Chapter 23

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I woke up and turned over. I saw Meredith laying face down on the bed. She was spread out. She was naked, why- why was she naked. I looked down and saw that I was naked. We had sex and I don't remember. Meredith and I had SEX and I don't remember wow. I slowly slid out of bed trying to be quiet and accidentally tripped on something and fell. I sat up and looked over at Meredith. She was looking at me.

"Sorry go back to sleep" I whispered pulling the blanket that was around her waist to her shoulders

I tucked her in and kissed her head. I grabbed my boxers. I put them on along with a light blue shirt. I walked out of the bedroom and went upstairs to check on Lexie. I walked in and she was awake. I went over to her and she started giggling. I smiled so big. I picked her up and threw her in the air a couple times and caught her. She loved it. I changed her and held her in my arms. She was hungry, so I brought her downstairs. I went over to Meredith in our bedroom. She was asleep. We didn't have any breast milk in the fridge so I had to wake her up.

"Mer" I whispered tapping her

Lexie started crying

"Turn it off" she said burying her face more into the sheets

"Meredith I can't turn her off" I laughed pulling Lexie's little shirt down because it started rolling up

"Ughhh" Mer said turning over

I started smiling and hand her to me

"I know you like torturing me" she smirked to me as Lexie latched into her

"Meredith our daughter is hungry and I can't do anything" I smirked

"Mmhm last night was amazing though" she smirked

"It was" I said awkwardly as I couldn't recall

I kissed her head and walked out of the room. I went over to the kitchen and started making pancakes and bacon with buttered toast. The kids ran down.

"Hey guys you ready for breakfast" I asked

"Yes" Zola laughed

"Yeaaa" Bailey and Ellis said

I started laughing. I grabbed some apple juice and poured 3 glasses. I made 3 plates and handed them each of them. They were at the table in front of the kitchen.

"Where's mommy" Zola asked

"She'll be out in a second" I smiled eating a piece of bacon

I poured some orange juice and drank some of it. Meredith walked out fully clothed holding Lexie.

"Breakfast is getting cold" I whispered as she walked by me

I slowly grazed her ass with my hand and she started laughing.

"Eat your breakfast" she whispered grabbing a plate

The kids weren't looking

"I'd rather eat a different kind" I whispered

She hit my arm softly and I laughed a little. She handed me Lexie and I started swaying her with my arms. She was smiling the whole time. She was a mini me. Meredith started eating pancakes and I kept staring at how precious Lexie is. I do want more. I know we talked about it, but yes our kids, I want more of them with her. Maybe just 1 more.

"I do want another" I whispered

"I know you do" she smiled

"Later" she laughed

"Mmhm maybe when she's like 3" I smiled

"Yeah" she said

I started smiling. She rolled her eyes and grabbed some water in a glass. She walked over to the kids and sat next to them. I ate my breakfast and the kids were in the living room playing and watching tv. I walked upstairs with Lexie who was now asleep. I put her in her crib and turned on a little speaker in her room. I put quiet ocean sounds to sooth her. I turned around and Meredith was watching me. I got spooked

"You scared me" I whispered in a laugh

She walked over to me and looked down at Lexie. I turned around and looked at her.

"You're a good dad" she said

I saw her tearing up. She knew a little of what I am going through with Emma.

"Thanks" I whispered

I started tearing up and she wrapped her arm around me.

"Come on" she whispered

I walked out of the room with her and shut the door.

"Meredith I- I have to be honest" I said leaning against the hallway wall

"What is it" she asked

"I don't remember anything last night about us together" I said opening my eyes wide so she'd get it

"Hm. OH" she said shocked

"It's okay. We had sex and talked a little bit afterwards. I was exhausted from it, so I fell asleep first" she said truthfully

"Are you mad" I asked

"No im just- I get it, I really do" she said putting her hand on my shoulder

I looked down at her hand and looked back at her.

"Thank you" I whispered hugging her

She hugged me and I let her go. We walked downstairs and I realized I was only in my boxers and a shirt. I went into my bedroom and put my shorts on. I walked out and went over to the kids.

"Hey guys do you want to go out today" I asked

"Yaaa" they all said excited

"Ok come on let's go to the park" I laughed

"What" Mer smiled

"You can stay here with Lexie if you want" I smirked kissing her cheek

"Whatever" she laughed

"Mmhm" I smiled

I grabbed her waist and pulled myself close to her. I started kissing her lips passionately and backed up before things got too heated.

"You go. Have fun with the kids" she smirked

"Ok" I smiled back

I started blushing

"Come on kids" I said looking back at Meredith

She knew what she was doing. I laughed and took the kids outside. We walked to the park which was pretty close by. The kids ran to the swings and I sat on a bench next to this blonde woman.

"So which ones yours" she asked

"The 3 on the swings" I laughed

"Aw they're precious" she smiled

"Yeah they are" I laughed

"What's it like being a single dad" she asked

"Oh no I'm- im not" I said

"Ohhh" she said

"Gotchu" she smiled

We started talking for a little bit.

"I have to get going, but it was nice talking to you" I smiled holding my hand out

"Ally" she said shaking my hand

"Derek" I smiled

I walked over to the kids who were on top of the castle.

"Kids come down let's go home" I said

They came down and we walked back to the house. I opened the door and the kids ran in. They ran upstairs. I looked over to the living room and saw Meredith taking a nap on the catch. I started smirking and grabbed a blanket. I put it over her and kissed her head.

"I love you" I whispered

I felt her fingers graze my hand

"Yes" I whispered

"Stay with me" she muttered

I got behind her and laid on the couch. I spooned her. I put my head on her arm and she started snoring a little bit. I laughed slightly and held her tighter into me. She woke up for a second and held my hand tightly.

We were startin off strong in the beginning of this one TURN IT UP😛✌️

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