Watch What You Say...

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A/N; Okay, I'm very sorry. My battery was dying so I had no time to write an authors note for the previous chapter so I wrote it in the comments but I'm going to write it again because I'm cool like that. Anywho, the previous chapter is inspired by one of my readers as usual but she is also my new bestie, Bringht. If you haven't followed her, please please please do. She is amazing. She is the reason why I'm updating when it's like a hundred degrees in my house and outside. Anyway, she gave me a prompt requesting Zayn returning home and the boys ignore him and he asks to be punished. I'll admit I was nervous about the punishing piece, I knew I could write it but I did not want any 'ship wars' to break out. Which none did so thank you very much and good job. I love my readers because they are very kind, funny, understanding and mature. It is not worth fighting about, we all have our own opinons. Anyways this chapter is inspired by 1DirectionsBabyGirl. Her prompt requested that someone says something about Harry and Liam gets angry and starts a fight and Louis and Zayn are unsure if they should punish him.' This went awesome with my story as did Bringht's prompt. I swear you guys can read minds. It's quite scary if you ask me... But here we go with the story!

Niall P.O.V.

It had been about four days since Daddy came home. Ever since that night when Mama punished Daddy and Harry stopped it, the two of them have been inseparable. It made me sick. Every single morning when the family would eat breakfast or any meal for that matter, Harry would either be sat next to Daddy or on his lap. He never left his side. He was like a dog following its master or something. Daddy didn't seem against it either. It was like Harry was his favorite. Daddy never really showed favoritism to any of us, it made me angry that it was Harry now. It felt like I was the only one who noticed that Daddy was playing favorites and that he obviously hated me. I never even did anything! I almost always listen to him when told to do something. Was it because I'm not cute enough? Or is it because Harry has the curls? It just doesn't make sense.

I walked downstairs into our living area, wanting to play video games. I saw Liam playing a game of Fifa so I figured I could join, Liam and I were pretty close. I was about to open my mouth to ask to join until I saw him. Of course he was in here. Daddy was too. He was playing with Liam. I was stupid to think Daddy's Boy wouldn't be here. I bit down on my tongue to keep from making a snide comment about it. Not worth getting a spanking for. Better to do it when Daddy isn't in the room so I can make sure Harry doesn't tattle. God, he was so annoying. You couldn't do anything without him telling.

"Hey guys, could I join?" I ask, trying to ignore the fact that Harry is, of course, sat on Daddy's lap hugging his little teddy close as he watches the two boys play.

"Sure kiddo, here you can take my spot. I gotta go to the store with your mother." He says handing me his controller.

"Can I come with you Daddy?" Harry asks with puppy eyes. I roll my own. Of course he'd want to go.

"Why don't you stay here and play with your brothers? You can switch off with Niall and verse Liam, yeah? I'll only be gone a little while bud." Daddy suggests, leaning down and pressing a kiss to the side of Harry's head. Harry nods, sadly. What the heck? He's only going to be gone for like twenty minutes. Seriously. Harry watches as the pair walk out of the house and then goes back to watching us play. Our Fifa game only lasts for about ten minutes before Liam demolishes my team. Liam starts to prepare our next match when I feel someone tug at my pant leg.

"Can I play? Please?" Harry asks with wide eyes. He probably expected me to give in to him just like Daddy has been. Jealousy flared through me.

"Isn't the baby's nap time? Wait, Daddy isn't here to tuck you in, Daddy's Boy." I taunt. Reaching out to pinch his cheek, he swats my hand away. Hard.

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