Stay or Go

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Louis' P.O.V.

Josh has been staying with our family for about a week and a half now and he's been great. I honestly want him to stay but we have to consult Simon first. He is the last word. So I was currently making a nice breakfast consisting of waffles, meats and fruits. You know the usual. I really enjoyed cooking, it was... normal. A few minutes later I heard our doorbell ring, I jogged to our foyer area and opened the snowy white door.

"Hey Simon, how are ya?" I greeted with a warm smile and hug.

"Good, good, thanks. Is that bacon I smell cooking?" He grins.

"Yep, go ahead and serve yourself with some fruit or whatever. I'm just going to holler for the boys." I reply. Though he was our manager, he was still a lot of fun to be around. He wasn't uptight. I holler for the boys and then go and take all the finish food out of or off the oven, turning it off after. I set all the food on the table and look to the door when I hear footsteps.

"Simon, this is Josh." I introduce.

"Ah, nice to meet you lad." he shakes his hand firmly.

"Pleasure is all mine, sir." He responds nervously.

"Oh please, call me Simon or Uncle Simon." We all serve ourselves as we sit down an begin to eat. Minutes pass before anybody speaks.

"So, it has come to my attention that you are... without a home." Simon begins, carefully.

"Um, yeah I guess you could say that. These boys have been very kind, letting me stay here." He says quietly.

"I'm glad, it sounds like you really like it here." Simon comments, Josh starts to respond before he's cut off. "However, I do not think it is a beneficial idea for you to stay." Simon continues.

"I understand." Josh mumbles, I can hear his voice crack though it's low. I go to plead with Simon but before I can he talks again.

"Which is why, I want you to come live with me." He finishes, a smile playing at his lips. Everybody's mouth falls open at his offer.

"I couldn't do that to you, I don't want to be a burden-." He starts to reject.

"You wouldn't be a burden Joshua, it'd be nice to have someone around. Besides I practically live alone in that huge mansion with a pool." He convinces.

(A/N; I know he's married and all that. For the story.)

"A-a pool?" Josh stutters. Yep, he hooked.

"Of course, it's almost Olympic sized. The boys come over and swim often so, it's not like you won't be able to see them." He explains.

"A-are you sure? I mean, do you really want me in your house? I'm a lot more trouble than you think." He warns.

"I'm absolutely certain, besides if you misbehave; I'll take are of it, I hold similar beliefs to the boys. You didn't think I was aware of their disciplinary ways?" Ge questions. Josh's face flushes red. He knew how the boys were punished, Harry had been on a rebellious streak the past few days with attitude and such.

"Um, I didn't really think so... Are you really sure? I-"

"Great, it's all set. I'll pick you up as soon as the paperwork goes through." He grins.


"Why yes, I might as well be your legal guardian if you'll be living with me and I'll be teaching you right from wrong." He explains. Josh nods slowly.

"Look, I'm not going to try and be your parent but for awhile now, I've wanted someone to take care of. I understand if it makes you too uncomfortable to call me 'dad', I've seen how well you work with the boys and what a good kid you are, I truly care for you Joshua." Simon says.

"Thank you so much. For doing this and understanding. Maybe, hopefully, one day I can call you 'dad' but, with all that occurred two weeks ago, I don't think I'll be able to call you that just yet." He tears up.

"I understand kiddo, no thanks necessary." He nods.

"Be packed, I'll probably be by Friday to pick you up. I'm sorry but I've gotta go, duty calls." He bids us goodbyes as he leaves.

"So does this make Josh our cousin?" Harry asks innocently. We all chuckle.

"I guess so." I respond.

A/N: This was late and a bit short and I am so sorry. I think I've got an ear infection or something. It doesn't hurt but I don't know. Anyways, I'm sorry this is late and I'm going to push for another update tonight. Enjoy and I hope you're all happy with how this played out. Enjoy, love ya!

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