Kids Will Be Kids

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Louis' P.O.V.

I woke up with a splitting headache and all the noise going on did not make it any better. It felt like I had Bob The Builder in my head banging his hammer everywhere. It was constant and all the noise was making me irritable. I could tell it was going to be a rough day. What I really woke up from was a loud thud coming from downstairs somewhere. And it came again a minute later. I lay in bed, hoping it and my headache would go away.


Nope, no such luck. Today was going to be a really bad day. I got out of bed slowly and dragged myself to get dressed. I had to go grocery shopping. Usually Zayn would do it because he usually cooks but, he has a meeting with Simon about the band. He went alone because Simon said it wasn't too important for the younger boys to have to sit through. I would go next week because of the previous fight that occurred  when we left. Which also meant I had to take them shopping with me. I ventured downstairs towards the ruckus and found Harry and Niall wrestling on the floor. I walked down at the exact moment where Harry jumped from the couch and landed on Niall.

"What the hell is going on? Harry are you trying to kill Niall with the stench of your feet or something?" I snapped. Both boys' eyes widened at my attitude for the day. I don't care, they were being obnoxious. Both of them mumbled apologies.

"I don't want your excuses. Now come on, I have grocery shopping to do. Where's Liam?" I ask

"He's still sleeping." Of course he is.

"Alright, go get dressed and ready. I'm going to go wake Liam." I say walking away to Liam's room. I open the door to see a pig sty. I groan, seriously these boys are so irresponsible.  I somehow make my way over to Liam's bed or what I think is his bed, almost stepping on what looks like a slice of pizza? Except it's cheese has started to go green. Gross.

"Wake up Liam!" I yell smacking him in the face with a dirty sock I found. He didn't even flinch. That is until I held it up to his nose long enough. He woke up coughing.

"Why Mama? Why do you hate me?" He rasped in between coughs.

"Liam, get ready. We have to go to the store." He nods sitting up.

Not so soon enough the boys were ready and we were out the door. It was so peaceful while they were getting ready but of course when it came to who got to sit upfront, a petty argument broke out.

"Since you all are being childish about who gets to sit upfront, none of you will." I say over the fighting.

"But Mama..." They all whine. I resist the urge to yell at them.

"No but's, now quit being brats and get in the car. It's getting old." I snap. They all stand shocked.

"Are you going to get in the car or try and catch flies?" I ask. They all get into the back like instructed and finally simmer down. It didn't last long. We had just finished our shopping and were at check-out.

"Mama, can we get candy." Niall begs, annoying puppy eyes out.

"No." I answer shortly. He looks down after hearing my reply. Harry begins to tug on my arm relentlessly. I order him to stop.

"Daddy always buys us candy Mama. Please can we get some?" He begs.

"Harry, are you stupid? I said no. Now stop tugging on my arm and lets go." The cashier finally rings us up and I start the short walk to the car. I put all the groceries in the trunk and begin the drive home. I make it nearly halfway without any of them bothering me until Harry starts kicking my seat. I bite my lip to try and keep from blowing my top but I have limited patience when in a bad mood.

"Harry, do I need to pull over and spank your bottom?" I spit harshly. He doesn't respond, just keep on kicking my seat.

Kick... Kick... Kick. Kic-...

In a fit of anger and annoyance, I reach back and smack his bare leg. He lets out a loud yelp.

"Now, stop kicking my damn seat and I won't have to do that." The rest of the ride is silent, finally. I park the car and put all of our goods away and sit on the couch trying to relax. I do for awhile until I hear something from the kitchen. I groan getting up and entering the room to investigate. Harry and Niall are in the kitchen sitting on the floor, banging on pots and pans like drums.

"Would you two just knock it off! My god you are such brats." I yell over the noise. When they don't stop, I walk over kick the kitchen utensils away from them. The pair stares up at me in confusion. On a normal day I'd start singing even dancing but today was not one of them.

"Get up." I order. Niall and Harry stand up, bodies quivering in fear. I grab a spatula from the drawer and sit on a stool from the island counter.

"Harry you're first."

"No, this isn't fair. We didn't do anything." He argues. I clench my jaw.

"Harry, get over my lap before I use this and the belt. You've been a brat all day and I want it to stop." I try again. He still remains planted in the same spot. I yank him by his belt loops forward and lay him over my lap and just start spanking blindly. I didn't even know when I planned to stop. Part of me knew I was wrong but the stronger part of me said keep going. I probably would've spanked his bottom until his skin turned blue, had Zayn not walked in.

"Louis, what are you doing?!" He boomed, pulling a wailing Harry from my lap and cuddling him close.

"He was being a brat. So I disciplined. What does it look like, I'm playing with a unicorn?" I sassed. His eyebrows raised. He got Harry to calm down before speaking again.

"Hazza, what happened?"

"Niall and I were just making noise and he came and started yelling and cussing at us, he's been doing it all day." He sniffled.

"It's alright buddy, why don't you and Niall go upstairs and watch a movie, yeah?" I suggest. He nods and they both leave. It's quiet for a few moments before Louis bursts into tears.

"Oh my god! What did I do?! I'm so sorry, Zayn. I've been feeling like crap all day and I didn't mean to!" He babbled.

"Louis, calm down. I think you need to learn from these actions because I saw in Harry's eyes how scared he was. I think you scared him back into his shell. Now, what do you think?"

"I agree, we both can't keep acting that way to Harry and the boys." He cried.

"Alright, how many did you give Harry?" He questioned. I strained trying to think.

"I'm not sure."

"Louis, that's bad. When you do that like I did. Come on, I'm going to give you forty." He says. I lay over his lap and he starts the spanking with a sharp slap with the spatula. I jump and almost cry out. I make it almost half way before my cries can be heard. I try my best to keep them quiet but Harry must've heard because he came charging down the stairs to my rescue.

"Stop! Daddy, I don't want Mama to be spanked. It was an accident!"

"Harry sweetheart, Mama's fine. I need to learn from my actions." I manage to get out.

"He only has five more, Harry." He nods closing his eyes and I try to be strong for his sake. Once my punishment is finish Harry and I, make up and hug.

"I'm sorry Kitten."

"It's okay Mama, I'll always forgive you."

A/N: So hopefully you guys don't think this is as bad as I think. It was a great prompt from bringht but I think I might've failed at this one. Maybe that's just me and I'm tired? I don't know. Thanks for all the comments last chapter and I hope you enjoy. I'll have next chapter up tomorrow or the day after. I'm pretty busy tomorrow but I'll try my best. Love you guys all so much and enjoy!

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