Healing Physically

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Louis' P.O.V.

Zayn and the other boys just left to go home to get some of ours and Harry's things. Many of Harry's wounds healed themselves over the time he was gone but the majority of them are open. Which means that the doctor would like for Harry to stay in the hospital for awhile until they are healed so he doesn't get an infection. Some of his lacerations are really long. the longest reaches the middle of his shoulder to the very bottom of his back, almost to the curve of his bottom. Anyways, there was no way any of us were going to let Harry stay here alone.

I was currently laying on the itchy hospital bed with Harry on top of my chest or more like body. His head in the little nook of my neck and his fist grasping my shirt as he slept. Little puffs of air escaping his mouth here and there. As I was marveling down at the strong boy in front of me, his jade eyes fluttered open.

"Have a good nap darling?" I smile softly. The nurses had wheeled his bed to his assigned room once they were done sanitizing his wounds and he soon fell asleep after. Harry nodded and snuggled closer. it was freezing in here. I wrapped his blanket closer around him as he sighed closing his tired eyes, they had purple bags underneath them. They shot open in an instant.

"Where's Daddy, LiLi and Ni?" He asked, eyes searching frantically.

"Hey, it's okay calm down. Daddy and your brothers went home to get some of our things." I tried to soothe him over his shallow breathing. He was having a pain attack. The doctor said this might happen after his experience, I just didn't think it'd be so soon. I tried everything the doctor instructed me to do in this situation but none of it was working until;

"Harry, sweat heart? What's wrong?" Zayn questioned as he stalked into the room. Harry calmed down immediately when he heard Zayn's voice and saw him. Ouch, Harry is usually closer to me.

"Daddy, I-i thought y-you left m-me." He hiccuped as he cried. Zayn hugged Harry close and caressed his curls as he cried in to his shoulder, arms wound tight against his neck.

"Darling, we just went home to get some of our things, so we can stay here with you." He explained. "I'm sorry we scared you baby." Harry calmed down after a few moments. Call me weird, but, it was beautiful thing to watch Zayn be so caring when many people portrayed Zayn as a tough and heartless person, which he isn't. He had moments were he could be very... Brutal, I guess you could call it. I like to say strict more.

After Harry had calmed down, Zayn turned and pulled out a styrofoam cup out of a container and handed it to me. Tea, my favorite kind of tea too.

"Thought you could use a bit of a wake up." He sits down beside me. I thanked him and watched as the boys crowded around Harry with their DSI's, beginning to play Mario Kart. Surprisingly, there were no fights of any kind. Usually when they versed each other in any, game they can be competitive. Very competitive. Niall and Liam once broke a vase, one that Zayn's deceased grandmother had given him before she passed. The pair couldn't sit for a week, Zayn belted them that hard.

I looked to my watch an saw it was getting quite late, it was already passed their bedtime because I let them stay up and have fun. Now it's going to be fun for me to get them settle down.

"Alright little ducklings, time for bed." I tell the trio.

"But Mama!" Liam protests.

"No but's, Liam James." I warn. He remains silent. I usher Niall and Liam into the cots the hospital kindly provided for us and tucked each of them in, pressing a kiss to their forehead. Zayn and I agreed we'd sleep on the uncomfortable chairs in the room. I pushed my seat closer to Harry's bed in case he had any nightmares and laced put hands together as he leaned back and closed his precious eyes. Soon enough, sleep found all of us.


I was woken by the noise I sniffling. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Harry still laying down but his emerald green eyes spilling tears like a waterfall.

"Kitten, what's wrong? Mama's here and the rest of us are too. Aw sweetie, tell me what's wrong?" I beg as he shuts his eyes tight and shakes his head. I slid on the slim space left on the bed and place him on my lap, rubbing his soft hair, trying to soothe him. After a few minutes a small sniffles is heard with a choked back sob.

"It felt so real, Mama." His fragile voice fills the room.

"I know sweetheart, I know. It was just a dream. A dream, it wasn't real. I promise I will never let anyone hurt you again Harry." I assure. He nods and snuggles into his favorite spot when laying with me. His head in my neck and his fist clutching my shirt. His breathing stays shallow for a few minutes and soon evens out as he goes into his slumber.

I just hope he can move past this. Forget it all and just be able to feel the feelings that were violated and taken. Love, trust, happiness and safety. If I could have one wish it'd be, to take away his pain as grief.

I know this is super late and I'm very sorry. I had a lot to do for school with finals and all. Plus, I had a death in my family this past week. I'm sorry, I just needed some time to deal with myself. I was very close with my grandmother and it's very hard on my family. I just would like to say; Thank you to my readers for staying with me, if they're are still some left. I'd like to thank all my new followers too. I tried to follow all of you too, if I didn't let me know because I'd love to follow you guys. Let me know what you thought of the chapter. Do you guys think I'm doing alright writing this book? Is there anything I need to work on? Like details and plot wise? I'm just curious as to what you guys think and feel about my work. Please let me know and you are totally allowed to send prompts. I may not be able to get to them right away because I still have a bit left with this piece of the book. Do you think I'm dragging it out too much? Let me know and sorry for taking so long and this long note. Thank you and love you all!


Also, have any of you read the book 'Hidden'? it's a book about Harry, it's really good and very funny. You should check it out. That's all ;)

Xxxxx again...

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