Chapter 35

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Dereks POV

I woke up the next morning. I had a bad nightmare. I woke up shaking. I brought my legs to my chest and stayed on the bed sitting up. Meredith woke up and looked up at me. I saw tears in her eyes. I looked down at her and started shaking. She put her hand on my knee.

"Did you have a bad dream too" she asked

I nodded and my teeth started chattering. She sat up and grabbed the blanket. She pulled it over my legs. I looked down at her. The baby monitor started going off.

"I'll get her" she whispered

I nodded and she got off the bed. She left the room. I came down from that nightmare. It was crazy. I hated it. It was about Renee and I really hope it doesn't happen again. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I went pee and flushed. I washed my hands. I heard the bedroom door open and I walked out of the bathroom. Meredith had Haley in her arms and I walked over to her. Shes about a week old right now. She was so tiny. Mer handed her to me and I held her in my arms. I sat on the edge of the bed.

"So she's changed and fed. The kids are still sleeping. I'll be back" she said

"Meredith" I questioned

"I'm going to the mall with Addison and Amelia" she said

"Be safe" I said

"I will" she nodded

She walked out of the room. I grabbed my phone and got a text from my realtor. She said that our house got sold. I looked at the new house she sent me. It was in Australia really far away from this house. I told her that we should still stay here, just far away and in the woods, like our dream house. The house was just built and it was right by a lake. There were very few neighbors, and the ones that were there were spread apart.

"I'll check it out in a couple days when we move out" I texted

This place was about a 15 hour drive away. I enrolled the kids into school close to the house last week. They start next week. Today's Wednesday. I got up and started smiling. I walked with Haley until she fell asleep. I went upstairs to her room and put her in her crib. I went back downstairs and grabbed a bunch of cardboard boxes. I put most of the dishes in them and cleaned up a bit. We didn't really need anything, we can buy new stuff. The house we were looking at was already furnished, the kids wanted there furniture. I grabbed some cereal, milk, bowls, and spoons because I heard the kids upstairs. I poured 5 bowls of cereal. They ran downstairs and I handed them the bowls. I helped Lexie eat. She finished and I ate my bowl. I cleaned the dishes and put them in a box. I packed the kitchen up and cleaned the downstairs. I packed everything downstairs away, except for our bedroom. I took all the boxes and brought them outside. I put them in a moving truck I rented. I went back into the house. I was out of breath. I heard Haley crying. It was a hungry cry. I grabbed some of Mer's breast milk in the fridge and heated a bottle up. I went upstairs with it and went into Haley's room. I held her and gave her the bottle. She started eating and staring at me. I love her little blue eyes. She finished eating and I burped her. I put her back down in the crib. I went downstairs and cleaned her bottle out. I took a couple more boxes and brought them upstairs. The house wasn't that big of a mess which was really helpful. I packed up the kids play room and brought everything in boxes downstairs. I put them all in the moving truck. I went back into the house and the sun outside was starting to set. I checked on the kids in between. We were all packing our bedrooms tomorrow morning because it wasn't going to take that long. I ordered pizza. Mer and Amelia walked in with bags of stuff.

"You've been busy" Mer said to me

"I can say the same about you guys" I said out of breath.

"They sold our house and we have a long trip tomorrow" I said

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