Chapter 39

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The next morning I woke up before Mer. We both ate all the chocolate I gave her. It was too good to stop. I left the room and grabbed a bagel. I ate it and bought oatmeal, an apple, and orange juice for Mer. I went back to her room and put the food next to her with some packets of brown sugar. She stirred awake. I got up from my chair and kissed her lips.

"Did you eat a bagel" she laughed

"Mmmhm" I said holding it up

"I got you oatmeal it's right there" I said pointing to the cup

"Thanks" she laughed

I sat back down.

"Hey you can go home today at least and I have a surprise for you next week when you hopefully heal a lot better" I said

"Ooo" she smirked

"I'm honestly really horny right now" she admitted

"I'd make another baby right now if you were broken somewhere else" I smirked

She started laughing.

"I'd make a baby with myself too" she laughed

"I mean-" I laughed

I smirked at her

"We are not having anymore babies" she said

"Why not" I asked

"Because we have enough and we're older now. I don't want anymore" she admitted

"You say that now" I smirked

"No im being serious" she said seriously

"Okay I understand" I said

Dr. Harrison came in.

"Okay Dr. Grey you can be discharged at about 3pm it's 9am right now" she said

"Okay" Mer said

She went over to mer and checked her stats.

"You are looking really great" she said to mer

6 hours later

Mer and I were about to leave. She changed into her clothes. I grabbed a wheelchair and she sat in it. I wheeled her to the car. I opened the door and helped her inside. I took the wheelchair back into the hospital and came back. I went into the car and started it. The kids were with Alex at our house. I started driving to the house. We got out of the car and I went over to her. She put her hand on my shoulder to try and help her walk. We went up the stairs and walked inside. Zola ran over to us.

"Hi mommy are you okay" she asked

"I'm a little exhausted, but I feel a lot better" she said

"I'm going to help her upstairs and come back down here with you guys. We're going to go to a fun place because I want to teach you guys something" I said

"Ok" she smiled

I helped Mer walk upstairs and we went to our bedroom. I helped her change into pajamas. She laid on the bed. I tucked her in.

"Are you hungry" I asked

"No" she said

"Where are you guys going" she smiled

"Ice skating" I laughed

"Ellis told me that she wanted to go because she saw a movie on figure skating and she wants to try it out" I said

"Derek I swear if my daughter breaks any bone in her body, I will come after her. You better get a professional" she said

"I- I'm professional enough" I said

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