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Liam P.O.V.

I grasp Susie's hand as the paramedic inserts an IV in my arm, I wasn't afraid of needles but the sweetheart she was insisted that I hold her hand in case it hurt. So there it was, I was lying on the stretcher as the woman insert the needle, I squeeze her hand gently as I felt it go in. She smiles at me and I return the gesture, most of the attention was on Daddy. They were giving us both fluids as we were dehydrated. The rest would be done once we made it to the hospital. I bit my lip, glancing at him every now and then. He was breathing but he seemed groggy. They said it was from all the blood loss.

We reach the hospital a few minutes later, Susie following close as both of us were wheeled inside. They must've learned from the last time we were here because they put us in the same room. They didn't let Susie stay sadly, she wasn't family. she was understanding about it though.

"I'll see you soon Liam, get better." She kissed my cheek before exiting to the waiting room. The nurses begin their work of peeling the unsalvageable skin off and cleaning the wounds. I wince slightly as the alcohol based disinfectant sears into my torn up skin. I watch Daddy as they mirror what they're doing to me, he groans and twitches. I reach out and clasp our hands together, rubbing my thumb against the back of his hand. He opens his eyes slightly and he smiles at me. His grip tightens as he speaks.

"My baby, you're okay right?" He whispers, I nod and he squeezes my hand firmly as his cuts burn similarly to mine. We lay there and wait as our wounds are tended, our hands lace together. I look around the room, it was actually quite big. I didn't understand just why they didn't allow family. There was more than enough room. Just as I thought that Mama and my brothers came bustling into the room. Mama runs to me first, kneeling down and petting my hair. He kisses me repeatedly, sniffling.

"You just had to open that window." He joked in a raspy voice.

"It was hot." I smile.

"I knew we should've nailed the damn thing shut." We both laughed. He stands up and goes to Daddy's side while Niall and Harry begin to chat with me, asking me questions.

Zayn P.O.V.

Through my barely open eyes, I see Louis walk around to me. He leans closely, our hands intertwined and his forehead close to my face as he whispers in my ear.

"I missed you so much." He rasps.

"I missed you too." I hear him sniffle and watch as he rubs at one of his eyes with the opposite hand holding mine. I pull him close, thumbing his tears away. Even when his eyes are red-rimmed, they're still beautiful. Everything about him was beautiful. 

"Hey, I'm okay and Liam's fine. There's nothing to be upset about." He nods.

"I know, I'm not upset. I'm just so thankful you both are here. I was so afraid that you wouldn't come back." He admits.

"Well, I'm here now. In a few days we can go home and just relax and cuddle." I smile. If there's one thing that I've missed; It's holding him in my arms.

"That sounds lovely. I already have stuff with us, so we can stay here in the hospital with you guys." He was always prepared. Soon enough, after our private moment, we were taken to our room where we'd be staying until we were discharged. Niall and Harry, were right by my side while Louis was by Liam. It seemed as if our roles were reversed, nonetheless I still held my boys close as we all got some rest for the first day/night in the hospital.

A/N: I'm sorry, this is all I have to offer. I'm kind of going through a writers funk right now. But, I'll be sure to update soon. I'm sorry it took so long, school is going to be starting soon for me so I've gotta get ready for that. I have A LOT to do to get ready but I'll try. Also, this book might be ending soon. It's not decided yet but I'm going to be cowriting a book with a friend of mine, and I don't want to have to juggle two books at once. It al depends, I may keep this book open for prompts here and there, kind of like one shots or something. Lastly, I am going to be doing a character ask. If you don't know what that is, it's where you(the reader) leave questions for the characters/me to answer. It will be in a sort of play format. Check out 'My Papa Is A Soldier" The author did a character ask in her book. So, leave questions for the boys and the questions will be answered next chapter. I need many questions or else it's kind of pointless, so get asking! Love you, enjoy! :)

1D One ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant