuddles into my side, finally allowing me to cuddle him. I reach into my back pocket, I always keep a few band aids on me, just in case. I can be a klutz sometimes, ok? I stick the band aids to the small wounds, pressing a small kiss after they're firmly on his skin. I help my Kitten up and gesture for him to hop in my back for a piggy back ride and we resume our walk to the car.

Zayn P.O.V.

I try to conceal the smile playing at my lips, as Louis cares for Harry and watch as the two finally make up. No words were even needed and I thought that was beautiful. I thought it was beautiful that Louis and Harry have such a connection that, sometimes they don't have to say their apologies aloud. I can't help but stare as Louis bounces Harry on his back for fun as they piggy back to the car. He was just so motherly I guess you could say, I liked that role on him though. I shake my head at the thoughts. There's no way, he thought of me like that. Why would he? He was some kind of god and I was just, well me... I push the rejected feeling away as we take our seats in the car.

A/N: This was a cute prompt from sandygirly2000, she gave me two prompts and I thought of combining them but that seemed like a bit much for one chapter. Hopefully she and you guys don't mind. Do you think I was too straightforward with their feelings? Did I maybe change your mind about Zouis in the story? Let me know what you think. Enjoy and love ya guys.

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