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Louis' P.O.V.

"I'll tell you what Niall, if you get an A on that test tomorrow the maybe you can go to this movie. Niall had been begging me to go to this movie, to which I said no. So for the past forty minutes he's been trying to convince me. We were on another break and the boys were required to return to school again, so I was trying to get Niall to study for his math test.

"But, Louis you know I'm not good at math and how do you even study for it?" he asked flabbergasted.

"You study your notes, just like singing little leprechaun. If you need help, come find me or Daddy." I told him kissing his head as he grumbled.

Niall's P.O.V.

I can't believe Louis. He knows I'm not good at math but yet, he still expects me to get an A somehow. I got my math materials out of my bag and attempted to study. After one frustrating hour, I had a dilemma. I wanted to go to this movie but I was definitely not going to get an A on the test. I realized that I would just have to do something very cliché to get what I wanted.

I woke up the next morning and got ready for school. I moped down to breakfast where Louis was all chipper.

"Hey four-leaf clover, you ready for that test today?" He chirped. what was I supposed to do? Lie and tell him I feel sick? Cheat? I cleared my throat and spoke up.

"I-I don't know Mama, I don't really feel well." I quivered and played his weak spot. The 'mama' card. It works all the time with Harry. He looked at me, almost like he was looking into my soul.

"Aww, poor baby. Come here and let Mama feel your forehead and maybe take your temp." he cooed. I slowly crept to wards him and he put the back of his hand to me.

"Hmmm, you don't feel warm. But, can't be too sure. Zayn, will you get the thermometer please?" Louis asked with a knowing look in his eyes. I began to sweat, hopefully from my 'fever'. Zayn came back in a matter of seconds with the thermometer and Louis held me on his lap until the device made the 'beep' noise. He took it out and examined it. After a few moments he handed it back to Zayn and spoke up.

"It appears that you are at normal temperature." I look down in shame about my lie. " Niall I'm so disappointed." My stomach sank at those words. it always hurt hearing him say that. You're going to get twenty and that's it." He quickly spanked me and kissed my head then sent me off to my doom.

Fourth hour math rolled around and I was sweating bullets. It was one of those tests with a scantron so you'd know right after if you passed or not. I already knew my score. It took me about forty minutes to complete the test and then we got our grade. I received my sheet and looked at my score. My heart cracked at the sight. I had gotten a 'D'. Louis was going to spank me again but definitely not light like before and I wasn't going to the movie either. It sucked because there was this girl in my group of buddies that were going and I was hoping I could get to know her. I made a stupid decision right then and there. I was going to take my spanking. Claim "I was tired" and go to take a fake nap only to sneak out. How hard could it be? And with that thought I went home.

The walk home was usually about fifteen minutes but I decided to take a bit longer to draw out the time before my spanking. All too soon our house came into view. I took a deep breath before walking inside and calling out.

"I'm home." I yelled out. Mama walked around the corner into our foyer with a towel slung over his shoulder and sweat on his brow with a wide smile on his face. The smile that was soon going to be a disappointed frown and then an angry scowl later. I began to second guess my choice to sneak out. I really wanted to hang out with Gabriella tonight, she was so hot. Although, she preferred Gabi instead. How cute is that? She had this flowingly gorgeous hazelnut brown hair that went down to just below here shoulder blades. She also had dazzling eyes, they were a mix between dark grey and light blue and not mention her smile. My thoughts were interrupted by Mama kissing my cheek in greeting.

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