Chapter 7

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We drove to the mall and got out of the car. I looked at Meredith's face in the sun and her cheeks were really flushed. I smiled thinking about how I made them flushed from all the amazing sex we just had.

"Your cheeks are really red" I whispered as she was getting the kids out of the car

"I know" she laughed

The kids got out and I shut the car door. I held Zola and Baileys hand. Mer held Ellis's. We crossed the street and walked into the mall. The best way to deal with kids in the mall is to entertain them as best as possible. We were going to go to kids store, parents, kids, parents in that type of order. We went to a place that sold kids furniture. The rooms at the houses were already furnished, but I wanted the kids to have rooms that they one. We got Bailey a dark brown furniture set, Zola a light grey furniture set, and Ellis a white furniture set. We walked out and walked around to more stores because they were getting all the boxes of furniture ready to put into their movers car. Meredith was walking by Victoria secret.

"Hey I'll stay with the kids if you want to go in there" I said handing her my credit card

"Yeah" she smiled

"Yeah" I said

"Ok" she said

I walked the kids over to the pretzel shop. We bought pretzel bites and sat at a table. We all got cinnamon. We ate and drank. I bought a extra one for Meredith. She came out with a huge bag. I laughed and grabbed the kids. I took the bag from her and switched her with the pretzels.

"So tell me about Ellis. What does she like" I asked as she took a bite of her pretzel

"She hates pinks and purples loves greens and blues. She has my facial expressions" she giggled

"She loves basketball and we always watch a game every Friday" she said

"Ooo basketball" I smiled

"She's someone you really would like to get to know" she smiled

I kissed her head and we walked hand in hand to a toy store. The kids ran in and I grabbed a cart. Zola started grabbing dolls and legos, Bailey grabbed star wars legos, and Ellis grabbed a whole aquarium based playmobil set which was about 3 big boxes and 4 little boxes of it. I bought everything and the kids were already tired. Meredith's stayed with them and all the bags. I went into a suit store. I gave them my measurements and bought 4 suits. I bought 10 different button up shirts and 3 different ties. My clothes from DC were arriving in a couple days. I had a friend go secretly pick them u, so that the government wouldn't know my address. I went to another store and grabbed a lot of pajamas, t shirts, and sweatpants. I walked out with the bags and took the kids to a clothes store. We got them all new clothes and walked to a store Meredith wanted to go to. We got everything we needed and went to the car. We went to the back of the furniture store and I gave them my address. They were building everything and dropping it off tonight. We went to a paint store and grabbed paint for the kids room and Mer and I's room. We ordered our furniture online. We got home and Mer stayed downstairs with the kids. I brought all the kids paint upstairs. I called my realtor and bought the house. I started painting Ellis's room. She picked out a grey color that matched her furniture. I took all the furniture out and painted the room. This was a quick dry paint. I took all the furniture out of Baileys room and painted his a dark blue color. I took the stuff out of Zola's and painted it a lavender purple. I redid everyone's rooms for a 2nd coat. Mer helped me take all the furniture that were in their rooms to the basement. We went to the kids who were in the living room.

"Hey you guys go get your bathing suits on. I bet your mom would love to take you guys down to the beach" I smirked at Mer.

"Yes everyone go get your suits on" she said

The kids ran to their bags

"What are you planning" she whispered

"I bought the kids a big dollhouse" I said kissing her lips

"Wow how did I not see it" she laughed

"I have my ways" I said pecking her lips again.

She left and put shorts and a tank top on with her sunglasses. They all left and I went to the car. I grabbed all the bags and brought them inside. I brought the big dollhouse box up to Zola's room which was right next to Ellis's room. Bailey's was across the hall from them. I opened the box and took everything out. I looked at the instructions. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I put it together and put it in the corner of Zola's room. I went downstairs and brought each one of the kids toys into each of their rooms. They were going to have a playroom, but right now it was a guest room. I went back downstairs and changed into swim trunks that I had.  I put a t shirt on and my sunglasses. I went down to the private beach. I saw the kids playing in the ocean and making sandcastles. I saw Meredith under an umbrella laying on a beach towel. She was laying down in her bathing suit. I walked over to them and stood in front of Meredith to block the sun. She opened her eyes a little bit. She smiled.

"How was it" she asked

"Pretty easy" I said

"Well I'm taking a break, go play with the kids" she laughed

"You taught them how to swim" I asked

"Yes" she sighed

I smiled. I took my shirt off. I went over to the kids and they stood up. We walked a little bit into the ocean and the waves started hitting us. I grabbed a body board that the kids had. We went into the ocean and they started swimming around. I taught them how to body board and when we were done it was almost time when the movers came with the furniture. Meredith handed each of us beach towels and we walked back up to the house. I used the hose on the side of the house to wipe our feet off. We walked inside and everyone took baths and showers. We all got into our pajamas. We didn't decorate the kids bathrooms yet, that was for a later date. We sat downstairs and I made a big bowl of popcorn and a pizza. We sat in the theater room and watched finding dori. Meredith was sitting next to me and I wrapped my arm around her back. I gave each of the kids little bowls of popcorn and they sat in the front. I heard the doorbell ring and got up. I walked out of the room and went to the front door. The furniture people came in with the built furniture. I already told them which furniture to put in which room. I went back to the theater room and watched the movie with Mer and the kids.

"Bye Dr. Shepherd" the movers said opening the door

"Bye thank you again" I said

We watched the movie and the kids ended up falling asleep. I turned the projector off and picked Bailey and Zola up. Meredith picked Ellis up. I held the kids and took them upstairs. I tucked Zola into her lavender butterfly sheets. I went to baileys room and tucked him into his star wars sheets. I went into Ellis's room and Meredith was reading her a story to sleep.

"Daddy can you read me this story mommy's boring" she said

Meredith laughed and I laughed a little bit

"Anything for you princess" I smiled

I read her the book and tucked her in. I kissed all the kids goodnight. I went downstairs and cleaned up the theater room. I threw everything away. I went into Mer and I's bedroom. She was under the covers watching me. I got into the bed next to her and she turned around.

"The beds been empty forever" she said

"Not now, not anymore" I said

I spooned her and she fell asleep. I kissed her head and got up. I tucked her in and went to the office room. I plugged the flash drive into the computer. I couldn't sleep. I pulled up all the documents I downloaded and saw the video of Meredith. She has a little scar on her leg from the hits. I examined her body when we were naked together today. I started smiling a little thinking about us. In then I got serious. I started opening everything.

"Where should I begin" I said to myself

I poured myself a little bit of whiskey and sipped it as I looked through the computer.

Greys day (Lexie day) 🤪🤪😏

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