forty nine

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"yo ass was tryna set me up." i fake pouted as she did her hair. she wouldn't even let me fuck in the shower. i know he's just tryna be annoying. she said she "dOnT fEeL gOoD".

i made her put on this tight ass black dress that was lowkey short too. she looks fine as fuck in it but i can tell she's uncomfortable. she never be wearing this type of shit, so this the first time i get to see her dressed like this.

"bub why do i gotta wear this? it's a pretty dress but i look weird." she whined and turned to the side in the mirror, basically just criticizing everything about herself. i don't even know how she thinks like that.

"i meannn, you look a lil weird. but you still look beautiful." i assured, she smiled a little and shook her head. i don't know why but i just can't be fully nice.

"sure. now tell me why you're making me wear this, and why you're dressed like that." she raised her eyebrows like she had suspicions.

"i ain't gotta tell you nothing, you played me in the shower so i ain't telling you." i sneered. she just rolled her eyes and looked back in the mirror.

"you sound pressed to me."

"oh don't worry, you'll be begging me later." i smirked.

she furrowed her eyebrows at me then laughed. "okay, whatever you say. ugly ass."

"i'm ugly? pshhh, then you fuckin hideous."

"damn so you was lying when you said i was beautiful? i'll just take my ass home then." she sneered which just made me laugh. i swear she gets so pressed over everything.

"okay whatever. just hurry ya ass up so we can go." i told her.

i'll admit, i'm a little nervous. ion usually get nervous about or around no female so this is new to me.

ion even know why i'm nervous, i know she loves me but i don't usually do shit like this for girls. i never really been the lovey type, still kinda not.

that one day when i wanted to get her something, i did, but it had to get customized first. both of them actually... they're promise rings, even though i hate how that sounds because most promises don't mean shit. they always get either bent or broken, but love doesn't. love stays no matter what... or it should.

so i gotta different meaning for them.

i didn't know when to give it to her and today is definitely not the best day but i'm sick of waiting. but, with what we talked about earlier, it shouldn't be that unexpected.


now i know why he's made me wear this. i'm not complaining though because i get to see him dressed all nice too. he's so fine.

"you know we like—didn't have to come here... i'm lowkey hungover and now i feel bad." i looked around, mcdonald's would have been fine but he's "extra" now, apparently.

i'm thankful as fuck though... this food like the best thing i ever had in my life. no cap.

"you eat mcdonald's like every fucking day. you don't get bored of that shit?" he asked. shook my head, being honest.

𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞✧𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐝Where stories live. Discover now