Don't Let Me Go

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Louis' P.O.V.

I woke up irritable and lazy, I didn't want to go to my meetings today but I knew I had to. I was a bit worried how Harry would take it. He's been very... clingy lately and doesn't like when I leave. Not that I minded, Harry was my baby after all. It was just past nine in the morning and I didn't have to leave until ten thirty. I figured I'd make a special breakfast, I got up and dressed and made my way to the kitchen. Once there I get all the ingredients to make pancakes for the boys.

After about twenty minutes the pancakes are on the table along with bacon and eggs and they boys surprisingly haven't woken up. Until I here the noise of four sleepy boys making their way into the room.

"Morning, I thought I'd make breakfast." I smile sitting down making myself a plate. Harry sits down to my right and begins to pile food onto his own plate. It's been this way for awhile. Harry either had to be sat on my lap at all times or sat next to me. I found nothing wrong with it. We've always been close.

After breakfast I decide to spend some time with my boys before I have to go. Mistake number one. I should've done the dishes instead but Zayn and I agreed if one of us cooked than the other has to clean after the meal. I sat down on the couch and watched the program on the television along with Niall. Harry, until he saw me sitting down, was playing on the floor with his kitten, Sassy. He got the name from a movie he likes and because the little animal has quite the attitude sometimes. Once Harry saw my presence, he forgets the kitty and clambers onto the couch next to me and snuggles close.

"How's my baby, today?" I coo.

"Good Mama." He giggles, petting Sassy who had gotten jealous and wedged herself between us. That cat is something. After a few warm moments of cuddling, I check the clock. It's ten thirty already. I kiss Harry's head and try to pull away.

"Where are you going, Mama? Stay and cuddle with me." He whines.

"Sweetheart, Mama has to go to a meeting. I'll be gone only awhile. When I get back we can spend time together, okay?" I explain. Harry's eyes water.

"No, I want you to stay." He latches onto my leg, now on the floor.

"Harry, I can't. I have to go, let go of Mama's leg now." I command. He shakes his head stubbornly. I try and shake the boy loose, nothing works. I sigh, knowing what had to be done. I sit down pulling the boy over my lap.

"You aren't listening, so now you're going to get a spanking." I scold. I give him fifteen firm smacks to his bottom and give him a hug. Except he won't pull out of the hug. I manage to pry him off and leave for meeting. I tell Zayn to keep an eye on him on my way out.

Zayn's P.O.V.

I venture out into our living room to keep a watch over the boys. Liam was upstairs laying down, poor boy was sick. I checked on him not too long ago, I figured I'd make some soup for lunch later. I find Harry on the couch, silent crocodile tears wetting his angelic face.

"Hazza, what's wrong?"

"M-mama left me." He chokes out.

"Mama had to go to a meeting bud, he'll be back soon." I explain softly.

"How long?" He whines.

"I'm not sure kiddo." Just then Niall walks into the room, a sour look on his face.

"Jeez Harry, grow up. You can't have Mama all to yourself, you know." He snarls.

"Niall, be nice." I warn. I really did not want to deal with one sick boy and two fighting at the same time. I didn't have the patience today. Niall rolls his eyes and plops down on the recliner turning on the game console. I watch Niall play and cuddle Harry though he insists;

"It's not the same." Around one o'clock, I get up and prepare some chicken noodle soup for lunch and bring a bowl up to Liam, his temperature still high. I feed him another dose of medicine before he eats and then go back downstairs to hear yelling.

"No Harry! It's my DS! Go find yours!" Niall shouts.

"What is going on?!" I boom, Niall's hand is raised.

"Harry keeps taking my DS!" He complains.

"I just want to play, I can't find mine." His lip trembles.

"Yours is upstairs Haz in your room, I saw it. Why don't you go play upstairs for a bit, yeah? I need to talk to Niall." I suggest. Harry nods and runs off upstairs and Niall hangs his head.

"Niall, is there a reason why you're being mean to Harry and had you hand raised as if to hit him?" I ask.

"Harry, just gets all the attention and it bothers me. Why doesn't Mama love me too?" He cries.

"Niall come here." I pat my lap, sitting on the couch. He comes over and sits on my knee. I wipe away his stray tears.

"Look, Harry is just being a bit clingy right now. He just wants some attention. Mama loves you, a lot. Don't ever doubt that, he may not always show it but he does. You know it's not okay to fight with him and you aren't allowed to hit. So you understand why I'm going to give you a spanking, right?" He nods and lays over my lap. It was only a small offense so I give him twenty. I cuddle Niall close as he cries out his frustration and pain. After Niall calms down I decide to spend some one on one time with him.

About an hour later Louis comes home and all is well. Harry comes downstairs and greets him and him and Niall make up. All four of us decide to go upstairs and watch some movies with Liam. We laugh and throw popcorn at each other. Just another wonderful day in the One Direction family.

A/N; This chapter is inspired by bringht she is so amazing, I swear. I don't know what I'd do without her. you guys are all so amazing to me. I'm so sorry this is late. I'm also sorry if isn't too good. I could not sleep for the life of me. I literally was up until 7 in the morning and finally fell asleep, waking up at twelve. That's like five hours of sleep! Anyways, I love you all so much and thanks Bubbles for being so awesome and understanding. Enjoy! I'll be updating soon, probably not today. More than likely tomorrow. Love you and enjoy again!

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