Chapter 25

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"We aren't practicing" she whispered kissing my lips

I lifted her legs up and wrapped them around my waist. I backed her into the wall and started kissing her neck. She put her hands in the back of my hair. I went deeper into her neck.

"You ready" I whispered

"Yes" she moaned grabbing a grip of my hair.

I slowly slid my member across her and slid in. She moaned as I let her get use to me. I thrusted slowly. I went faster as she got used to me. I put my hand around her throat and hit her head in the back of the wall. I saw her smiling. I tightened my grip and started kissing her lips as I thrusted fast. I let my hand go and put it on her calf. I thrusted harder inside of her and put my hand on the wall next to her. I used my other hand and spread her leg. She started moaning louder. I took my hand off the wall and put it on her other leg. I started bouncing her with my movements. She wrapped her hands around my back. I started slamming into her causing her to scream in pleasure multiple times as I hit her cervix. I started grunting as I thrusted faster inside of her. I felt her walls tighten around my member. I was sweating but the water from the shower was helping a little. I kept my fast and hard movements. She moaned as she released. I released shortly after and let her ride it out. We were both panting. We stood connected for a few seconds. I took her off of me and we both started finishing our shower. I finished first and got out. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist. I put some gel in my wet hair. I walked out of the room and dried myself off. I grabbed some boxers and shorts. I put them on. I put my pink button up and black pants back on. I walked out of the room and grabbed a pot. I put water in it and started boiling it. I put spaghetti noodles in. I grabbed a pan and put marinara sauce and meatballs in it. Meredith walked out with the baby monitor. Lexie was crying. She walked past me and went upstairs. I drained the noodles and grabbed 5 bowls. I mixed the spaghetti, marinara, and meatballs. I poured them into the bowls and grabbed 3 juice boxes. Meredith came down.

"Here" I said handing her a bowl and juice box

I took two of the bowls and juice boxes. We walked upstairs. I went into Bailey and Ellis's room. I have them their food. Meredith gave the other to Zola. We walked back downstairs. She was walking into the bedroom.

"Are you alright" I said noticing her walking weird

"Just a little sore" she said

"I can help" I said

"You've done enough" she said walking into the room

I grabbed my bowl and started eating it. I poured a glass of wine. I started drinking the cup. I poured more. I ate my spaghetti and drank the second glass. I was a little buzzed. I got up and grabbed Meredith's bowl. I walked into the bedroom and she was under the blanket.

"Mer you have to eat" I said walking over to her

I handed her the bowl and she took her fork. She started eating it.

"Thanks" she said

I kissed her head

"I'm sorry for this" I said pointing to her leg

She nodded. I walked out of the room and grabbed the rest of the bottle. I drank more of it. I sat on the couch and laid down. I took sips of the bottle and ended up passing out.

"Derek" she whispered

I felt her touch my cheek

"What" I said sitting up

She had my bottle of wine in her hand

"Come to bed okay" she said

"Mmhm" I said getting up

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