The Baby

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Louis' P.O.V
It's been about a week or so since the whole school incident. The boys did go back to finish the remainder of their time and by the looks of Scott when I walked Harry into school; Liam had gotten some good hits in on him. Anyways, management gave us another two weeks of break because they felt bad about the whole Harry situation, though nothing could truly make up for what happened. So, the last few days have been about trying to help Harry heal from all the emotional damage and the other boys have been very supportive... until now.

Liam's P.O.V.
I woke up in a particularly bad mood today. I just felt angry for some reason; like the whole world was against me. The past couple of days it's been 'Harry this and Harry that' and I was getting annoyed. Yes, what he's gone through sucked but it was taken care of now, he needed to grow the hell up and move on but, no; not when Louis is around. he was convinced that something was still wrong with his 'little kitten'... Whatever. Anyways, I felt like playing a game so I ventured into our living area only to find him there. Harry was playing some kiddie game and I don't know what came over me but I just began to pester him relentlessly.

"Isn't it the baby's nap time?" I teased pinching his still chubby cheeks. he smacked my hand away and continued to ignore my antics.

"What did Mama tell you to ignore people who are mean to you? Well, I hate to break it to you squirt but not everyone is going to want to be friends with a fatty." Harry began to let tears flow when I called him that still familiar but untrue name. I knew it wasn't true by all means; he wasn't overweight at all. if anything he was under weight... I suddenly felt bad as he ran away, I was supposed to be there, not just a a friend but as a brother too. I neglected my duty of protecting him and building him up. I knew Harry was too kind to tell. Even though I deserved to be punished, I didn't want to be. Suddenly, Louis called for me from upstairs. I quickly bounded up the steps to his room, only to find a weeping Harry laying on his bed.

"Did you call Harry fat?!" he yelled at me. I jumped never had Louis yelled at any of us. it scared me but it also made my blood boil. There was no doubt he and Harry have a close connection but this is just unfair, even if I did do it. He was playing favorites. I knew he was. I don't know why I did it because I sure as heck regretted it now.

"No, I would never do that to him." I lied start through my teeth with a look of false sincerity. "Maybe he's just confused, he was asleep when I came down. It could've been a dream." I told him. He nodded and asked me to leave so he could speak with Harry. I think he'll believe me, I was pretty convincing. Or I hope I was...

Louis' p.o.v.
I knew he was fibbing because right after he left I saw Harry's heart crack even more. His crying got heavier if it was even possible and he was repeating something but I couldn't understand. I just told him to rest and that I'll get the truth and that I believed him when he said he was not dreaming. I went and discussed the matter with Zayn and he said to just let the guilt eat at Liam until he confesses. Pretty good plan, right?

Liam p.o.v.
It's been about three days and as each hour passed the guiltier I felt. you could see the insecurity in Harry's eyes when we went to photo-shoots and such. I'd give anything to get rid of that look. It hurts my heart to see it and he hardly speaks to me also. I didn't know what to do or say to him. I knew I'd have to fess up to my cruel crime but I don't know. Even if I did take the punishment, what if Harry didn't forgive me? I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I'd do anything to make Harry confident with himself. So, I did the only thing that I knew how to do when I wanted to express my self; I wrote a song. Just for him. I finished it by mid afternoon, I went and gathered everyone and we all say down together.

"Look, I have something I need to confess. It's about the other day, with Harry." I tell them. Louis and Zayn both nod as if they expected me to confess and apologize. I went on; "When I said that I didn't call Harry that name. I was lying because I was jealous and annoyed. I didn't mean it, I swear. Which is why, before you beat my sorry butt with the belt or whatever you see fit I wanted to sing Harry a song I wrote personally for him." I finish. They all nod in understanding and I began to play and sing 'Another World'. When I got to a specific part of the song I looked straight at Harry so he'd understand that I was being honest and sincere when I sang the next lyrics.

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