All I Want For Christmas Is You

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A/N: Warning this might be intense. This is just how I portrayed the chapter but if you guys don't like it, let me know because I can rewrite into something else or at least try. I apologize in advance if this upsets you or offends you in anyway. Hope you like and sorry for the wait but I do have good news! I'm on spring break which means I might update more. Xxx

That night I stayed up, not getting any sleep and neither did Zayn, though Liam and Niall were worried just as much, they still fell asleep after we began to sing. Throughout the night Niall and Liam would either snap awake at the same time or different times because of nightmares to which we would have to console them and somehow coax them back to some kind of slumber. I just hoped that Harry was sleeping soundly and this was just some stunt for money and they weren't hurting my baby. As I watched the sun begin its ascent into the sky and drift behind the grey clouds that reflected our moods exactly; I felt someone stir next to me. It was Niall. He opened his icy blue orbs and faintly smiled at me, he knew I was probably hurting the most right now and he was doing his best to keep everyone strong, what an angel. But, I couldn't put that on his young self, no, I had to be strong for us not the other way around and I was determined to not only look for and find Harry but also try to keep their minds elsewhere.

"Morning NiNi, sleep alright?" I ask softly running my fingers through his soft hair.

"I guess. Mama?"

"Yeah baby?" I reply

"Can we make Christmas cookies? Maybe it'll be good luck or we can save them for Hazza when he comes home." He suggested. I smile at his thoughtfulness.

I nod and tell him sure and to get the other two up and to be dressed do so we can bake. In about fifteen minutes everyone is up and I'm just getting around to finishing up the cookie dough and rolling out so we could create shapes and have fun. Niall and Liam sat on stools near the island counter and began to choose which shapes they wanted. Niall made a couple Christmas trees and a Santa Claus and a angel while Liam made a present, a football and wreath. He came across another shape and he began to cry. I walked behind him and he leaned into my chest just sobbing, clutching the cookie cutter in his right hand. I gently pulled it from his grasp and looked at what it was and when I saw it I almost choked up too. It was a cat. Liam continued to cry and murmur something I couldn't comprehend. I rocked him back and forth for a few moments until he calmed down and asked him what he had said.

"It's all my fault he's gone Mama. if I hadn't tried out for football I could've been there to save him, it could've been me instead. I'm the oldest, I should've protected him." He cried and it suddenly hit Niall too. They were both blaming themselves and it felt like I was being burned alive hearing them blame themselves.

"Boys." I say sharply to get their attention as the room went from the sound of crying to only sniffling in moments as they listened. "This is not in anyway your fault. Understand? This happens and sometimes we can't do anything about it but, we will find Harry." I lecture. They nod in understanding and go back to shaping cookies pretending to be strong when in reality we all just wanted our Harry. We soon finish cutting out the cookies and I put them in the oven to bake, after about an hour we had finished cooking and decorating. Liam then had an excellent idea of going out to shop for gifts for each other.

We were walking around in a clothing store when I saw something that caught my eye. It was a blanket with a cat on it, it reminded me so much of my baby. I decided to buy it for when we brought him home and we are going to find him. So far the police haven't had any luck but are doing their best. I just wish he was here.

Harry's P.O.V.

The last thing I heard before going unconscious was the sound of a door closing in the distance. I woke up, I don't even know how long after that in a place unfamiliar to me. My head was pounding and it was cold and dark wherever I was. It must've been night because moonlight shown through the single window into the room. My wrists also hurt, I peered down to where it hurt and saw I was chained and had no shirt. I began to cry, I wanted Mama, I was scared and cold. I began to cry out.

"Hello? Anyone? Please! I just want to go home! I just want my ma-ma!" My voice cracked at the end. A minute later a door opened not too far away and I blinked rapidly adjusting to the bright light coming in, the man who tackled me was coming down the steps. He had dark and cruel eyes that danced in amusement at my pleas. He also had dark hair and he wasn't anyone I knew. In his right hand he held a black leather whip, I gulped in fear.

"Aw, the little baby wants his Mommy?" He teased. He was behind me. A second later I heard the whip fly through the air and fall on my back with a loud and stinging crack!

"Well, guess what?! He's not coming!" He roared landing another lash. The leather was tough and I was pretty sure he'd already broken the skin with just two lashes because I felt something warm trickle down my back.

"He doesn't love you, he just puts up with you because he has to." He sneered.

"You're wrong! He does love me and they're going to find me!" I screamed my voice croaky from tears as he landed more strikes against my exposed and bleeding body.

"You'll learn quickly to keep your mouth shut boy." He relentlessly and mercilessly landed a long series of blows, I screamed and cried with each and every one, tugging at the binds on my hands. With each lash, he spat an insult.






Waste of air." He would repeat as he continued to beat me. I tried to ignore the pain but it was indescribable. It was like being branded and stung by bees at the same time. I lost count after awhile and just before I was about to pass out he called his partner. He then undid my bonds and threw me onto the filthy and ripped up bed, he tied my arms and legs. His partner came forward with a pot. He took off the lid and steam came out. He then tipped the container towards me and the molten liquid hit my back. I began to scream again though my throat was raw. The water had to be the temperature of lava, I was sure it had burned any of the skin I had left and it must've been salt water or something because as some of it soaked into my wounds it stung even more. I eventually passed out from pain and exhaustion.

Before I let darkness take me these thoughts swirled through my mind; I didn't know how long I had been here for and how much longer I would be but one thing was for sure. I would my let them break me, I was going to see Mama and my family again. I knew they were looking for me, I just have to wait for them to come and save me from this torture. And I hope they come soon.

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