Chapter 46

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Derek's POV

I landed in Seattle. I ran off the plane. I ran outside and went into a taxi.

"The McDonalds on 3rd" I said

The driver nodded. We drove to the McDonald's. I paid and got out. It was about a 2 mile walk to the government research building that Meredith was at. I started running. I started thinking about ways to sneak in as I was running. I waited to think and just kept running as fast as I could. I work out a lot so it wasn't that hard. I finally got there in about 20 minutes. I caught my breath and snuck around the buildings. A bunch of guys started walking outside with suits and others full of armor. They all had guns. The sun was starting to set, so I was going to wait until it was dark outside. I thought of a plan while I waited. I'm going to go through a vent. When I spent my time here, I noticed a bunch of vents. One of them leads to a place that no one goes to. It was finally dark and I snuck around all of the people guarding the building. The vent was a little high up. I  found a knife on the ground. I jumped up and hung onto a part of the window next to me. The other hand was unscrewing the screws in the vent. I finally in did it and climbed into the vent. This is the way we'll get out. I put the vent back in and left it unscrewed. I bear crawled my way through the vent. I dropped down into another vent. I heard talking.

"Yeah we're going to get her good" a man said

"We better. He deserves this" a woman said

I kept going and finally reached the room. I put my knife through the vent and unscrewed it. I jumped down. It was barely a jump. No one was in here. I kept the screws unscrewed and opened the door a little. No one was there. I went to the wall and looked over. 5 men were guarding the basement. I started hearing loud banging noises. The guys put their guns up. The door flew open. Meredith came out yelling. She shot lasers at them and they flew back. I quickly went back into the room because I heard more people coming. I waited at the door and heard Meredith yelling for help. I cracked the door and watched a bunch of guys tackle her. She fell to the ground. I wanted to help her, but I couldn't, not now. They took her and I waited till the coast was clear. I walked out of the room and dragged one of the guard in. I shut the door and took his armor off. He was dead. I put his armor on and tried to clean the blood off a little. I took his helmet and put it on. I put the black face shield down. There was a lot of electronic equipment in this helmet. It showed everything. I pulled up the security footage to find Meredith. I finally found her. She was in a glass room. She was tied to a chair. They started putting stuff on her head and shocking her. She was really in pain. I turned it off and left the room. I finally found the little research room that they had her in. Everyone started laughing and left. I watched her through the glass room. I waited for everyone to leave and walked in. I started walking to her.

"Get away before I hurt you" she said gritting her teeth

I stood in front of her. Her eyes were bright red. I lifted my face shield up.

"Meredith" I said.

"Derek" she said as her eyes came back to normal.

"I'm going to get you out of here" I said putting my hands on one of her restraints.

I was trying to loosen it. It wasn't working.

Someone walked in. I put my shield down and tightened her restraints a little.

"Just tightening" I said

"We need to perform more tests" he said

He handed me a remote and I took it.

"What is this" I asked

"To get her blood boiling" he laughed

I pressed the button and Mer started shaking. This was shocking her. She was yelling and wincing in pain. I quickly stopped it. Mer's eyes started turning red again.

"Keep going" he said

I had to do it. I pressed it again and she started crying. I started crying in my helmet. I stopped and the guy started laughing.

"Keep up the good work" he laughed leaving the room

I took my helmet off.

"Meredith I'm so sorry" I said crying

I leaned in and started pecking her lips. She kissed me back and we both were now crying.

"It's okay" she whispered caressing my cheek.

I finally got her restraints off and it stopped all the electric currents that were shocking her minimally. I took everything off of her. I looked at her.

"We're going to get you out of here" I whispered kissing her lips

I made sure it was a long kiss. We pulled away and I put my hand on her cheek. I kissed the top of her head. I put my helmet back on and took her arm. She winced. I looked down at what she winced about. Her veins were glowing green. I put my head up and looked at her with my helmet on. She looked at me. Her eyes started turning red.

"No" I whispered to myself.

She shocked me with her hand. I flew back and my back hit the glass wall. I fell to the ground. I blacked out.

"Derek" I heard her whisper

She kissed me

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to" she cried

I couldn't open my eyes.

"Please wake up. We need to go" she said holding my hand

I started opening my eyes slowly. My helmet was off.

"Mmm" I said

"Derek" she said

I looked at her. She started staring into my eyes. She was thinking about something. I smiled and leaned into her. I kissed her lips.

"Let's go" I whispered

She stood up and helped me up. She handed me my helmet and I put it on. I looked at the glass wall. It was cracked. I grabbed Meredith's hand and put it behind her back. I walked out of the room. We snuck out and I heard a bunch of people. I put my hand up to mer to tell her to stop. Mer kept walking. She walked past me and started zapping everyone. She was going for it. That was so hot. I walked with her and grabbed a gun. We walked through this place, shooting and zapping everyone. I walked out through the front door. I dropped the gun and we started running. We found a taxi and quickly got in. We were going to the airport. There was a lot of traffic. I took my helmet off. I held Mer's hand. I was definitely going to keep this helmet forever. It has amazing technology inside. I held a tighter grip on Mer's hand. I looked at her face and she had cuts all over. I put my finger on her thumb and she winced. I looked at her thumb. It was a big cut and it was infected. She went to my ear.

"They put a tracker in my thumb. I cut it out" she said

I looked at both of my thumbs. I didn't have anything.

"I'm so sorry that I got you into this mess" I whispered tearing up.

"This is what we do together. We are going to stick together through anything" she said leaning in

"Yes we will" I whispered kissing her lips

Kinda like iron mans helmet ig 😭😏 what you gonna do, make a suit?🙄🙄

And a transformer comes down and takes them both out of their cars and eats them

The end..

What if I rlly did end like that BYE 😭😭

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