Chapter 16

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7 months later

Meredith was 9 months now. She was on bed rest. We decided to wait until the baby was born to find out what it is. I was cooking everyone breakfast. I made pancakes, hash browns, and fruit. I made 3 plates and the kids were in the living room. I walked over to them and gave them their plates with orange juice. I made another 2 plates for Mer and I and 2 more cups of orange juice. I walked into our bedroom and went over to mer.

"Hey" I said

She sat up and looked at me

"Is that food" she smiled

"It is" I laughed

I handed her the food and drink. She started eating straight away. I sat next to her and started eating my food. We finished everything

"Mom" Bailey yelled running into the room

I grabbed Merediths plate from her hands. I took everything and left the room. I grabbed the kids plates and cleaned them. Zola and Ellis were watching tv. I went back in the bedroom and Bailey was next to Meredith on the bed. She was reading something on her phone to him.

"Hey" Meredith said looking at me

"Hi what are you 2 doing" I smiled

"He wanted to get away from his sisters" she smiled

"Oh I feel that" I laughed

"Ooo ow" Meredith said holding her stomach

I walked over to her and put my hand on her stomach

"Mom what's wrong" Bailey asked

"Bailey go watch some tv" Mer said trying not to wince in pain

He nodded and left.

I rubbed the bottom of Mer's stomach.

"Breath in and out" I said breathing with her

She breathed in and winced

"I think I'm having contractions" she said

"Really" I smiled

"Yes ooo" she said

"Okay" I said

I ran out of the room

"Kids get ready" I told them because they were in their pajamas

"What's going on" Zola asked

"We have to go to the hospital to see if your sibling is coming" I smiled

They all ran upstairs. I went upstairs to the nursery and grabbed the baby bag with everything. I went downstairs and put it in the car outside. I walked back inside and went to Mer's room. I helped her up. I heard something splash and looked down.

"My. My water just broke" she said

"Oh this is really happening" I smiled

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