Lost and Found

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Louis' P.O.V.
It was currently December 24th, Christmas Eve and it'd been about a week and a half that Harry had been... Absent. Everyday Niall or even Liam would ask "Is Hazza coming home soon, Mama?". I would have to somehow control my emotions and tell them the same thing every time. "Of course, he'll be home before we know it." But even I who had the most hope, was beginning to doubt my aspiration of Harry's return. I had set my present for Harry off to the side, unwrapped in case we'd get that call and I could give it to him as a early gift.

Everyday the officer who had been here since Harry's disappearance would drop by and give us updates. He was a kind and sincere person that somehow understood what we felt and were going through. As I sat on the couch with the remaining three boys cuddling, the phone began to ring. Thinking it was just my mother calling to wish a 'Merry Christmas' I slowly trailed to the kitchen and as I was few steps a way it went to the answering service, I turned around thinking I'd hear her voice but was taken back when it wasn't her. It was officer James.

"Mr. Tomlinson, this is officer James calling. We believe we've found him. If you-". I sprinted back to the phone and answered, interrupting him.

"This is Louis, I swear you'd better not be joking James or I'll-" I rambled

"Louis, I'm not joking we got a tip from a neighbor saying they heard screams emitting from this house, we're certain it's him." He interrupted my rant. My heart sped up at the possibility of it being Harry but it also sank hearing the word 'scream'. Screaming could mean many things but one of them could mean pain. The thought of Harry being in pain made me sick.

"I already know what you're thinking Louis and I need you and your family to meet us a this address incase if Harry is to frightened to exit the house with one of officers. For all we know sadly, he could be traumatized." He says. James tells me the address and I call out for the boys while grabbing Harry's gift from its hiding place, I hid it in the drawer of washcloths in the kitchen. Lame I know.

"Boys! Come on! They've found him! They found Harry!" I yell. Soon all of us are running to the car and I start the engine. I swear I broke every speed limit in town on my way to Harry's location, I was surprised I didn't get pulled over because there was patrol car behind us, though I had a feeling it was James. He'd probably lecture me for that.

Harry P.O.V.
I forcefully stood due to my tight bondage, screaming. Screaming as I was getting my daily 'punishment' since I've been here. I know I promised I wouldn't break but each day my strength diminished more and more.
After a long while and a raw throat, my kidnapper released me from the chains, I instantly dropped to the ground. This is how its been, he'd do his daily 'ritual' let me free of my bonds and force me to walk/crawl to the bed where he'd rap up his 'work'. But not today. Today was different. As he raised his weapon that tore away almost all of the skin on my back, the doorbell rang throughout the house.

"Move and you will regret it." He threatens. He stalked up the stairs to the cellar door and slammed it shut. I quickly scurried under a table, frightened. Though I'd only been here about two weeks, I'd learned to expect the worse. For all I knew, it could be a cruel friend of my abductor wanting a turn at torturing the sickly skinny and frail boy known as me. As I sat under my hiding spot, I began to hear raised voices.

James' P.O.V. (A/N: Surprised?)
I knew I was driving behind Louis because this car was breaking the speed limit big time. Though I couldn't blame the guy for wanting to get to Harry quickly. I'd definitely lecture him for being a 'rebel'. We soon arrived at the destination and Louis and the other boys, myself and my backup meet up in a circle in the driveway.

"Alright, here's the plan. I'm going to go knock, one of you sneak 'round back look for a window to the cellar and try to peek in to get a glimpse of Harry. If this is our guy we will meet back up here together and break in. Louis, boys, you stay here hidden behind the trees with the other officers while Chris and I start the plan. Stay there until one of brings you in if Harry is too frightened of us. We will get him out alive." I assure. My back up officers smartly parked a few blocks back so the perp wouldn't know what we know. My partner, Chris snuck around back and I walked to the door and rang the bell. I waited for a odd amount of time and I already knew this was him, it shouldn't take someone so long to go from even the farthest point in a house to open a door. Finally, he opened the door an looked me up and down with a scowl.

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