forty six

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i guess i shoulda known kentrell was gonna do this dumb shit. i guarantee he knew i'm with michael right now. he didn't even get to say shit besides "man we gotta talk. it's about bre."

i took his phone and hung up after kentrell said that dumbass shit. michael still made me explain it all though. he said daniel wanted to tell him "a lot of shit" too which just confused me because i haven't heard shit about anything daniel has done.

now he knows everything. literally everything. the whole story (of what i know), the texts, all the shit kentrell says to me. even the stuff that doesn't regard this particular situation. for example, how he literally compared me to ayleks when michael and i got in that big fight...

"hell nah. fuck that nigga. he wanna try and fuck me over when i put his well-being over mine my whole life. if i wanted to sit here and name everything i done for him, we would be here all night—i mean, it don't surprise me but it actually kinda hurts that him outta all people would do that. i'd expect it from someone else." michael said while staring at the floor.

i didn't wanna tell him all that for this exact reason. he looks hurt.

he sighed and looked the other way. "i really gotta go before i do something stupid, like deadass." he stood up and grabbed his phone.

"no, you're not leaving me." i insisted, then stood up and pulled him in for a hug. he didn't hug back at first, but after a while when he realized i wasn't let go, he did.

"bre i'm serious though."

"mhm, i am too. i'm not letting his stupid ass ruin your mood, and i'm definitely not letting you do anything dumb over it."

"you don't get it though. can you let me go?" he asked. he didn't even sound like he was joking which just hurt my heart.

"no." i said plainly.

"if you wanna leave so bad, tell me why. there's no reason to." i looked up at him, he just looked plain annoyed.

"it's not because of you, even though you on my last nerve right now." he paused and looked at me then continued, "i just wanna be left alone so i can process this shit. like, i just basically got betrayed by my own blood. it may not seem like it but he knows everything about me, i went though everything with him."

he's lying. he's lying so fucking hard.

"really? so you not gonna try and go start some shit with kentrell once you leave?" i remarked, he kissed his teeth and tried to pull away from the hug but i didn't let him.

"what does it matter anyway? he deserves it. he had the audacity to try and call me and say we needa talk about you when this whole thing is his fault. he's the one in the wrong for all this shit."

"what matters is that, that's fucking stupid! listen, just because shit happened doesn't mean you can go and fight someone every time. you need to stop fucking doing that. especially since he's your cousin and you're on fucking probation. what is going through your head?" i blurted, which i kinda regretted but it needed to be said.

after that, i let him out of the hug. he obviously doesn't wanna be touched. plus, he's just acting dumb now. i don't wanna hug him either.

𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞✧𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐝Where stories live. Discover now