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Hoseok chuckles. "I knew it. You like him."

"No I don't. Genuinely. I just think it won't hurt to be his friend. We get along really well for two people who've never met before."

"Friends with benefits?"

"No. Just friends. I don't think you understand that he isn't my type."

They walk into the skatepark and Jimin puts his skates on. "But you said you didn't want to be his friend."

"He's not at all what I expected him to be like. He's really sweet and we clicked really fast. It felt like we were on the same wavelength."

Hoseok chuckles. "So you both flirted with each other the whole time?"

"No! Well, kind of, but it's not like it meant anything. You know I flirt with someone if we get along well."

"Are you saying we don't get along well?"

"We do, but Nadia would kill me if she ever heard that I flirted with you."

"Do I get to meet this Jungkook dude?"

"I don't know..." He looks over at the bowl where Jungkook is skating and they make eye contact. Jimin waves softly and he grins softly in response. "I don't think he'll walk over."

Hoseok sits down and crosses his arms. "I can feel the tension between you two."

Jimin looks back again. "Shut up. He's coming over."

Jungkook ruffles Jimin's hair. "You brought a friend this time. I feel like I've seen him before."

Jimin giggles. "This is Hoseok."

Hoseok gives him a small nod. "Sup." Jungkook nods back and turns his attention back to Jimin. "You gonna try some tricks today or are you just gonna skate around like you always do?"

"Probably just gonna skate."

"Have you ever skateboarded?"


"Do you want to try?"


45 minutes pass and Jimin already has a bloody knee. He will neither confirm nor deny whether or not he fell on purpose.

Jungkook isn't his type, but he's still hot, so Jimin doesn't want to give up the opportunity to have him help him.

The bloody knee per wasn't planned, but it's an added bonus since Jungkook's level of concern rose sharply. "Are you okay?" He jogs over and kneels down.

Jimin pouts and sniffles. "That hurt." He stands up and walks (limps) over to the bench. "I don't think I'm good at skating."

"You're a beginner. Falling is normal." He sits down next to him. "You're new to this skatepark, right? I just haven't seen you until a few weeks ago."

"I'm new. My friend Hoseok convinced me to come here. I just don't do tricks and he wanted me to try it out."

"How late are you staying tonight?"

"Oh, not late. I'm leaving at 6 because I'm going to my friend's party at 7."

Jungkook checks his phone. "It's 6:23."

Jimin's eyes grow wide. "Oh fuck. I'm gonna be late."

"I can drive you."





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