Chapter Five: Clean up clean up everybody do your share... or not.

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A/N: I'd like to send a big thanks to my first commenter, justsmile2442. This person had an awesome prompt which is; "How about harry, liam, and niall are fighting all day and louis and zayn try timeouts and stuff but end up spanking them." So, here we go!

Louis' P.O.V.

It had been about two weeks since I had spanked Harry and all of the boys were behaving actually pretty well behaved up until now... The flat was a pig sty. So I decided we'd have a family day at home, cleaning. It was currently seven in the morning and I was cooking pancakes for everyone. I soon finished cooking and set the table. I decided it'd be a better idea to go upstairs and wake Zayn up first. I crept up the stairs quietly and opened his door. He was laying on his stomach his head laying to the left and he was drooling... Gross. I gently shook him and his eyes opened the slightest bit.

"Zayn come on, time to get up. I made breakfast." I say. He groans but sits up and rubs at his eyes and goes downstairs only to come running back up.

"Louis, did someone ransack our house or something?!" He says surprised at the mess we call our humble home. I chuckle before replying;

"Nope, that would be the mess of our lovely children, papa bear." I tell him.

"Well, the three little bears are gonna have a wonderful day cleaning it up." He says seriously.

"We're all gonna clean because I know some of it is ours too." I reply. He groans in laziness but goes downstairs to eat. I decided to go wake Liam first. I opened his door and padded over to his bed where he was lightly snoring, what an angel. I pet his messy hair and he soon opens his eyes.

"Come on LiLi, time to get up. I made pancakes." He groaned and turned over mumbling;

"Fuck off."

"Excuse me? You better be downstairs in five minutes and this attitude of yours better be gone." I command, my voice going soft and gentle to hard and firm in seconds. He slowly got up and went to the bathroom. I went to wake the other two only to get the same snappy attitudes. If they're going to act like this all day, well it's going to be long. I began to eat my pancakes when three sour faced boys came into the kitchen and grabbed themselves food and sat down.

"Boys, today is a family day. We are going to clean our mess of a home up and you all are going to help." I announce.

"Louis, we're millionaires. Can't we just get someone to clean it for us?" Liam complains.

"No we can't because we aren't stuck up pop stars like the others are with their butlers and what not. We are going to clean like a family because we are a family." I tell him. They all grumble in response.

"Boy's if you're all-" I begin.

"Harry, quit kicking me, god dammit!" Niall yells.

"Harry, Niall, knock it off. As I was saying; If you're all going to fight with each other all day, Zayn and I will more than gladly take you all over our knee." I threaten. They all stop and we soon finish breakfast.

"Niall, Harry, you boys get to go round up clothes and Liam you get to do the dishes while me and Louis do the laundry." Zayn says taking charge. They all make faces but go and start their chores. I follow the boys to help them get the dirty laundry only to find Niall on the ground in Harry and Niall's bedroom, crying.

"NiNi, what's wrong? What happened?" I ask him.

"H-harry, he pushed me and kicked my side. It hurts!" He cries. I lift his shirt and check his side and it's red but no signs of bruising coming on. I help him up and he goes back to working.

"Harry, I told you to knock it off. Didn't I?" I scold him. Harry glares daggers at me but mumbles;

"Yes, I'm sorry." He says looking down.

"You should be. Now, go find a corner and put your nose in it. Five minutes." I sentence him. He slowly walks over to the corner and faces it. Once he's done his time I tell him to get back to work.

About two hours later we're all in the living room cleaning and dusting when all hell breaks loose. Harry and Niall bumped into each other and began screaming at one another and then Liam got in Harry's face telling him to leave Niall alone. And then they all just started fighting.

"You all had better be in a corner by the time I count to three! One. TWO!" They all scrambled to find a corner as my voice booms over them.

"All of you have gotten warnings all day from Zayn and me but you chose not to listen, so now because of all of your behavior you all are getting a spanking and corner time." I declare. When the word 'spanking' hit the air they're hands flew instantly to their naughty bums.

I sat down on the couch, rolling up my sleeves and I took a deep breath.

"Liam, come here. You're first." I command. He shuffles slowly towards me. His puppy dog eyes on display, begging for mercy.

"Now, don't give me those eyes. You've earned this. Trousers down, Liam." I chastise. He lets his jeans fall to his ankles and he lays over my lap.

"You're getting forty." I inform him. I begin the spanking slow and hard but soon speed up the process. By fifteen he begins to squirm and beg.

"Louis, I'm sorry. I won't do it again." He begs.

"Hush, you've earned this." I say deliver another ten swats. I quickly land the last fifteen spanks and let him up and sent him to his corner while I quickly tanned the other boys' naughty bottoms. After about ten minutes of corner time, I call them all over to me and we cuddled. I kissed each head as they fell asleep on each other. I soon fell asleep myself.

A/N: Hope it turned out the way you wanted. Great prompt and thank you for commenting. It means a lot, let me know how I did. Send in more prompts if you want and I might have more coming tonight.

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