The Three Musketeers

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Liam P.O.V.

Ever since the whole jealousy incident, Niall, Harry and I have been pretty close. There were days when we'd have little fights, nothing big but, I think this is the closest we've been. I was currently just chilling out with everyone eating lunch when I got a text from a old friend I recently caught up with.

Hey Liam, there's a party at mine 2nite. Can u come?

- Micheal

I've known Mike since we were kids, he was quite popular in school and threw some epic parties. I had a good feeling Mama and Daddy would say no if I asked to go alone so I shot Harry and NIall a text asking they wanted to go;

Party @ my friends. Want 2 go?

From: Harry

Hell yeah!

From Niall:

Y not? ;)

I locked my phone and contiued eating like nothing mishciveous was happening between us. I was quiet for a while unitl Mama and Daddy began to clean up. I decided it was now or never. I signaled the boys that it was time to make our move.

"Hey Mama, I have a question." I approach.

"What's up Li?"

"Well, uh, as you guys have noticed, Niall, Harry and I have been bonding cloesly and I figured we should have some 'bro time' so to speak and I was just wondering if we could possibly go to a party at my friends. I promise I'll watch after them." I beg.

"Liam, you know how your mother and I feel about parties." Daddy interjects. Of course he'd ruin it. He's been so overprotective lately.

"I know but I think it can be a good bonding experience for us." I argue.

"A good bonding experience? More like a chance to do something stupid. The answer is no." Mama counters taking his side. I soon got an idea.

"Alright, I won't pester you or argue. I guess we'll be in my room playing some video games." I 'give in'. Mama and Daddy both turn their backs to me as I stride away to my room along with Harry and Niall. Once there, I close the door.

"I can't believe they said no! This is so unfair. Now we're going to look like losers because they aren't letting us go." Harry whines.

"We are going to that party." I say.

"But Liam, they both said no." Niall points out.

"Niall, you dingdong, don't you remember what happened last time when they said you couldn't go out?" I question.

"I snuck out."

"Exactly, tonight we are sneaking out." I announce quietly.


Mama ushers us into bed at our usal time, only, we're not going to be sleeping. The plan is to wait about half an hour then climb out our windows, making sure to close all but one and head out about a block so Mike can pick us up. It was perfect. Half an hour passed all to slowly and I soon climbed out from my window leaving it open. My room was close to the others so mine was the designated window. I creep towards the tree we agreed to meet behind and wait, soon my brothers meet me there.

"Liam are you sure about this?" Harry asks nervously.

"Of course, why can't we have some fun? Just stay by me during the party alright?" I instruct as we arrive at the waiting spot for Mike. He arrives after a few minutes.

"Gentlemen, prepare for yourselves for an awesome party. Tonight we live like we're young." I joke. Niall and Harry both roll their eyes at my word play of our song as we walk into the soon to be legendary party.


"Liam, the guilt is eating us away! We need to tell them, it's the right thing to do." Harry whispers.

"Harry, you know what's going to happen if we do. Let's just leave it. What they don't know, won't hurt them." I quote. He reluctantly agrees and goes off to help Mama with something he asked. I did not want a spanking. Surprisingly Mama and Daddy didn't find out about us sneaking out, I preferred we kept it that way but, I couldn't deny that I felt something deep in the pit of my stomach. I was too stubborn to admit aloud that the feeling was guilt. It would surely pass... right?

Wrong. It has now been four days since it happened and I was getting an upset stomach due to my lie. I don't even know how it is humanly possible to feel this guilty. There was only one way to get rid of it too, I knew it. I had to confess. So I rounded up my brothers and told them it was time. They seemed relieved, which made me feel bad for making them lie. We walked out into the kitchen where Mama and Daddy were and stood quietly.

"Is there something we can help you with?" Mama joked seeing our expressions. Niall and Harry hung their heads. I can't believe that I dragged them into this. It was all my fault.

"Mama, Daddy, do you remember how you told us that we couldn't go I my friend Mike's party?" I ask timidly. They nod their heads.

"Well, we ended up sneaking out anyways. It isn't Niall or Harry's fault, it was all my idea." I rushed out. Their concerned faces soon turned angry.

"I am glad you fessed up to your wrong doing and are trying to help your brothers, however, you are all in trouble still. I just want to know one thing; Did any of you drink or do anything?"

"No." Each of answered honestly, Mama examined our faces intently for signs of lying. He didn't question anyone.

"Very well. Zayn, you take care of Harry and Niall and I will deal with Liam." Mama had been taking on a more strict role, I grew nervous. I was in trouble if she wanted to deal with me alone. He led me upstairs into his bedroom.

"Pants and underwear down, over my lap." He orders sitting down, wooden hairbrush in hand. I wince already, that brush had a mean bite to it. Almost as bad as the belt. Almost. I do as he says and lay across his lap taking deep breaths. The first smack lands soon and hard. Mama wastes no time either. I counted up to twenty five before I lose my composure and begin to cry and beg;

"Mama, please stop! I'm sorry, I won't do it again, I promise! I'll be good." I plead.

"Will you ever convince your brother to do something bad again?" He asks in between spanks.

"N-no!" I sob out finally hitting my breaking point, going limp. Mama lifts me up onto his lap, careful o my sore bottom. He rocks us back and forth, back and forth. Calming me down after awhile.

"How about we go and play some board games?" He suggests. I nod, board games in this family could be very intense. It was always funny though. We venture downstairs and see Niall, Harry and Daddy already setting up a game. Like they read our minds.

"We thought we would be Scrabble since you cheated last time." Daddy complains.

"For the last time; How do you even cheat at Scrabble!" Mama says exasperatedly.

"I don't know but you did!" Daddy counters. Oh boy, I'll be lucky if I even survive tonight.

This chapter was inspired by bringht, she had a great idea of the boys sneaking out and being successful but guilty. I swear I love this girl. She is awesome, she puts up with me even when I'm annoying and like all of you readers are understanding. I was supposed to have this up earlier but my family kept pulling me everywhere, so I'm sorry. Also, thank you so much to my readers out there! 5K guys! That is so cool! I never thought I'd get that many! I rember only getting about a hundred or 1k and thinking I was doing something wrong. The good old days... Joking. Love ya and enjoy! For Bubbles!


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