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Harry P.O.V.

I woke up from my deep slumber and grumbled. I had to wake up for school because we were still on break. I looked at my alarm clock and it read the usually time I would wake up, six. I groaned and got out of bed and surveyed my messy room for pants and a hopefully clean shirt. I finally found one and took a quick shower, got dressed and made my way downstairs. Something down there smelled delightful, Daddy always made breakfast for us. Though I was grateful to see my favorite breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes, I was still grumpy. Remember how Niall got in trouble and puked his guts out? Yeah he's still a little sick so Mama and Daddy are letting him stay home which means I have to walk home like a lonely loser today because Liam has football(soccer) tryouts. Though I'm glad he's trying out, he's really good. I was in the middle of scarfing down my father bear's flying flapjacks as Daddy called them when my phone vibrated in my front jean pocket. I pulled my phone out and read the text, but it was from someone I didn't know and what it said scared me.

From: Unknown

I'm watching you... Enjoy your breakfast because it might be the last one you see for awhile curly.

I stared down at the message and reread it multiple times. I looked up and realized it was time for Daddy to take me to school, they didn't let me drive for some reason. I decided to shake the weird text off, it could've just been a prank from someone who got my number at school. it wasn't a big deal, right?

I slid onto the cool leather seat of Daddy's car and buckled up. I arrived at school about fifteen minutes later an Daddy put the car in park and kissed my cheek.

"Have a good day, kiddo. Mommy and I love you. He's sorry he couldn't take you today and he promised to take you tomorrow, alright?" He said. I love Daddy, don't get me wrong. It's just that I'm closer to Mama. I slung my bag over my right shoulder and opened the door.

"Love you, I'll see you later tonight. Be careful walking back home." He instructed me. I cast him an 'I love you too' and entered the building and went to class.

The day was nearly over and I was at my locker gathering my things before I left. I finally packed everything I needed and went to the front of the school and began to walk home. It was only like five blocks, not too far. However, when I was about halfway home I noticed something. There was this white van behind me and I realized it'd been following me for awhile. the windows were tinted so I couldn't see in the vehicle. I just shook it off thinking it was paparazzi but, every turn I made, it made too. I am officially scared right now. I was about to make the last turn onto my street until I heard the door slide open and a man with a mask jumped out and began to run at me. I gulped in fear and began to sprint until a large and heavy body collided with mine and knocked us to the ground. He tried to wrestle me into a holding position and I fought as hard as I possibly could but he was too strong. I began to scream and shout.

"Mama, help! Somebody please!" The man put a cloth over my mouth and nose, it smelt odd. Then it hit me, he was trying to knock me out. I held whatever breath I had already for as long as I could. I soon ran out of oxygen and gasped for air breathing in through the cloth. The last thing I heard before things went black was a door opening in the distance.

Louis P.O.V.

I was washing the dishes in the sink until I heard someone. Harry. I quickly dried off my hands thinking he had tripped on the uneven sidewalk near our house skinned his knee and he was calling me to kiss it better but when I exited our house and looked around, I saw exactly the opposite. I began to run to save my baby but I was too slow and too late. The man threw himself and my poor kitten into the white van. I tried to run after it but it sped off too quick. I tried looking for a liscense plate like they tell you to but, it didn't appear to have one. I would've chased after them but Zayn had our car and the other one was out of commission. Th white van quickly vanished from sight and I fell to my knees and began to bawl. They took him, they took my baby. I partially composed myself and dialed Zayn, there's no way the police could've caught up to that car if that's what you're thinking. The station is too far away. After two rings he picked up.

"Louis, I can't really talk. I'm in a meeting for the band." He said quietly. He then listened closer. He was in the same meeting as me this morning.

"Louis, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked.

"He's gone, Zayn." I managed to choke out.

"What? Who's gone, Louis?" He questioned confused.

"There was this van and I heard Harry scream an-and they took him Zayn. They took my baby!"

"I'm coming home right now, call the police. I'll be home soon." He hung up and I called the police and explained the situation. Moments later Niall came outside and he looked disoriented since he had just woken up.

"Mama, what are you doing on the ground? Where's Hazza?" He asked in a worried voice.

"NiNi, I don't how to say this but Harry's been kidnapped. Daddy and the police are coming, we're going to find him. Don't you worry." I told him as his eyes glistened with tears as I told him the news. He came over to me, helped me up an embraced me in a tight hug. I love all the boys the same but, Harry and I have a special connection. I can't explain it, he's my baby, my youngest and my job was to protect him... But I didn't. Niall and I stood there in the driveway hugging until we heard Zayns car and then the faint sound of police sirens coming and we released each other but he stayed under my arm, to keep me up and because that's where my kitten should've been but wasn't. The officer walked up to me and began to question me about Harry's appearance(Idiot, he's Harry Styles. How do you not know what he looks like?) and the description of the men and the vehicle. He apologized for having this unfortunate event on us and he promised they'd do their best to find him, he seemed very sincere too. Zayn had picked up Liam on the way home too and we all huddled up in the front yard hugging and crying together until Zayn led us inside.

"We should get some sleep guys, we can't do much right now except wait."

"Mama?" The two remaining boys asked. I had to be strong even though not only had my baby been ripped away but a piece of my heart had been as well. I had to be there for them and be optimistic.

"Yeah boys" I answer.

"Do you think they'll find Hazza?" They innocently questioned with tears in their eyes and on their faces.

"I know they will. We need to be positive, Harry is going to make it and he'll be home with us soon, where he belongs." I tell them. They nodded and hugged me. We led the boys inside and they requested to sleep in our room so we pushed the beds together and cradled our two remaining boys trying to bring them to sleep while crying over the absence of one of our most important family members. As I sat in the warm house in bed with the boys, I said a quick prayer.

"Please let my baby be okay and return home. Let him hopefully be warm in this cold December wherever he's been taken. Most of all, let him live and return to his family's warm embrace and be home for Christmas."

I let the river flow as I thought this, I just wanted Harry home. Safe and warm, drinking hot cocoa and trying to be good because he wanted his presents from Santa. I cuddled Liam, Niall and Zayn close that night. Not sleeping at all.

Who guessed this was going to happen? How sad is this? hope you enjoyed or I don't even know what to say :). I feel bad but doesn't it make the story better?

Comment what you think please! Love you guys, sorry for the wait and you can always ask for more for this one ;)

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