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"You're glowing."

Jimin looks up from his smoothie with pink cheeks. "Huh?"

Hoseok quirks an eyebrow. "You've had a giddy smile on your face since you walked in and you're radiant. What's going on?"

Jimin rolls his eyes. "Oh, you know. The usual..."

"You're usually a raging pessimist, so this is definitely not the usual."

Jimin whistles and looks at everything in the restaurant except for Hoseok. "Lovely weather we're having."

"Are you hooking up with Jungkook?"

Jimin looks at him and his face turns red. "No. I wouldn't make the same mistake twice."

Hoseok chews the inside of his cheek. "I mean, you did go through a neon yellow phase twice. I'd call that repeating a mistake."

Jimin scoffs. "I'm gonna go yellow again just because you said that. Unbelievable... I can't believe you'd disrespect yellow like that."

"Are you sure there's nothing going on between you and Jungkook? I'd be really disappointed in you if there was..."

"There's nothing."


"Babe, Hoseok is totally onto us."

Jungkook looks away from his computer and motions for Jimin to come sit in his lap. Jimin happily obliges. "Why do you say that?"

"He said I was glowing and asked if it was because I was hooking up with you."

"I know it's fun to keep it a secret, but I think we should tell him."

Jimin bites his lip. "I do wish I had someone to talk to about how amazing the sex we have is."

Jungkook looks him up and down with a devilish smirk. "Oh yeah? Is it that good?"

Jimin lightly swats at his chest. "Don't make me boost your ego more. It's already through the roof."

Jungkook nibbles gently on Jimin's ear. "I wish I could wreck you right now, but this assignment is due in 20 minutes."

Jimin lightly kisses Jungkook's nose. "I'm willing to wait..."

"Don't tease me like that."

Jimin giggles. "I really want to tell Hoseok, but he said he'd be disappointed in me if I was with you."

Jungkook frowns. "Hoseok said that?... You know what, let me finish this assignment and then we can have a proper conversation about this."



"Does Hoseok not like me or something?"

"No, babe, I'm sure he likes you. I'm pretty sure he's just talking about if we were hooking up."

"Pretty sure? What exactly did he say?"

"He said he'd be disappointed in me if there was something going on between me and you."

Jungkook's face falls. "That doesn't sound like he's just talking about hookups..."

"If that's the case, I'm sure it's not because of you. I just think he's scared I'll put myself in a situation where I'll get my feelings hurt."

Jungkook crosses his arms. "So he thinks I'd hurt your feelings?"

Jimin sighs. "No, babe. He doesn't want what happened last time to happen again. Also, before we got together, I was constantly telling him why I was scared to date you. I now know those fears were stupid, but he might not have forgotten what I said..."

"What kinda stuff did you say?"

"I was worried that when-or if, I guess-we broke up, that we wouldn't talk to each other anymore. I didn't want to make things complicated."

"That's fair... I mean, I thought the same things to. Can we just mutually agree that if we ever break up, it won't be messy?"

"Depends on why we would potentially break up. If you caught feelings for someone else, lost feelings for me, or if it just wasn't working out, then I'd be down to make it civil. The only situation in which I'd never speak to you again would be if you cheated on me."

"So then our break up will be civil. I wouldn't cheat on you. If I found someone else, I'd tell you."

"I feel the same way."


Jimin grins and takes a sip of his water. "Good. I'm glad we had the chance to talk about this... Even if we break up, I'd still want you to be a part of my life."

"Me too." He gives Jimin a quick kiss.

"So... Let's decide right now whether or not we're telling Hoseok."

Jungkook chews the inside of his cheek. "How about... we don't tell him until he asks again."

"I like that idea."



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