Chapter 8

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Greys spoilers at bottom

I downloaded all the files to the computer, just in case something happened. I spent hours looking through all the videos of DC. They were recording me the whole time in the research lab. I have a bunch of sex tapes I guess. I tried to erase all of that out of my memory. I looked through all the autism and cancer research that I stole. I felt fingers running through my hair. I jumped a little and realized it was meredith. She ran her fingers through my hair and rested her chin on the top of my head.

"Have you been doing this all night" she asked

All night?

"What time is it" I asked

"8am" she said kissing the top of my head and backed up

I turned my chair around.

"I didn't know I was up all night. I lost track" I said

"It's okay keep doing whatever you're doing" she said smiling

She walked out of the room. I decided to take a break and got up. I was dizzy. I looked at the whiskey bottle and it was half gone. I took the flash drive and went over to mer and I's bedroom across the hall downstairs. I walked in and fell on the bed. I immediately fell asleep. I woke up a little later and realized I drooled a lot. Man I had a deep sleep. I wiped my mouth and got into the shower. I took a shower and shaved. I dried off and got myself cleaned up. I put a white button up and khaki pants on. I put my flash drive in my back pocket. It was kind of hot outside. Well it's Australia it's like always hot in the day. I opened the French doors that looked over the beach. We had a patio and I walked out. I could smell the ocean. I looked up in the sky and saw the grey clouds from a little far away. It was going to storm. I saw Mer and the kids playing on the beach.

"Hey" I yelled

Mer turned around to look at me. She smiled and winked at me. I felt straight butterflies in my stomach and couldn't help, but smile.

"It's about to storm" I yelled

She looked up and put her thumb up. I walked inside and closed the French doors. I walked over to the fully stocked fridge. I grabbed salmon and asparagus out. I grabbed potatoes out from the dark closet. Mer told me the kids really like adult food, I was a little surprised, but happy at the same time. I grabbed onions and garlic. I cleaned, shaved, and cut all the potatoes. I boiled a pot of water and threw them in, knowing that they were going to take the longest time to cook. I grabbed a pan and sautéed cut onions and garlic with some lemon juice. I cleaned and cut the asparagus up into little bite sizes. I threw them in the pan and started cooking. I decided to make ginger teriyaki salmon. It wasn't going to take that long so I marinated the cut salmon into the sauce. I turned the asparagus to low and walked outside. It was sprinkling a little bit. I watched the kids start running to me. Meredith was laughing. I bent down and opened my arms. They all ran up the stairs and hugged me.

"Did you guys have fun" I asked smiling

"Yeah" Bailey said

"Mommy's boring" Zola said

I laughed and stood up. They all washed their feet off our side.

"You guys go take a shower and un salt yourselves" I said

"Ok" the kids said walking into the house.

"I'm making lunch" I said to mer as she wiped her feet.

I picked her up

"Derek what are you doing" she laughed

I took her inside and shut the door. I put her back down.

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