Chapter 12

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We went to the movies and started watching fifty shades of grey. It was funny because Meredith 'grey'.
We watched the whole movie and ate snacks. I had movie pizza. We left and went to play mini golf until it was night time. Meredith beat me. She made it known and we went home. We took a shower together. We changed into our pajamas and I cooked some dinner for everyone because Amelia and the kids were coming back soon. I made shrimp Alfredo. It was on low because we wanted to wait for the kids. I sat on the couch next to mer and she cuddled up into me. We watched tv. There was a knock at the door and I kissed Mer's head before getting up. I went over to the door and looked through the peep hole. I opened the door.

"Hey guys" I said bending down and hugging the kids.

They hugged me. They left and started playing with their toys.

"Amy" I said hugging her

"You're in a good mood" she laughed

"Thanks Mer" she said loudly

She pulled out of our hug and I closed the door

"What" Mer questioned

"For making him in a good mood" amy said

"Oh" Mer laughed

Amy went over to the kids and I went to the kitchen.

"Are you guys hungry" I laughed

"Yes we're starving" Amelia said

"Amy did you feed my kids" I smiled

"Obviously" she said

I laughed and grabbed 6 bowls. I poured Alfredo in each of them and grabbed forks. I grabbed 3 caprisuns and the kids took the bowls and caprisuns. Amy took a bowl and started eating at the island. The kids went to the couch next to mer. I grabbed 3 waters and handed Amy 1. I grabbed a bowl and went over to Meredith

I gave her the bowl and water

"Thank you" she whispered as the kids were all around her

I leaned down and she put her head back to look at me. She puckered her lips and I kissed them.

"You're welcome" I whispered

I went back over next to Amy and started eating. We started talking about the family. She got up and went over to mer. I finished my food and walked over to the couch. I sat by the kids.

"Hey you guys want to go upstairs" I asked

They nodded and I followed them upstairs. I bathed all of them and they all got into their pajamas. They brushed their teeth. They went in their beds and I was in baileys room. I tucked him in and kissed his head.

"Goodnight buddy" I said

"Dad" he asked as I walked over to the door

"Yes" I asked turning around to look at him

"Can we go Halloween shopping" he asked

It was October 16th

"Yes that sounds really fun" I smiled

"Now get some rest" I laughed as I turned the light off and shut the door

I went to Zola's room and tucked her in.

"Goodnight sweetie" I said kissing her forehead

I turned her light off and shut the door. I went to Ellis's room. She was holding her little stuffed animal bunny. I tucked her in.

"Do you know you look just like your mommy" I smiled

"Yes" she giggled

I started smiling

"Goodnight. Tomorrow we're all going Halloween shopping" I said

She started getting excited. I kissed her head and turned her light off. I shut the door and walked out of the room. I went downstairs and Meredith and Amelia were talking.

"The kids are in bed" I said.

"Well I'm going. Night guys" Amelia said walking upstairs

I walked over to mer and I's bedroom. I got into bed and went under the covers. I started getting really hot. I had a fever. I turned the fan on above our bed and tried to cool down, it didn't help. I started getting a little sick. Oh wait no a lot sick. I got up from the bed and ran to the toilet. I threw up all of my insides. I felt Meredith's hand rub on my back. I kept puking and she left. I flushed the toilet and laid on the cold tile floor. It made me feel better. Meredith walked in and I couldn't move. She bent down and wiped my mouth with a cold towel. She put the towel over my forehead. She sat down next to me and put my head into her lap. She started rubbing my hair out of my face

"What do you think happened" she asked

"I don't-" I said and tried to stop myself from puking

"Know" I said

She fixed the cold cloth on my face. She leaned down and kissed my cheek. I slowly turned around and wrapped my arms around her waist. My head was in her stomach. I ended up falling asleep somehow. I woke up with straight nausea. I was still holding onto Mer. I quickly sat up and leaned over the toilet that was next to me. I took the cloth off my head and threw up.

"Meredith" I said throwing up in the toilet again

I heard her stand up.

"Please go" I said not wanting her to see me like this

"I will only because I want to" she giggled

I started laughing and puked again. I waved her out. I heard the door close and I kept puking everything. I finally finished and flushed the toilet. I got up and went to the sink. I wiped my face and brushed my teeth thoroughly. I used mouthwash and floss. I walked out of the bathroom and turned the light off. I took my shirt off and pants off because I feel like they had puke on them. I crawled into bed and laid face down. She rubbed her hands up and down my back.

"Sorry I thought you were sleeping" I mumbled

"I was too worried" she said

I slowly rolled over on my back. I put my hands on my stomach.

"I think I have food poisoning" I said remembering the movies

It wasn't the Alfredo because no one else was sick. I was the only one that ate actual food at the movies.

Not the food poisoning 😭😭

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