Angel In Disguise

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A/N: I lied, I'm updating the story. I'll give you all another chance to add last minute questions for the character ask. This is as Zayn and Liam are being transported to the hospital and such, by the way and if you forgot, Karen is Susie's mother.

Karen's P.O.V.

My heart skips a beat as I see two policemen escort him to the cruiser. I thought he looked familiar when he moved in here and knew why now, he was the reason why my sister isn't around. He took her when I was nine, Kim was only five when it happened. My heart ached for those boys, I knew how it felt to have someone be taken away and I was glad that they were going to be reunited with their family. The raven haired one, I didn't catch his name, didn't look too good and I sincerely hoped he'd be ok.

I saw the ambulance pull away and I jogged into the house grabbing my car keys. I hopped in my car an attempted to follow behind. Though, I'd only known these boys for a very short time; I was willing to help in anyway possible. I saw the smile on my little girl's face and it warmed my heart. Susie's father ha passed away about three months ago and it was very hard for both of us, she was always a Daddy's girl. She had been depressed since his death and to see her smile finally, was the best thing for me. I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize I had ran a red light, I just barely caught the large truck in the corner of my vision before it collided with my car, on the drivers side...

Susie's P.O.V.

I wait in a chair swinging my legs back and forth, in a chair just outside the door of Liam's room. Niall joins me a few moments later, saying it was getting a bit too cramped. We sit in comfortable silence until there's a lot of yelling from doctors and paramedics as they wheel in a stretcher, that's when I see the familiar black curly hair, Mom. Niall and I rush over to the stretcher and I notice she's bloody, very bloody and she has an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose. Her eyes are barely open, as she pulls the mask down and looks towards Niall.

"If... anything h-happens to me... I want you and the boys to care for my daughter... if you will." Her words very breathy and spaced out, her voice weak.

"It'd be our pleasure, be strong. You can make it out of this." Niall nods, even he has tears in his blue eyes as I do. She winces as she cranes her neck slowly, facing me as we jog trying to keep up.

"I... love you." Those were her last words as they rushed her into the surgical room. I watch as the door shuts, I fall to my knees crying and calling for her.

"Mommy..." I sob, she has to make it out of this. She was all I had left, my dad was an only child. His parents died before I was born. My grandfather on my mom's side, passed before I was born as well, my grandma when I was four. Mom had a sister, but she died when she was nine years old. She never told me why. If she died, I would have no family left.

Niall led us both back to our chairs and he put his arm around me, trying his best to comfort me. I cry for a solid two hours before I clonk out, my head on his shoulder as I slept.


I wake to a older man, a doctor, as he clear his throat. I nudge Niall and his shoots forward as he wakes up.

"Are you Susie?" He questions and I nod. He kneels down to my height.

"I'm very sorry, we tried everything possible. Your mom was fighting but she lost a lot of blood..." my heart shatters as he tells me, tells me that my mother... is dead. She promised she wouldn't leave me, I couldn't help the silent tears that fell. She was all I had, after Dad died we became close, real close. I'm an orphan now, I thought about how she worked so hard to provide for me and Dad. She worked two jobs, sometimes getting zero sleep, trying to keep our house as my Dad battled first lung cancer and then the disease just kept spreading until... nothing. I remember my mom trying so hard to be strong and at night I hear her cries as I tried to sleep. I remember how distraught we both were when the news was delivered. I think what I loved most about her, was how willing she was to work two jobs just to pay my dad's hospital bills for chemo and all that. She never once complained or anything. She still helped me with homework when she could, she did it all and she was so amazing to do it, she was an angel in disguise as my father used to say and I couldn't agree more now. I remember my dad saying it too. I remember asking him if he was scared about dying.

"The only thing I'm afraid of, is leaving you and your mom behind. I'd give anything to watch you grow, here in person. I'd give anything to stay with you two. Your mom and you are the best things to ever happen to me." He had answered. He died the next day. But, not before he told my mom that she was the love of his life and making me promise to take care of her. I can't help but feel as if I broke that promise.

"I'm very sorry for your loss. It's to my understanding that your mother wished for you to live with these gentlemen?" I nod in response.

"Yes, she'll be coming home with us." Louis suddenly speaks. He looks at me with sympathetic eyes.

"Very well, you will need to sign for guardianship. A social worker will be around tomorrow." He informs before walking away. I guess I'll be living with five boys now, this will be fun... right?

A/N; I know this probably isn't the way these things go but just go with it. Sorry I took so long. R.I.P. Karen, it had to be done. Enjoy, character ask will be next chapter. You can still post questions below in the comments. Hope you like it and love ya!

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