Chapter 52

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The next morning Mer and I grabbed our packed bags. We went into the kids room and grabbed there's. I took all of the bags to the car and packed the trunk full. I went back to the room and walked in. Mer was feeding Haley a bottle and soothing her. The kids were playing tag in between the rooms. Amelia was on the couch watching tv.

"Heyyyy" I yelled clapping my hands

Everyone looked at me

"Are you guys ready" I asked the kids

"Yeahhhh" they yelled back

"Ywehh" Lexie said

I picked Lexie up.

"Okay let's go" I smiled

I held Lexie around my waist. We left and Mer was still in the room with Haley. Ellis, Zola, and Bailey were playing in front of Amy and I as we walked to the elevator. We got in and I pressed the button.

"So when we get back. I'm going to take you to an AA meeting in then we'll go to Link's" I said

"Thanks Derek" she said resting her head on my shoulder

The elevator dinged and we walked out. We went to the car and I put the kids in. They buckled and I buckled Lexie in. Amelia was sitting in the middle seat. Haley was going to sit next to her. I went into the drivers seat and turned the car on. We were waiting for Mer. I saw her walk out and she came to the car. She opened the back door and put Haley into her seat.

"Sorry about that" she said out of breath and buckling her.

She handed everyone snacks and drinks. She got into the passenger seat. We drove to the airport and took all the luggage inside. We went to our plane. We were a little late but we got here in time. We handed the woman our tickets and she let us through. We walked down into the plane and sat in our seats. Amelia was sitting with Ellis, Bailey, and Zola. They were already playing games on their iPads. Mer, Lexie, Haley, and I were sitting together. We reclined our seats and it was like a full bed here. I grabbed a blanket from my bag and wrapped it around all of us. Lexie was sitting in the middle. A flight attendant gave us all grilled cheeses, drinks, and chips. We started eating. Haley was sleeping in her carrier. She was next to mer and I could barely see her. I turned on a movie for Lexie on her iPad and put headphones on her. She started watching it and I wrapped my arm around her back. I held her close into my side. Mer was on her phone. These seats were pretty big. I feel like the kids could sit here too. The arm rests were down. If they wanted to, they could come and sit with us. I looked over at Amelia and she was playing games with Zola. I started smiling. I finished my grilled cheese and wiped my hand on a napkin. I looked at Mer because we started to take off. She held my hand and we started going into the air. We reached turbulence and the plane started shaking a lot. I held Lexie with my arm and we finally started getting out of turbulence.

10 hours later

We just landed in Australia. We grabbed our luggage and went to my car. Amy and I put everything in. We drove home and I dropped Mer off with the kids. I drove Amelia to an AA meeting. We walked in and about 12 people were here. We went to a seat. A lot of people were talking and it got to Amelia's turn.

"I'm Amelia and-" she said and everyone started talking

"Heyyy Amelia" they said in sync

"And I'm a addict. I was sober and my mother died. I went back to it and I don't know how I'm going to stop myself from doing it again. My brother is here with me" she said looking at me

She had tears in her eyes. She looked broken.

"So I don't know what to do at this point. I want to get high" she said looking at everyone

We all started talking. They gave her some good ideas. About 2 hours later, we finished. It was 10pm. We went to my car.

"If something like this is about to happen, call me, I'll be right there" I said

She nodded. I drove her to ha house that she bought 40 minutes from mine. I waited until she got into her house before I left. I drove back home and decided to check out the hospital that we were building. I drove by. It was almost done, probably 7 more weeks. It looked great and really modern. I drove home and went inside. The house was dark and quiet. I went to the fridge and opened it. There was a bowl and a note.


I grabbed the bowl and took the plastic wrap off the top. It was spaghetti. I was really hungry. I grabbed a fork and started eating it. I grabbed a glass of water and started drinking. I finished and washed the bowl. I went upstairs and went into Mer and i's room. She was sleeping. I took my shirt and pants off. I got into bed and went under the covers. I scooted closer into Mer's back and wrapped my arm around her. She held my hand with hers. I buried my head into her back. I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning. Bailey had practice today. I started stretching and opened my eyes. Mer was still asleep. I laid on my back and waited for her. I was bored. I started poking her.

"Mmm" she mumbled

"'Mer" I said

"What" she said turning to look at me

"I'm bored and lonely" I said

"Ughhh" she said sitting up

"What do you want" she asked

I sat up

"I want to talk to someone" I said

"Go ahead since I'm up now" she said

"Would it be possible for us to take a break from everything. Do you want to go on a vacation, just the two of us. Because if I don't go somewhere soon, I don't know what would happen. It's hard to think about" I sighed

"I need to get my mental health better for the kids. I don't know how this will work" I admitted

"I'll help you. If you think going somewhere would be get for you then I'll be by your side" she said

I leaned in and kissed her lips

"I love you" I whispered pecking her lips

I wrapped my arm around her back and pushed her down into the bed. I deepened the kiss and rolled on top of her.

Greys finale day🥲🥲

Oooo plane crash😏

Derek and ReneeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang