Chapter 61

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2 days later

We made it home from lego land. The kids loved it so much. I've been thinking a lot about DC. Mer was sleeping next to me in bed. We got home at 1am. I slowly got out of bed and went to my office. I went into my downloaded files. There were some things that I couldn't get into. I hacked into some of the data that I collected at the research lab. I learned a whole bunch of hacking shortcuts in DC. I started looking at more files that I couldn't see before. I was so going to expose the government for what they're doing. The whole worlds going to go crazy. I started looking through the files, they have someone else that they kidnapped. I spent hours looking over it. I felt her hands on my shoulders.

"You should get some sleep" she whispered

I looked up and looked out the window. It was daylight. I nodded and got up.

"I'll bring the kids to school" she said kissing my cheek

I went into my room and fell asleep. I woke up a couple hours later. I walked out of the room and went to the kitchen. Mer was on the couch watching tv

"Finally you're up" she smiled

I started laughing. I made a sandwich and started eating it

"Do you want to do something fun tonight" she asked

"Yeah" I smiled finishing my sandwich

I walked over to her.

"Wanna go do laser tag" she smiled

"Yeah that sounds- fun" I smiled

"Mmhm" she smiled

I leaned down and kissed her lips.

"Let me get ready first" I smiled

I went back to my room and took a shower. I brushed my teeth and put clothes on. I grabbed Haley and brought her downstairs with her baby back. Lexie came here and we went to the car. I dropped the kids off at Amy's and started driving us to the laser tag place. We parked and started walking. Mer was walking pretty slow and people were walking in behind us. I grabbed her arm and went to the side.

"Sorry she's eating for two" I smiled

They laughed and walked passed us. She looked at me

"What" I smiled

"I'm not fat" she said

"You're adorable" I said kissing her lips.

"I hate you" she sighed

"You know that isn't true" I smiled putting my hand on her stomach

"This baby knows it isn't" I said

We walked inside and the whole place was dark. We paid and grabbed our vests and guns. We went into the arena with a bunch of people. The game started and we started shooting lasers at people's vests. Mer and I were on the same team. I grabbed her hand

"Derek" she laughed

"Come here" I said

I brought her to a little spot in the wall and pushed her to the back, so that no one could see us. I put my hand on the side of her cheek and started kissing her lips. She pushed me back.

"I'm not in the mood" she sighed walking past me.

What is going on with her? We continued playing the game and finished. I got a higher score than her. We got into the car and went to pick up the kids from school. We picked them up and came back home. They went to do their homework. I went to the kitchen and started making Chicken Alfredo. I started boiling water and put the pasta in. I finished all of the food and the kids came down. I made them all plates and gave them food. Mer was feeding Haley. We all ate and Mer came down. She started eating.

4 hour later

We were getting ready for bed. I laid down and boiled the covers over me. She hasn't talked to me that much today. I wrapped my hand around her stomach and she took it off.

"Mer what's up" I said

"I don't know" she said

I kissed her cheek and turned over. I went to bed and woke up the next morning. I felt something on my feet. I opened the blanket and there was mud all over her legs. I was confused. She started waking up. I moved the hair out of her face and we smiled at each other.

"Hey did you go outside last night" I asked

"No why" she said

I lifted the blanket up and she looked down.

"I had a dream that I was outside, but I didn't think it was real" she said

I heard something loud

"I'll go check it out" i said

I left the room and walked downstairs. My mom was in the kitchen. Is this a dream? What is going on?

"Mom" I asked

She turned around and looked at me

"Hi sweetie how are you" she smiled

I couldn't believe this

"Mer" I yelled

"What" she said walking to me

She started walking down the steps and looked at me. She looked over and saw them

"Oh my god" she said shocked

"Hi Meredith are you doing okay. I know the pregnancy must be scary" she said

I looked at Mer and looked back at my mom.

"How is this happening" she said

"I don't know I'm so confused" I said looking at her feet

I pointed to her feet and she looked down

"You must've done something last night. Do you remember anything" I asked

"I have no idea. I remember going to sleep and waking up with dirt all over. I changed the sheets by the way but I have no idea what's happening" she said

I walked down and went over to my mom. I tapped her shoulder

"Honey. I'm real, why are you acting like this" she said

I started tearing up and hugged her tight

"I've missed you so much" I cried

"I have too. I have business to do here that's why I came back" she said

"What do you mean" i said

"I have to find Renee" she said


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