Character Ask

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Hello! Miss me? Alright so here's how it will work, I am going to ask the boys their questions in this font or type and their answers will be in italics. We will go in alphabetical order of usernames so up first is Bringht's questions.

Louis, how was it having two family members gone at once?

It was very difficult and quiet. It was like a part of me was missing. Not seeing Zayn right next to me when I woke up and hearing the thump of a soccer ball from Liam was very unusual and painful for me.

Niall, how did you feel knowing that Zayn and Liam were gone?

It was very scary, I didn't know if either of them would come home. I hated not knowing if they were okay or where they were. Some nights I didn't sleep, I was so worried.


I felt guilty. I felt like it was my fault they were gone and that if anything happened to them, I was practically responsible. Niall didn't really know what was happening to them but I did and it scared me that they were going through what I did. It's not something anyone should go through.

Liam, how do you feel about Susie?

I think she is the sweetest, bravest and strongest girl I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. She is absolutely amazing and adorable, she'll do anything to make you smile and to help you. I can honestly say that she is my hero. I probably wouldn't be here, reunited with my family without her. I owe her a lot, she brought me home, the one place I thought I wouldn't see again.

Zayn, would you adopt Susie given the circumstances if you were the one to make the choice?

I think that I would have, we've known her awhile but it feels longer. She is a great person to have around and like Liam said, I feel as if I owe her for not not saving me but Liam, I definitely want to adopt her. I don't only want to because I feel as if I owe it to her, I think that she'd be a great addition to our family.

Louis, how do you feel about the situation?

I feel very similar to Zayn, I think she'd be a great addition. I feel very sorry that she lost someone of such importance to her. I can only hope that we can create a family environment here for her, I don't intend to take her mother's place because nobody can replace the real thing. I only want to make sure she is raised well and happy, I feel like the only family that can do that is ours.

Harry, are you excited to have a little sister now that you wot be the youngest anymore?

I'm excited to have a younger sibling that I can look out for like Niall and Liam do to me. Although, I'm pretty sure that the boys will somehow find a way to still refer to me as the 'baby'. How hard could it be to be an older sibling?

Thank you for your questions, moving on to sandygirly2000's, 2,000 questions. Just kidding love! Boys, who do you love more? Liam how about you start.

Of course. Um, I don't think it's a matter of who we love more. I love them both equally but I know that I'm closer to Zayn while Harry and Niall are closer to Louis.

I have to agree.

Me too, I think we both love both of them equally.

Louis, what goes through your mind when you're with Zayn?

It's just incredible to me to know that such a beautiful man only has eyes for someone like me. There is never a dull moment with Zayn and I always feel beautiful, cared for and loved. I can't believe just how lucky I am to have such a man.

Zayn, you're a cute father and boyfriend to Louis, do you plan on popping the question? if so, who will be the ring barrier, best man and such?

Before I answer your question, I'd just like to point out that what Louis just said is untrue because if anyone is lucky, it's me.

To answer your question, um, I'm not completely sure when I am going to propose. I do know, however, that I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I know it's only been four months but Louis, I want you to know that I love you.

Louis: I love you Zayn and I also hope to spend the rest of our lives together.

Liam, what was going through your mind when you were with Dominic.

Zayn: Um, I'm not sure if he's-

Liam: No, it's alright Dad. I'm ready. At first when I was alone, I was very scared. I had no idea what was going to happen to me, I actually didn't find out what happened to Harry until about two weeks after he returned home, I wasn't sure wether it was going to be the same as what happened to Harry or not. I was very frightened, cold and hungry. As odd as it sounds, I remember being relieved when Daddy came. I obviously wanted to protect my family but I felt a lot braver with him there. I knew he would protect me.

Niall, which brother are you closer to or who do you like more?

I really don't have a favorite, I like both of them the same. I'll admit that sometimes they both bother me so it might seem like I like the other one more but I think that's just a sibling thing. That's the thing about being the middle child, you have both an annoying older brother and an annoying younger brother, you know?

Also, you were the only one besides Louis, who was kidnapped; What were you thinking during all of this?

I was worried. I couldn't help but consider the worst. I hoped that they'd come home and mostly, I was always thinking of Liam and Daddy. Wondering if they were okay or not.

Harry, what happened when you found out that your Daddy was taken too?

(This is also answers WritingWithEmotion's question, just thought I would acknowledge that, thank you for your question! Hope you don't mind!)

I remember all three of us at home, crying. I felt like it was my fault it all happened to begin with, it was even worse for me because I knew what was probably happening to them. But, at the same time when I heard him call our house, I knew Daddy was going to do whatever he could to protect Liam. He loves all of us, he'd do anything for the love of our family, love makes you do crazy things and that proves it. I hope to be like him, he's strong and selfless which I admire.

Thanks boys for your time! That was all of our time and questions, I hope you liked it. If I missed any questions I'm sincerely sorry, just let me know and I will go back and fix it. Sorry I took awhile, love you and enjoy! :)

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