Liam And Zayn's Hero

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It was a warm Saturday morning, just a bit after eleven. It was ten o'clock when the little girl next door to Dominic Porter awoke. She skipped to her mother and took her awaiting breakfast, savoring the delicious pancakes that two young men next door didn't have the luxury of having at the moment. Though, the little girl had no idea that was her neighbor to the right of her Victorian home was a bad man who took innocent people.

"Mommy, can I go outside?" She begged with her big sky blue eyes. Her plump pink bottom lip stuck out.

"Just stay in the yard, ok?" Her mother instructed with a sweet smile and caress to the child's cheek, the little girl nodded and skipped jollily out her back door to kick her soccer ball around. The young girl kicked and chased her ball around until she gave it too hard of a punt, sending the colored ball out of her yard, hitting her neighbors cellar window with a thud. She contemplated what to do while pulling on her lip. She was told to stay in the yard but her ball had gone astray. The little girl decided that it would be okay to leave for just a moment to fetch her ball. She nearly jumped when she saw a face in the window as she bent down to retrieve the lost item.

Zayn P.O.V.

Liam and I jolted awake hearing a thump against the single window in the basement that was above our heads. Liam and I looked at each other wondering the same thing, could it be help?

"I'll bend over, you stand on my back." I whisper. Liam nodded and I got on my knees and the sweetheart he was tried not to put too much weight on my back as he stepped up. With his extra height, he could see out the window.

"There's a little girl!" He gasped. I heard faint squeaking from above and I twist my head and see Liam dragging his finger along the window writing something in the wet dew from the early spring morning. It read 'Help', I saw Liam point and I just barely caught the young child nod and run off. Liam gingerly stepped down from his place on my torn up back, I had gotten another beating yesterday. He had found out about me giving my food to Liam, which resulted in having our meals revoked but Liam could last longer now that he had more food in his stomach, I could make it knowing that he was somewhat healthy. He needed the food more than I had, it was one of the sacrifices I had to make for him and I didn't regret it.

"I think she understood, it looked like she went back to her house." He informed. I nodded, breathing heavily. My head felt fuzzy, maybe it was the dehydration or all the blood I had lost yesterday and last night.

"You ok, Daddy?" Bubba asked concerned. He was strong throughout our time here and I couldn't be prouder of him.

"Yeah, Daddy's fine. Just a bit dizzy s'all." I pant slowly, my vision was a bit dark around the edges and I could only hope that the small child had ran to get help.


Girl's P.O.V.

I almost leaped when I saw a face in the neighbors widow, he looked scared. His brown eyes wide with hope and fright. He quickly scrawled a message on the window, I squinted as I read. 'Help', the boy pointed to the left, towards my house. He nodded questioningly at me and I nodded back confirming I understood, I took off running back to my house. My ball long forgotten. I sprinted into the house where my mother was in her apron, cleaning the dishes. I yanked a her apron calling her name, trying to get her attention frantically. I always had a bad feeling about Mr. Porter, he always stared at me. Ever since the day he moved in he would watch me from his porch. I was told not to talk to him.

"Mommy, Mommy!" I exclaim.

"What?" She asks, drying her hands.

"There's a boy in Mr. Porter's basement, he wrote me a message on the window. He needs help!" I pant.

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