Chapter 60

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The next morning I woke up and took a long shower. We were all going to lego land which was in California. It was a pretty long ride. We were staying down there for 3 days. I got out of the shower and dried off. I did my hair and put a tan button up and white dress pants on. I grabbed all the bags that Mer packed last night and put them into the car. I went upstairs and got the kids ready. They were so excited and it was a birthday present for Haley. I took her out of her bed and she started walking out of the room. She crawled down the steps and I went into Mer's room. I crawled onto the bed and started kissing her lips.

"Mmm" she moaned into my mouth.

She put her hand on my shoulder and deepened the kiss. She rolled us over and laid on top of me. She pulled away and traced my jawline with her finger.

"I love this so much but we can't be late" I whispered

"I know" she sighed taking her finger off of me.

I kissed her lips and she got off of me. I went downstairs and cut up some fruit for the kids. They started eating. I ate some fruit and Mer came down. She grabbed some fruit and I picked Lexie and Haley up.

"Come on guys" I said to the kids

I took Haley and Lexie to the car. I buckled them and the rest of the kids came in. Mer came in and we drove to pick Amy and scout up. She put her bags in the car and got in. Everyone was close together back there. We drove to the airport and went to our flight. We boarded and sat in our seats. Mer, Haley, Lexie, and I were together. Amy was with Zola, Ellis, Bailey, and scout. They were in front of us.

I put my hand on Mer's stomach next to Haley.

"I still can't believe it" I smiled

"Me either. This is crazy" she smiled putting her hand on top of mine

I leaned in and kissed her lips. I rested my head on her shoulder and we started taking off. I held Mer's hand. We finally got out of turbulence. The ride there wasn't too bad. We got off the plane and grabbed our bags. We had a car already rented and grabbed the keys from this guy next to it. We drove to the hotel and brought our bags in. We went up to our hotel room. Mer and I had our own room. Amelia had hers and the kids had theirs. We unpacked and unpacked the kids stuff in their rooms. Once we were all settled we started our day. We grabbed some lunch and drove down to lego land. We walked inside and it was huge. Bailey and Zola looked so fascinated. I loved watching there face like this. We walked to the 'around the world' part and saw all of the little states and countries that were made out of legos. This was so cool. We went to the ninjas and these people were built only out of Legos. It was so amazing. We went outside and there was a Jurassic world theme. Dinosaurs were everywhere made out of legos. We put the kids on top of the dinosaur and got a picture. They all looked adorable. We took a couple pictures of them everywhere. We walked outside and went to the Minecraft part because Bailey loved it. We bought him a bunch of Minecraft lego sets with a bunch of lego mini figures. Zola and Ellis loved starwars. We went over there and grabbed some for them. We went over to the little shop and grabbed churros. We all ate them and spent the rest of the day here. We drove to the hotel and went up to our rooms. The kids got ready for bed and we put the to sleep. Mer and I went into our room and got ready for bed. We laid down. She started reading more books that I got her about her favorite author.

"Do you like that book?" I asked because she started biting her lip

"Mmhm" she smiled

"What does it say" I said

"I thought you didn't want to know" she smiled

"Well I want to see what you like" I smiled

I looked at the page and this guy got on his knees and started eating his girlfriend out. She rode his face

"Oh well this is detailed" I laughed staring at all the detailed words

"Mmmhm it is" she smiled

I read more and he started doing a lot to her

"Do you wanna try it" I smiled taking her book from her hands

I put it on the nightstand

"Now?" She asked

"Mmhm" I said getting on top of her and kissing her lips.

"The kids are right there" she said in a moan tapping the wall

"Mmhm and I'll make you be quiet" I whispered kissing her lips

We took our clothes off and I thrusted into her. She started moaning my name.

"Shhh remember" I whispered

She kept moaning and I put my hand over her mouth. I thrusted hard inside of her and started sweating.

"Mmm" I groaned speeding up my movements

"You feel so good" I whispered

Her eyes started to roll back as her walls started to close around me

"You're quick today" I grunted going harder.

I let go of her mouth and leaned down. I arched her back and went deeper. I put my hands on the headboard and steadied myself. I started moving the bed with my thrusts. I didn't care. I wanted her. I kept going.

"Oh fuck" I whispered in a groan

I started kissing her lips. She moaned loudly into my mouth as she released. I released from the feeling I felt of her. It felt so good. I pulled out of her and laid on her stomach. I wrapped my arms around her back

"I am so madly in love with you" I whispered looking up

She ran her fingers through my sweaty hair.

"You're so hot" she smiled

I started smiling. I leaned up and she kissed my lips. I put my head back onto her stomach and started kissing it.

"I can't wait to meet you" I said putting my hand on her stomach next to my face.

Actin like y'all are on flight 828😭😭

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