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Zayn P.O.V.

I woke to the sound of the car door opening, my head felt heavy and fuzzy. He grabbed me by the bicep and dragged me into the house and down the stairs into what I assumed was the basement, the door shutting with a loud and metallic sounding creak and bang. I was dragged to the bottom and he hooked a chain to my left ankle so I only had about three feet to move, as my eyes adjusted I saw him. Liam, he was sitting down and his whole body shook from the lack of warmth and clothing, his eyes also shut. I hope from sleeping. Dominic left up the stairs shutting us into near darkness except for a lightbulb that flickered here and there. I took the jacket I had off and scooted closer to Liam's quivering body and pulled him close, draping the coat over his bare torso. I couldn't believe he was left in this condition. I hold Liam close in my arms until he stirs and whimpers, trying to get away while mumbling something.

"N-no, p-please I'm sorry. Don't." He whimpers to himself as he begins to tremble in fear.

"Hey, hey, Bubba. Bubba wake up, it's only Daddy. It's okay, Daddy's here now." I coax. Liam stirs some more before I just barely see him brown eyes flutter open slow and shyly. The beautiful doe eyes widen when he see's me.

"D-Daddy?" He whispers in disbelief. I smile gently, nodding. Liam launches into my lap, sobbing. I pet his hair and kissing the side of his head every now and then whispering soothing things.

"Shhh, I'm here Bubba. He can't hurt you now, I'll protect you. I promise, I missed you so much Bubba." My heart swells with happiness and yet it grows heavy when I hear his stomach growl loudly, that's when I notice; He'd only been away for about a week and a half but by now you could see his ribs. He'd been starved. I also noticed the large 'X' across his chest. It was similar to Harry's wounds when he was in the hospital.

"Bubba, when's the last time you ate?" I ask tentatively, I couldn't believe someone would or even could do such a thing, and to a innocent and sweet one like Liam.

"I-I don't know, maybe a few days ago... He only gives me water and scraps." He says unsure, the poor boy does even know when he last ate. I hold him close as we just sit in silence, at least I could try to keep him safe now and I would. Wait a second!

"Bubba!" I exclaim.


"My phone, it's in my jacket!" I realize, if we could get a signal then they could track our location. Liam fumbles in the pocket before pulling the device out. He hands it to me and I see I've got enough signal for a call. I dial the emergency number.

"Hello? 999, what is your emergency." The operator asks. Just as I'm about to answer, the door opens and he comes storming down the stairs, throwing the device to the wall, smashing it into pieces. My whole body droops, that was our only chance.

"Apparently, puppy over here," He points at Liam. "Didn't tell you the rules and punishments. Tell him." He orders.

"If you try at an attempt to escape, you get a hundred lashes with the whip." He recites, his gaze to the floor. What?! A hundred!

"Since he didn't tell you the rules before hand, he shall take your punishment for you." He unhooked Liam from his chain and yanks him to his feet, chaining up once again by his hands this time.

"N-no p-please!" I beg.

"Quiet or he gets more." He seethes. The whip lands with that loud and excruciating crack and Liam grunts at the contact. He continues quick and mercilessly, Liam's cries getting louder and louder. I squeeze my eyes shut and ball my fists. Liam stands tall up until the midway when he goes limp and hangs from his bindings. I see the blood trail from his wounds and I can't help it.

"Stop! Take me instead, it was my phone, my phone means my punishment." I plead. He stops, breathing heavily before landing one last crack of the leather implement.

"Tell him."

"If you take someone's place, you get double." He manages between pants.

"Take me, leave him alone." I repeat, I should've said it sooner, I know. There was no way he could've made it through a hundred blows of that weapon. Hell, I don't even know if I can do it but I rather it be me than him. He unhooks Liam dragging him back to his place before switching me for his spot. I try to brace myself, it isn't long until the first hit comes. I attempt to keep quiet as the long and painful punishment continues. I try to stand tall throughout the whole thing but fail finally at the seventieth lash. The metal cuffs dig into my wrists as I practically hang limply, my legs having given out many lashes ago. I'm barely conscious when I'm chained back up.

"D-Daddy? Are you okay?" Liam cries.

"Daddy's okay Bubba, I'll be okay. I just need you to be safe and strong for me." I comfort my crying boy as he nuzzles himself into my shoulder and I rub his back slowly as I always do. Liam falling asleep under my arm, I take slow breaths as I try to sleep myself. All I can do is think, about what's in store for Liam and I, about the others, about how Louis is going to take the news when and if he finds out and just how much I love my family and him. I think of all the sacrifices I'm going to make while here in this hell, sacrifices to try and keep Liam safer and healthier. As I mentally list these things I drift off, I just hope to bring Liam home and I hope I can go with him but if one of is going home, it'll be him.

A/N; Sorry if this sucks but I'm still a bit sick so that may be why. Hope you enjoyed. How did your concerts go?

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