Chapter 45

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Meredith's POV

I got to my car and noticed something on my dash board. I picked it up and started reading it. I heard something outside and shut my door. Two guys came running to me. I tried to turn my car on. It wasn't quick enough. I didn't lock my door and they opened the car. They started punching my face. I couldn't talk. I let them hit me. I was so weak. They dragged me out of the car. I blacked out. I woke up and I was tied up. I sat up. The guys had a body and put it into the trunk of my car. I couldn't see who it was, their was a mask on the body's face. The taped a note to the body and shut they trunk. They kept talking to each other. They turned around and saw me.

"Oh look who's up" one of the guys said

The other knocked me out. I woke up on a plane. They had a lot of iv's into my skin.

"Mmm" I said

A guy with a mask was watching me.

"Oh you're up" he said

"Where are we" I asked

"We're going to the White House. We're making another Shepherd baby" he said

"What" I asked groggily

"We took some of his sperm out of you" he said holding a vile up with a little bit of Dereks sperm.

"Why do you want me" I asked

"Because you're the only way we can get him back to us" he said

I started feeling drugged out.

"Welp I will be back" he said getting up

How did they find us? There has to be a tracker or something. I started looking all over my body. I found a tiny scar on my thumb. I grabbed a scalpel and cut the scar open. I pushed something out of my thumb. It was a tracking device. They must've put it inside of me when they kidnapped me along time ago. I took it out and kept it in my pocket. I took a piece of gauze and put it on the little part of my finger. I used invisible tape to tape it. If I break the tracking device right now, they'll know. I took the vile of sperm and saw lotion that looked like it. I threw the sperm out of the window and took the lotion. I filled it up perfectly. I put it back and started feeling really loopy. I passed out. I woke up in a truck. I turned my head around and saw a bunch of people in suits. They had guns. We parked and the guys got out. They dragged me out and held me. I was too drugged out to do anything. They brought me into a building, the same building that I was in last time. They took me to the basement and tied me up. They sat a phone up and started laughing. I grabbed the tracking device out of my pocket and put it behind me. They pressed something on the phone. There were 5 men in front of me. They were all laughing. They started taking my clothes off and punching me. They spit all over me. I felt humiliated. I was angry. My blood started to boil. I felt something in me. They kept punching me and shredded my clothes. Something happened and my body changed. I was still here, but something was controlling me. I sat up a little bit and held my hands out. Lasers started coming out. I held them up with the lasers, they were in the air. I started drawing them. I shut my eyes, this made me feel powerful. There cries made this amazing. I finished draining everything out of them. They all fell. One of them fell in front of the phone. I crawled over. I was still mad. I rolled the person in front of the phone away.

"Meredith. Meredith can you hear me" he asked

His voice was so soothing. It are me come down from anything. I loved him so much. I slowly brought myself to normal and could see clearly.

"Derek" I asked

I couldn't see him, but I could hear him talk

"I don't know what's happening to me" I said tearing up

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